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Arno Pro problem with font stylename in InDesign CS4 paragraph styles

Explorer ,
Nov 04, 2010 Nov 04, 2010

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I'm using the  Arno Pro type family for a book in InDesign CS4 - the font came free with CS3. There's a weird issue with the font name in paragraph styles.

I define a body text paragraph style with Arno Pro regular as the font, but when I click Edit Style and the Paragraph Style Options box opens up, in the General settings, you normally get a text listing of all of that style's attributes. However, with Arno Pro as the base font, this dialog lists only the font size, leading, and all other settings, but NOT THE FONT NAME. For all other fonts, this "Style Settings:" box includes the font name as well as other specs. The reason this is a problem is that I have two Indesign CS4 documents with the same styles in them. Yet, when I copy some body text from one file and paste it into the other, the text picks up Times TT as its font.

I believe there is something screwy about the way Arno Pro assigns its font names, and I even think I read that Adobe has since upgraded the font, but I can't find a way to get the upgrade without purchasing the font.

This is a rather weird problem I've never seen anywhere before. If I open the Edit Style dialog and select Basic Character Formats, everything looks fine. The Arno Pro Regular is selected. But that Style Settings dialog omits the font name.

Has this happened to anyone else? I'm using OSX 10.6.4 on a MacPro Intel. Another designer who's working on the book with me in another location is experiencing the exact same problem, so that should rule out my machine as the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 08, 2010 Nov 08, 2010

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The font name shows up for me (see screenshot). The font version is 1.011 and the InDesign version is 6.0.6 (CS4).






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