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Hi everyone. So I was going to do a blog on this but decided to put it here on the lounge as I am sure many will have a point of view on the topic
I have worked on 100's of projects as either a director, visual effects artist/supervisor, post supervisor, sound engineer etc. Campaigns included TVC's, feature films, corporate campaigns, internal marketing and social media roll outs.
A large percentage of these were clients that came to me directly and I enjoyed each and every one of these amazing people as I got to chat with them and understand their requirements without having a 3rd party "interpreter".
Which brings me to the creative and ad agencies that my other projects "forced" me to interact wth.
Personally I still need to try and understand the nature of these agencies who are now growing in popularity and who seem to, in my opinion, make every single little line drawn far more complex than it should be, while at the same time charging astronomical rates. I think its the rip off of the century.
Perhaps I am old school (and by this I mean old school in my thinking not my age) and believe "beauty lives in simplicity".
To me A line is a line. Agencies don't call a line a line. They call its a 43 degree slant to horizon extension lol.
As we stand the world is getting far more complex in its nature yet we want to clutter it with even more confusing terminology like:
ATL, BTL, TTL, CPL, CPC, Programmatic Media Buying etc etc etc
I mean CTA (Call to action) is a classic example. A phrase included within an ad, or a graphic element such as a button, which invites the audience to take a certain action. In other words "Press me" lol
If I had my way I would create an agency named "notanagency,com"
I remember a wise old man who said the following to me "An ad agency exists to create brand awareness. But it seems the only brand they push is their own"..."unknown"
Heres my thoughts in a nutshell about what I feel about these agencies
What are your thoughts on this topic....and yes agencies are welcome to chip in at a 23 degree horizontal angle but make sure you don't use the colors of the competitors
You are all hereby officially CTA
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There's a lovely story on the BBC news site today:
BBC - Travel - The last film poster painter of Taiwan
Go to the story so you can see the image below full screen. It struck me how much this man has achieved with what must be some very fast and simple brush work, because he does several of these giant movie posters in a day. What makes this all the more impressive is that the artist has failing eyesight. He has peripheral vision, but straight ahead is blurred. Is that macular degeneration?
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Brilliant. And simple. I love it
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Is that macular degeneration?
Yes it is
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I love this comedy sketch.
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Copied wrote
I love this comedy sketch.
Because of the kitten reference?
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What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Just ignore it.
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Oh if it were this simple we would be living in a far less sterile world.
For some strange reason corporates love giving money away unnecessarily to agencies.
Change a line color : $2500
Change the angle : @1850
Export in a new format : $3000
Its so ludicrous I can't help but laugh.
The sad part is that the truly creative minds get left behind.
And are pretty much forced to join these agencies to earn a living.
If they go it alone...bread and peanut butter for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a few years.
You guys have seen the Apple "Think Different" campaign I'm sure.
Basically a series of vid clips of great leaders and those who made a change strung together with a voiceover and some emotionally charged music.
Cost to Apple by the agency? A small fortune
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Hahahaha Nancy you made my day. This sketch sums it all up.
I have to share the vid with everyone I know. Brilliant
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I love the expert... had more than a few of those meetings myself
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Sums it all up perfectly. The cat reference just happened to be there Nancy OShea​
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Mo, the cartoon is missing:
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Trevor.Dennis​ You hit on the head Trevor.
Can anyone tell me how people get away with this?
Am I missing something?
Its as much a mystery to me as the Bermuda Triangle (excuse the triangle pun)
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HahahahaPeru u just made my day