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where is it coming from [branched and renamed]

New Here ,
Sep 06, 2023 Sep 06, 2023

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Hi hoping for a little bit of help from somebody that knows about video mapping and how to project them onto walls etc..... I have a problem that I have been dealing with.... I have a crazy ex-boyfriend who was really into computers and videos etc...I kicked him out but he has set up something in my bedroom which I cannot find that is playing videos on my walls... When it is daylight or light in my room all you can see is a bunch of pixel static look I guess you'd say on my walls but once you turn the lights off you can see homemade animated videos on my walls and my ceilings and they are sometimes a little bit blurry and hard to track them because of all the movement in them.... And on each wall it's two videos on each wall and it's all the same video playing so two videos on one more two videos on the ceiling to one another two on the floor it's the whole room .... And I can't find what's projecting it...or what he could download onto something to put into something to project the stuff I just don't have a clue but I am going 100% crazy because it's there all day everyday.... I don't know if you could have put something in the smoke detector behind a light switch up in my ceiling light on my TV to project through the TV.... Any insight would be amazing when I say that they're animated videos also it's not like anime but you can tell that the video is there usually of him and another woman sleeping together and you can tell it's in another woman but it's not actually them but they're really realistic looking people







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Community Expert ,
Sep 06, 2023 Sep 06, 2023

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Have you considered moving?  🤔


Small ceiling & wall projectors like the ones used at Halloween are small enough to fit an adult's hand palm.  But they're not tiny enough to fit inside a smoke detector or wall switch. 


More than likely, it's in plain sight on a table, shelf or dresser.  Light travels in straight lines so the projector needs unobstructed access to surfaces.  Now would be a good time to de-clutter everything from the room. 

Eventually you'll find it. 🙂


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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