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Adobe Addict?

Mentor ,
Feb 11, 2018 Feb 11, 2018

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For several weeks now I have questioned if it is time to step aside and regroup/recenter one's self so that can be more productive and intuitive on the forums- i.e. ACP and prerelease. Having been here for couple of years but longer on PR I know that I can often look for other avenues of inspiration that pertains to what I feel that I am addicted to---- Adobe stuff.

Seems that we all come to an avenue that feeds our creative insight and sometimes we need to take another road at least for inspiration and revitalization. Just curious to know how others treat this venue.

Creativity can take many avenues of mental process and I find myself on that road now so just wish to know how others balance all that I call Adobe Addiction!






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Community Expert ,
Feb 11, 2018 Feb 11, 2018

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A major issue for me Kat, is that the forums tend to fulfill my addiction to all things Adobe, and that stifles my output of original content.  Chuck manages to keep a steady output to Behance, and people like Nancy, but in her case, she is working and has to.   I am also strongly invested in my local Menz Shed where I am the secretary, and able to make stuff.  When I took early retirement from Ford Research aged 54 and moved to New Zealand, I couldn't believe my luck, but I missed access to a workshop.  I now have all the engineering machines, plus a fully equipped wood shop.  Of course, most of my output is computer related, so it comes back to Adobe products. 

If I ever get my phantom new computer, I am going to _try_ and discipline myself into producing more original content.  Spend more time on Lynda.com and explore other apps like Fuse that we were talking about earlier today.   PR is a mixed bag.  I am not always sure what is 'out there' or restricted to PR versions.  You have to be careful with screen shots, and I was finding it a problem regards third party plug-ins till the penny dropped regards the Common folder hierarchy where we can install plugins and not have to reinstall with each new PR Photoshop version. 





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Mentor ,
Feb 11, 2018 Feb 11, 2018

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Thanks Dennis,,,, I concur with what you state. I recently downloaded a major 3D program to test. Haven't installed yet as other issue need to be addressed. Adobe keeps me engaged is so many ways but the avenue of my vision is not always fulfilled and that is my issue.

Keeping connected is one thing I wish to do but need a balance for this helps me to be a better tester and communicator and right now I don't feel the balance. Not sure just how to accomplish this so thus my question.





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Community Expert ,
Feb 11, 2018 Feb 11, 2018

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This is the sort of area that Brian might have some input on.  A bit like Nancy, Brian _has_ to balance his forum time with more productive use of his time, which is probably why we see a lot less of him that a lot of other forum regulars.  Actually, that is a flawed assumption, as I have no idea how much time Brian spends on forums I never visit. 





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Advocate ,
Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

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Trevor.Dennis  wrote

A bit like Nancy, Brian _has_ to balance his forum time with more productive use of his time, which is probably why we see a lot less of him that a lot of other forum regulars.

That's 100% correct Trevor. Janet & I are insanely busy. But interacting with Adobe subscribers is much like being in the college classroom.

If you leave the classroom, and you're not in the field, something is lost. Reaching out and working with people, one-on-one keeps us in the game.





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Mentor ,
Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

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but...  this is work but fulfilling in major way, I agree. I also have been in the Adobe arena for zillion years. Seen the move from just a type developer (yep- who remembers those days?) to a major MAJOR creative developer of software that continues to reave the mind to parts unknown. I know I have been on this journey and without all the advancements in this company my creative career would never have been as mind explosive. The avenues that all this has carried many of us here cannot be ignored or even explained in terms for we each have found our way through this glorious maze.

Balance- that is what I wish to know from others as to how you do not get totally engulfed in this wondrous world. Hours spent working the forums, hours spent testing 14+ prerelease programs... yes taking walks in my woods is part of my answer BUT where is my mind- back on the forums... I dream the forums, I go to bed thinking of remarks that I need to voice...

SO there has to be time to tune out- so how do you do this? Adobe addiction 101...





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Community Expert ,
Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

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I don't know, Trevor, I feel I'm slowing down with all the stuff I do for Adobe. I do tend to do an occasional image, but nothing like I used to do. I do have lots of ideas, but just need to sit down and do them. Just so much other stuff that get in the way. After 30 years of taking photos of satellites and launches, I'm now living close enough to Vandenberg to see the launches from my house. So I've been having fun trying different things in shooting launches, like this.

spacex 1200.jpg





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Community Expert ,
Feb 13, 2018 Feb 13, 2018

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Considering all the thousands of people who photographed the Space X launch Chuck, I've not seen any other pictures that come close to your's, and that Includes Russell Brown.  I think Russell also stitched multiple shots together, but what might be more interesting is that he took his shots with his phone!   Since I was forced to replace my old iPhone 5S with an 8 Plus, I have been amazed at how good the camera is.  I think it is going to be the only camera I take on our UK trip in May — it is wonderful being freed of carrying a big camera about when you are supposed to be relaxing on holiday.





