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Adobe Sonata font in EPS files shows up in Word but not in InDesign (Mac Mavericks)

New Here ,
Jul 18, 2016 Jul 18, 2016

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EPS files using the Sonata font read correctly when inserted into MS Word files, and the EPS files can be read directly from the Mavericks Desktop with no problem. InDesign, however, says that the Sonata font is missing; FontBook can't open it either. Rather the file simply doesn't appear in lists of available fonts in either InDesign or FontBook.

Is the font file corrupt? If so, why does it work fine when viewed through Word or through the Desktop?

I am bewildered, and would appreciate any advice...






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Community Expert ,
Aug 20, 2016 Aug 20, 2016

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  1. I suspect that you try this on the same computer, I think the font is not embedded in the EPS.
  2. Don't use EPS anymore, as it is an old outdated file type.
  3. If the EPS was created with Illustrator, open it on the computer where the font is available and save it as PDF/X-4 and as AI file. Use those for InDesign, never use EPS for InDesign.
  4. If the EPS was created in a different application than Illustrator, create a joboption in the Distiller where no downsampling or image compression is turned on and all fonts are embedded and convert it to a PDF. Use that instead of the EPS.





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