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Adobe and the Facebook boycott

New Here ,
Jun 26, 2020 Jun 26, 2020

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Good day! I called into Adobe support and was directed to this community forum to ask my question. If htis is not the correct place for this, than I apologize! I am hoping for an honest and civil answer. I am genuinely concerned, and would like clarification. I saw that Adobe was included in a list of companies that were boycotting Facebook until conservatives were removed or de-platformed. I'd like to know if this is accurate and true? If so, I am deeply concerned and terribly confused. I have been a graphic designer for over 20 years. The first Adobe product I purchased was Aldus Pagemaker. While the commercial printing world that surrounded me, enthusiastically used Quark, I confidently stuck with Pagemaker. As I grew as a designer and could afford more design products, my go-to software was Adobe and Adobe products. I happily shelled out my money as new versions of the software became available, and while many designers were unhappy with the decision to go to a subscription-based service, I defended Adobe, and the decision. In all of my experiences over 20 years, my software company has NEVER asked me what my political affiliation was, because it shouldn't matter! I believed they only cared about making the best products on the market for creatives. Being in the business as long as I have, I am well aware that creativity runs through every demographic. It does not discriminate, and some of the best artists and creatives I know do NOT share my political views. It's never effected or interfered with our abilities to collaborate, share ideas, and tips and tricks. I am a Christian, and a conservative and I have been for years. It has NEVER stopped me from contributing to and being a part of the artistic community. If this is true, does this mean that Adobe does not value my business simply because I share a different belief? Am I to be de-platformed and demonized because I do not share Adobe's political philosophy? If so, why? I should be just as valued a customer as any other ... and why on earth would a creative company like Adobe wish to push people into corners and boxes, and further perpetuate this divisive climate we find ourselves in? According to your own website under coorporate responsibility (https://www.adobe.com/about-adobe/fast-facts.html), you claim to "support creators of all ages and backgrounds so they can use their creativity for good, express themselves, and reach their full potential." If Adobe is participating in this boycott, and you truly wish to de-platform conservative creatives like myself, than you are not fulfilling your own mission statement and it should therefore be revised, unless I am mis-reading it. Does "use their creativity for good" mean that creators must only use your software for left-leaning causes? What about the creatives that work for churches, charities, non-profit organizations, prison reform, etc. Are those causes not "good?" Who defines "good". If Adobe believes that conservative causes aren't "good" then they should say so.

I truly hope that Adobe will re-think this boycott. I love Adobe, and I have dedicated years of my life, and plenty of money to support you, and share my knowledge of your products with other creatives. Please tell me that you will continue to support and respect all creatives, regardless of political affiliations, or personal beliefs. As stated before, the common thread we all share (besides being human) is creativity, and creativity does NOT discriminate!

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 29, 2020 Jun 29, 2020

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The space here is provided by Adobe, but this is not a place to talk to Adobe


You need to search and find Adobe's corporate address and communicate there




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Community Expert ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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I saw that Adobe was included in a list of companies that were boycotting Facebook

Where did you saw that?

Isn't it a fake news?

Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe




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Community Expert ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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The first Adobe product I purchased was Aldus Pagemaker.



Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe




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Community Expert ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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Here in the United States:

  • Trump popularity is about the lowest it's ever been. 
  • The State of Mississippi finally took down their racially insensitive state flag. 
  • And Louisiana's anti-abortion law was overturned by the US Supreme Court yesterday. 

It's no wonder the right-wing is feeling more than a little threatened right now. 


#1 Don't believe everything you see on the Internet, Fox News, Tweets or in e-mail propaganda.


#2 Adobe is thick as thieves with Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, etc...  They can't afford to allow their respective interests to be divided by petty politics.  They have much bigger fish to fry.


#3 Facebook doesn't need anyone's permission to cancel an account.  Their terms of service make that clear.



#4 If Facebook decides to pull the plug on suspicious account holders who may be attempting to manipulate elections, good for them.  That's the freaking least they can do after what happened in the Cambridge data scandal.  Mark Zuckerberg and other FB execs can't afford to be in that situation again.




Maybe not a straight answer to your question but hopefully some things to ponder...


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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