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If you have Comcast/Xfinity sound problems

Community Expert ,
Apr 13, 2021 Apr 13, 2021

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I noticed that the power woofer on my TV sound system was not working... after connecting a different woofer and still no woof, I decided that the woofer out circuit in my 8+ year old Onkyo receiver/amplifier was no longer working
I had already checked the setup in the Onkyo, and it was still (properly) set to use a woofer (OK... I know it is really called a sub-woofer)
As a last step I checked the setup in the Comcast/Xfinity receiver-DVR... it was showing Stereo, not Dolby 5.1 as I had originally specified, and as soon as I set it back to 5.1 sound my woofer started woofing again
I did a search, and found a comment on a discussion forum that when an update is 'pushed' down the wire, it will **sometimes** make unwanted changes to settings
So my conclusion is that an update changed MY setting from 5.1 sound to Stero... meaning no woof
About as bad as a Windows update meaning the need to go to the vendor site and download a video driver update




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Community Expert ,
Apr 20, 2021 Apr 20, 2021

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Added... the reason why I was checking sound settings was I added a center channel speaker


When we bought & remodeled our house my wife put a library & TV cabinet on the living room wall... I installed a pair of in-wall speakers on either side of the cabinet, but she would not let me cut a hole in the back of the cabinet for a center speaker AND she said no to a black speaker to sit on the shelf... so I just didn't add one for awhile, since the only white center speaker to sit on a shelf that I could find was a very poorly rated one in a plastic housing... when I finally decided to proceed I bought a wall mount speaker and built my own box out of some 1x6 left from another project... now have much richer sound and she even approves of the white speaker box that sits on the shelf above the TV






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