How do I change the color of a logo?
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I would like to change the color of a logo.
[EDIT: Title edited by moderator.]
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What application are you using? the Lounge is not for technical help so please let us know so can move to the appropriate forum.
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If it's in Illustrator, just change the fill colors. If it's in Photoshop, there are different ways, but a screenshot would help, so would getting this question in the right forum for more help .
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If the text is in an editable text layer, highlight the text with the text tool - or double click to highlight all the text. Then choose a different colour by clicking on the colour selector in the tool options along the top.
I used it for my Actors Site ,If the text is not on an editable text layer, you could make a selection using the magic wand set to non-contiguous (deselect the contiguous option), then fill it with the required colour using Edit > Fill. Or another method is to use Image > Adjustments > Replace colour. Then sample the colour of the text, and choose a replacement colour.
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It's quite sparse information you give. I think you have to be a bit more specific.
But here is a suggestion.
Optimal solution:
1) Get the logo as an .ai or .svg file and open it in Illustrator
2) Select the (vector) layer containing the logo
3) Change the fill or stroke color to whatever color you have in your swatches panel.
dodgy solution:
1) Open the .jpg or whatever pixel image you have in Photoshop
2) Double click Layer Thumbnail - Layer style menu will open
3) check the box "Color Overlay" if it's a mono color logo.
4) Select the color you want and choose "Overlay" in Blend mode.
If Logo has multiple colors:
1) Choose the Layer thumbnail with the logo
2) click the gradient map in the Adjustment panel
3) choose the colors you need in the properties panel
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I am not OP but this was actually kind of useful! Thanks a ton for this
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Hi Kelsey.
What is your question?
Do you want some advices about color harmony?
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There are several ways to change colors depending on what you are starting with. As Melissa mentions in her response a screen shot or the file itself will be helpful.
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In Illustrator, you can also use Recolor to change the colors in your selected artwork.
Here's a link to the Help file on changing colors in Illustrator.