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Different types of same font not showing in premier or after effects

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May 02, 2023 May 02, 2023

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I've had the same issue for over a month now which is an issue i've never experienced before and can't work out why it's happening.


When I instll a font (not adobe) - my font installer asks me to "keep both" "replace" or "skip" when trying to install different variations such as "bold" "regular" etc..


this never used to happen, but when i select "keep both" it shows in my font installer than i have "5 styles" of the font, but in premier and after effects only the last version installed such as "bold" shows up and I can't see or use the different variations.


It's essential I get this issue fixed asap so any help will be appreciated. All apps in my creative cloud are up to date and I have tried with many different fonts and have uninstalled and re installed them and that doesn't solve the problem either. I work with brands every week and currently having to rely on designers in my team to do any text for me which isn't ideal.


Thank you. 






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Community Expert ,
Feb 19, 2024 Feb 19, 2024

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Hi @Jack23511390qjmg, I'm so sorry that your question here went for so many months without a reply. Are you still experiencing this font problem in After Effects or Premiere Pro? Did you ask in either of those forums in the Community? There are likely newer versions since your post. If the issue is still happening, please let us know which version and what platform (i.e., macOS Sonoma or Windows 10/11) you are using.





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