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Xfinity gateway (modem) upgrade is NOT always simple

Community Expert ,
Dec 28, 2022 Dec 28, 2022

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Note... I learned that a gateway is a modem with a built in router to connect RJ45 computer cables

My 6 year old Cisco DPC3941T Xfinity (Comcast) modem/gateway still works, but since it is now 3 generations old (models XB6-XB7-XB8) it does not have the latest built in security technology... plus it is 'about' half as slow as the latest version

I have ignored past emails from Xfinity offering a no cost trade but this time I decided it was time to retire the old Cisco and install a new box

I made this decision only AFTER I talked to a woman in tech support who said that I could go into the new modem and set the WiFi names to be the same as I already have... So I would not need to go to every WiFi device and do a new setup

To verify this I went into the Cisco... 6 years ago I changed the default password (printed on a label on the box) and changed the passwords for the 2.4 and 5.0 WiFi lines to ones easier to use when adding a WiFi device (such as a cell phone)

I had not changed the WiFi line names, but now see that I could have... so I went to the link in the email and told Xfinity to send me a new modem

New modem arrived... disconnected old one and connected power and data lines... go into new modem on my computer... Browser address ID=admin PW=??? (not saying here)

Things were not working right so I called Xfinity... it seems that gateways, like initial Windows installs, need to have updates sent

After the update(s) were sent and installed and restarted the gateway I was able to go into the 'bios' and change the 2.4/5 WiFi channels to my names and passwords

All WiFi devices are connected and working... Total time about 2 hours (Internet download speed is now 933 -vs- the 'about' half that with the Cisco gateway)

The only somewhat 'bad' part is I had to call Xfinity to have the updates SENT to the gateway instead of being able to do the update via a web link (or, at least I didn't find such a link and the Xfinity person didn't say I could do the update myself)






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Community Expert ,
Dec 30, 2022 Dec 30, 2022

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An added benefit of the new gateway


My wife uses her cell phone for just about everything, including sitting in bed (upstairs) to read face book and other internet sites... she is now MUCH happier with the wifi signal from the new gateway





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Community Expert ,
Jan 01, 2023 Jan 01, 2023

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Every time I had to get a new router for a Spectrum account, I always had to call them to activate it, even though I was told that I could do it online. 





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Community Expert ,
Jan 01, 2023 Jan 01, 2023

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As long as Comcast-now-Xfinity has been in business you would think they would have figured out how to make the process easier


I just replaced my old/smaller cell phone on Tracfone... account transfer to new phone required visiting one link online to enter old/new information then wait about an hour for the process to complete 'there' and send a signal to my new phone 'here' and my new phone was active





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