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Community Expert ,
Feb 13, 2018 Feb 13, 2018

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Yea, Russell was much closer, on the road that splits Vandenberg's north and south bases. You get the big rumble there, which is impressive. I had been talking with him about getting him out here to see a launch - sending him launch schedules.





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Engaged ,
Feb 16, 2018 Feb 16, 2018

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That is a really nice photo Chuck. At this time in my life I'm just now really getting into Photography but only for personal pleasure not professional by any means. I just purchased my first entry level DSLR Camera a Canon EOS Rebel T6. Anemic by most higher end standards but something I can learn on.

I just watched a YouTube video discussing the major camera manufacturers seeing the writing on the wall as they say and the death of the dedicated camera as it's traditionally been known eclipsed by cell phone cameras and their amazing quality photography capabilities. Although I don't believe it myself, these companies (Canon, Nikon, Sony, et, al.) are sitting on a razor's edge as what to do now. Canon has cut their camera R&D to 30% and increased budgets in other divisions hedging their bet. I myself believe even with all that a cell phone can do they still can't match what a high end camera can coupled with a spectacular lens for long shots and macro. Some lens cost upwards of thousands of dollars.

My apologies for side-tracking the original discussion.

Oh yes one more thing; could you please post what type of camera and lens you used to take this picture. Heaven forbid you used a cell phone because you will have negated my new purchase and left me broken hearted.

What's your take on all this hubbub.





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Feb 16, 2018 Feb 16, 2018

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I used an Nikon D810 with a 17-35mm lens. I can't see using cell phones. I use mine for a lot of stuff, but for anything serious, I need my DSLR, the cell phones, just don't cut it.





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Advocate ,
Feb 11, 2018 Feb 11, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Kat+Gilbert  wrote

For several weeks now I have questioned if it is time to step aside and regroup/recenter one's self so that can be more productive and intuitive on the forums- i.e. ACP and prerelease.

I'm not sure "step aside" and "regroup/recenter" should be tied together.

Let me say that you are not alone in these concerns. Janet & I had a series of emails, this year, privately voicing concern about ACP and PR. We're not hearing from anyone who is unhappy with the programs. There's just some introspective exploration about whether some people feel they are useful to the programs. (All of which came as a surprise to us).

What's the problem?

Some well-known names in PR/ACP have areas they excel in. Adobe PR has not always done much of anything (and for some cycles, absolutely nothing) in those areas. So, these people sometimes don't have anything to do in PR. Then, if they search the forums daily, they find absolutely no questions or discussion which pertain to their expertise. That makes sense. If Adobe has no new features, in their specialty, why would there be questions or discussion?

Janet & I prefer ongoing stimulus from prerelease. Back in the CS3 PR cycle we'd wake up to cool new ideas every morning, in our email boxes. CS4 just kept it rolling. The world economy got a bit rocky the month CS4 was released. CS5 and CS5.5 took some time to evolve. We remember some dazzling CS6 roadmaps from all teams.

The way cycles work, now, that excitement isn't always to be found, so we have to keep things in balance. The way some teams are doing the roadmap Connect sessions are helpful to keep us tuned into where things are going.

Bottom line we just kind of go with wherever Adobe takes things.

As far as ACP is concerned Janet & I remain energized. Admittedly, we've had some rough spots a few weeks ago. and needed to step back and do that regrouping you speak of, Kat. Fortunately, Tricia contacted us, offline, with some cool ideas to ponder. She re-sparked our interest. We are still processing how we can find fresh inspiration, but it's starting to come together.

What to do, Kat? (And, anyone else pondering these questions).

We'd suggest you take some time to breathe, step back, rethink. Reach out to your colleagues. Get feedback. There's no lack of cool stuff to do with the CC apps. You're coming up on 5 years in ACP and I think 9 or 10 in PR? Isn't it time to find some fresh inspiration?





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Community Expert ,
Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

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Well, my problem is the exact opposite. I don't have time to participate as much in the forums as I would like to. Having to leave follow-ups hanging is the most obvious problem, but there's a more subtle one:

I've always felt that I've learned as much as taught. Even the simplest questions may require that you step back and rethink what you thought you knew, and putting together a reply always requires getting the concepts straight in your head first.

In short, the more you participate, the more interesting it gets. You know what they say about 1% inspiration and 99% sweat.

Anyway, I use this software to make a living, so I don't have a choice. My area of expertise is whatever the job dictates it should be, and I make sure to educate myself wherever needed. For that, the forums isn't a bad place to be.





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Advocate ,
Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/D+Fosse  wrote

I've always felt that I've learned as much as taught.

That's one of the drivers to higher education.

Some of the bright minds are sitting in the desks. In a great classroom (even an electronic one) everyone has something to share.





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