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I'm interested to know whether any other user of any Adobe software has been receiving a lot of recent emails, apparently from, almost all of which can only be best described as "Non-Adobe Spam", e.g. offers of prepaid cards (with large funds already loaded), or advertising "NortonLifelock Partner"?
I run Mailwasher Pro to filter my incoming emails and so can "blacklist" (aka block) either the sender or the domain from which the message comes.
This is a problem for the above email sender address because I have received some messages which are clealry genuine and which I want to read, so blocking either sender or domain is not acceptable.
So, has "" been hijacked???
The e-mail samples you provided on February 4 were not sent by Adobe at all. Nor was the Adobe domain or e-mail address been hijacked in any way. Unfortunately, due to the internet e-mail protocols, Adobe cannot prevent anyone from trying to spoof our e-mail address in the From line, but a good spam filter would have recognized these e-mails as spam due to all the inconsistencies in the rest of the header fields.
In terms of the e-mails you got today, without the full
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Please provide some screenshots of what you are seeing. The full e-mail headers would also be helpful. What you are reporting seems exceptionally suspicious and I can forward this information to our legal folks for followup.
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Thanks for this reply.
Using Mailwasher I have extracted ALL the data from two of these emails and copied the header and all html to the two attached documents. (For obvious reasons, I hope, since this is a public forum, I have removed my own email address.)
The actual emails are currently in the Mailwasher Recycle bin; I have never fully opened any of them in my email client so have never read the actual content.
If you want any further information etc. please contact me (I'm sure your records will show my personal email address since it is my Adobe forums login).
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Sorry to be asking about this again but..
I'm still receiving anything between 10 and 20 emails each day, purporting to come from that email address (a very quick check of the "subjects" lists everything from Free Groceries to Gift Cards, etc., etc..). For, I hope, obvious reasons I don't want to block/blacklist that address but it is becoming rather tedious to have to mark each one as Spam; this means they never actually get downloaded to my email client so I never read them but I do have to check each one carefully. Some from that email address are genuine and I want to read and keep them!
I'd be happy to forward at least some of the actual emails to Adobe if that would be helpful; I just need an email address to send them to.
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Sorry to bump this yet again but..
These emails stopped for a couple of days but have now restarted. Is there an email address to which I can forward any one or more of them, for Adobe Legal (or others) to see them?
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>has "" been hijacked???
Probably not... but spoofing the return address is easy (I have even been sent spam that was supposedly from myself) so the full header will allow Dov to provide information to the p-hishing team
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The e-mail samples you provided on February 4 were not sent by Adobe at all. Nor was the Adobe domain or e-mail address been hijacked in any way. Unfortunately, due to the internet e-mail protocols, Adobe cannot prevent anyone from trying to spoof our e-mail address in the From line, but a good spam filter would have recognized these e-mails as spam due to all the inconsistencies in the rest of the header fields.
In terms of the e-mails you got today, without the full set of headers, I cannot ascertain what is going on. E-mails of this form are indeed sent out by Adobe for non-active accounts (i.e., no products registered, no subscriptions, no navigating of the web site). The fact that you logged into these communities should stop those e-mails if they are legitimate. There are links in the screen shots you provided. What happens if you pass your cursor over those links and buttons (not clicking on them). What URL do you get?
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Dov, image copies of links attached.
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Those are indeed valid links to Adobe!
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Thanks Dov! Looks like I was being overly cautious. I still have no idea why I received the Adobe email though, it came out of the blue.
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We are receiving an increasing number of spam emails coming from
Is anyone else experiencing this and is there anyway to block this spam activity but still allow the real content?
Appreciate any guidance, as it sort of links to this thread but not exactly.
Neil 🙂
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This one may be legit, especially if you have named fonts installed. If you hoover the links, and they don't point to something like, they may however be fake. As a precaution, I (almost) never click on links in emails, but visit the websites "on foot".
You can see the message also by visiting the fonts on
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We are receiving an increasing number of spam emails coming from
Is anyone else experiencing this and is there anyway to block this spam activity but still allow the real content?
Appreciate any guidance, as it sort of links to this thread but not exactly.
Neil 🙂
By @Neil23259064ab5x
Those e-mails are not from, as @Dov Isaacs said, those mails should get caught in a good spam filter.
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We have received about 10 of these a day for the past month or so from Viril blue. The reply address is always the same format, a mixed load of letters etc them adobe.mail. We have received so many would anyone be alble to shed any light as to where these may come from. Thanks!
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You need to check the mail headers. They are not from Adobe. Someone is manipulating the header so that it looks like a legitimate mail. A good spam filter catches those mails.
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Gmail filters all that garbage directly into my Spam folder so I never see it.
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Yeah I used to see those emails but not anymore now they just go straight to my junk mail
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I got one of those today too. The tip off was they they sent it to the wrong email address - not the one I use for my work correspondence and log-ins to work-related sites. But I blurred out my non-work email on the attached image:
By @PegDrewThat
That may well be legit, if you have created an Adobe ID under that e-mail. What I do, when getting such mails:
See also here: