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How do I save my Premiere Team Project to an external hard drive?

Community Beginner ,
May 15, 2018 May 15, 2018

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I want to maintain a backup on an external hard drive, but the "save as" feature will not permit this.

Have searched the forums and no answer to this question.

Any help is appreciated.


How to




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , May 17, 2018 May 17, 2018

If you would like to make a backup of the team project to a local drive, the best way to do this is through Edit // Team project // Convert Team Project to Project.  You can save a local premiere pro project this way.  

Just to expand on this question a bit further and I have had a ton of coffee, you might want to take a look at the media browser.  Within the media browser, we do save versions of the team project with every share that you, or another user performs. 

To take a look at this --

1) G



Community Expert ,
May 15, 2018 May 15, 2018

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You should be able to just copy the folder on your computers internal drive with your Premiere file and all the footage and graphics to the external drive. That would give you a back up and you should be able to open the project from the external drive.




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Adobe Employee ,
May 17, 2018 May 17, 2018

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If you would like to make a backup of the team project to a local drive, the best way to do this is through Edit // Team project // Convert Team Project to Project.  You can save a local premiere pro project this way.  

Just to expand on this question a bit further and I have had a ton of coffee, you might want to take a look at the media browser.  Within the media browser, we do save versions of the team project with every share that you, or another user performs. 

To take a look at this --

1) Go to your Media Browser window, 

2) Select the creative cloud // team project versions (make sure you have the version tab selected)

3) Select your team project that you are working on.

4) Look at the slider on the right hand side, this is a record of all the shares being perfomed.  From here, you can create new team projects from previous versions.

There is a lot of things you can do here.  Like drag and drop a previous version of the timeline to a new project.  It will also grab all associated media with that timeline to the new project.

Hope this is helpful.





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Community Beginner ,
May 17, 2018 May 17, 2018

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Thank you!!!

That worked.

Sorry I could not figure it out on my own. Kept doing a "save as" but all I got was another version on the Team Projects cloud.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 24, 2021 Mar 24, 2021

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Nate Thanks for the reply, go to know about versions. I have another problem related to saves with Team Project. my "/Users/Tyson/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Team Projects Local Hub" Folder is taking up 300gb of my 1tb SSD... Can I clean this up???




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Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2020 May 23, 2020

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Nate, employee of Adobe,

In the editor's bible, the first commandment is SAVE.

The 2nd commandment is SAVE. The 3rd commandment is SAVE.

As a film editor of over 25 years, i cannot sleep at night unless i know my project file is safely saved on my local drive.

This is our insurance policy. After every edit, SAVE. Millions and millions of dollars would have been lost in the film making process if we didn't follow this number one commandment in the editors bible. But Adobe for what ever reason, decided to ignore this fundamental process in its work flow on Team Projects. I fear that the designers of such software are not editors or film makers and are committing a great sacrilege. I am aware of the ability to convert a Team Project back to a regular tried and tested project. And that can be saved to ones local drive. But then if one is to follow the work flow that all editors have religiously followed since the advent of non linear editing on computers, then we would need to convert this Premiere Project file on our desk top back to a Team Project after every SAVE AS... This way we know that all the work is saved and not blindly rely on Adobe Cloud to look after, protect and insure that all the work is saved.  Thousands and thousands of edit decisions, and in a professional capacity, those decisions costing tens of thousands of dollars. And the designers at Adobe, think it's ok to have Adobe Cloud look after our work up there somewhere.  

Are Adobe also taking financial responsibility for any work lost? I fear if they did, the law suits would put Adobe out of business. Come on guys. Back to the drawing board or what ! Team projects is a bad design. A design that is in it's infancy and are using us editors and film makes as guinea pigs, so as we fail and lose our work, our hard earned money and our jobs,  Adobe can use our misfortune to better their products.  Team projects is a design that should not yet be out in the market place, until they get it right. 





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