The FDK tools actually have a lot to say about this font. 'checkOutlines' reports many serious problems - wrong path direction, intersections, overlaps, coincident points and paths, and more!. However, the 'tx' tool can resterize this font (see 'tx -bc -h' for help on using tx to show glyphs). Since the tx tool contains the main Adobe rasterizer, the outline errors are not likely to be the source of the problem. The 'comapreFamily" tool reports many significant problems. Two are fatal problems, and alone could account for the font not loading under Windows XP. One is that the PostScript name reported in the 'name' table is not the same as the real PostScript name in the CFF font table. the other is that head table fontRevision is 1.0. CFF rasterizers from early in the OpenType era will often reject OpenType CFF fonts with a version of 1.0 or less. I forget whether Widows XP still does this, but it is worth checking as a possible fatal error. The most significant non-fatal error is that the head table reports the em-square as being 2048, and the design suggests that this is correct, but the CFF Font matrix is he default, which is 1000. This will cause the glyphs to rasterize at about double the intended point size. Finally, not all apps and OS's are fully supportive of CID-keyed CFF tables designed for a non-CJK system, such as this font. Some environments just assume that such are CJK fonts, and won't load them if they are missing a vmtx table and some glyphs in a CJK Unicode block. However, this wouldn't be a problem with just Windows XP and Wordpad.
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