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Premiere Teamproject Synch is SUCK!

Explorer ,
Nov 07, 2022 Nov 07, 2022

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Adobe sucks, we can't post on team projects thanks to your new update. My client cannot access their content and I cannot share it with him because the share button does not appear. I feel like I'm paying you for nothing. We are unable to deliver on most of your promises. Please do your job properly! Monopolization does not mean that your company will survive forever.


â–ˆ Edit > Team Project > Get Last Changes [Not appearing]

â–ˆ Edit > Team Project > Share my Changes [Not Appearing]


:((:(:(:(:(:((:((:(:(::(:(                                  😠



[Moderator note: moved to appropriate forum.]

We haven't time because world is rush to end.
Error or problem






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 08, 2022 Nov 08, 2022

Dear Rational Observer - 

Thanks for taking the time to share your frustrations with us. I do apologize if your experience hasn't been great. Let's work together so we can understand your particular failure scenario and get you being productive again. The general issue you have described is not a wide-spread event, so any additional details you can share about what is transpiring on your systems will help us identify and resolve it.


Please reach out to me directly at your convenience. I'd like




Contributor ,
Nov 07, 2022 Nov 07, 2022

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I have a neutral question : Did all work good before? before an update .. you check that all goes well? You have a backup? you never back up in the middle of a project, only when you have a blocking bug that is resolved? have you followed any of this ground rules or you just pushed the upgrade button.. Next thing is : you can post herea lot, but just be polite. By starting to tell Adobe that they suck doesnt make anybody excited to start looking at youre issues. And no i not work for Adobe and yes i have issues on Adobe, but to be honest Avids has issues, FCPX has issues, Davinci has issues.. they all have issues... Thats why you always look at the ground rules.. But thats my neutral way of being a system expert vor many years. (ps this is same for OSX , windows upgrades even Nvidea upgrades)





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Explorer ,
Nov 08, 2022 Nov 08, 2022

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This is so frustrating dude. These types of updates disrupt the workflow. You know how important customer satisfaction is. Adobe should likewise be open to development in these updates. Shouldn't the company have to test it again and again and pay attention to all the details in such important updates? Dude, we pay monthly. Previously, you had a license with a one-time payment. If customer satisfaction is the most important condition, shouldn't Adobe show the same sensitivity? so we are adobe customers too and we want to get our money's worth, man.

We haven't time because world is rush to end.





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Contributor ,
Nov 08, 2022 Nov 08, 2022

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I been in the business for i think 25y now, been a master trainer for several editing programs. And i am now head editing(technically) of a broadcaster with about 400 editors.

Adobe does test, long and a lot. but there some many variables in total that you can not fix them all.

And you frustrated i get it : but again: did you follow the main basic rules ? you test in advance? so youre specific pc setup, driver, Windows, internet connection and so on works for the update ? Second : why you updated? because you liked? because of blocking bugs? If you update because you just like to update then you will have loads issues in future. I give example : we had issue, because Nvidea driver was not good.. is that Nvidea mistake? windows? or Adobe ? We have AJA playback issues. but looks now that it is the network together with adobe that gives issue.. but Adobe told me we can only test as much storages as we have, we can not buy them all . So we have a specific issue in a specific environement, they can never counter these things. If you want in this community to get somewhere, you post this as a good case. you say what you run hardware software. And explain step by step what you do and where you get error again and again. If you can not reproduce it always then it is hard for a developer to try to reproduce ont here "special" test versions and systems. Thats the problem. i had a call .. issues with dragging bin from place to place : been trying for days now.. cant make it fail, but the editor had several times.. so how can adobe solve this if i not point them to a reproducable case.  So my advice : updates: ALWAYS look out and never do because there is an update, have a reason. Of you have bug reprort it as accurate as possible. so engineers can have a look if they can force the issue too ..





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Nov 08, 2022 Nov 08, 2022

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I'm with Neckebba on this.


One simply DOES NOT jump into a new major version without testing in pro work. Period. And with the CC process, that's easy to do. Make sure you do NOT allow the CC Deskstop app to remove the previsous version, install the new major version, and TEST.


After it shows that it works, then start migrating projects into it. Long considered the proper way for pro workflows. Jumping into a new anything without testing ... I simply don't understand.


Monopolization? With Avid, Resolve, and FCP? Not at all.


Also, Adobe does massive amounts of testing, including the public beta program. But the incredible amount of variables that can affect these complex apps are enormous. And totally unpredictable.







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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 08, 2022 Nov 08, 2022

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Dear Rational Observer - 

Thanks for taking the time to share your frustrations with us. I do apologize if your experience hasn't been great. Let's work together so we can understand your particular failure scenario and get you being productive again. The general issue you have described is not a wide-spread event, so any additional details you can share about what is transpiring on your systems will help us identify and resolve it.


Please reach out to me directly at your convenience. I'd like to set up some live calls with you, me and my team so we can resolve this with you.


I can be reached at mgoshey@adobe.com 


Looking forward to learning more about the problems you are running into and more importantly, resolving these.



Michael Goshey


Sr. Engineering Manager

DVA Collaborative Video Workflows






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