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Font identification.

Participant ,
Dec 18, 2008 Dec 18, 2008

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Dear members:

I am not sure if this is the right forum to post this question but I couldn't find another one (in Adobe's forum page) that related to fonts so I decided to post my questions here.

I am trying to identify a few fonts. Would it be possible to post a few PNG or JPEG files here with images of these fonts in order to get your help in identifying them ? In case this is possible how would I post an image to this forum ? In case this is not the right place would you please refer me to what would be the right forum to post these questions ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Joseph Chamberlain






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 18, 2008 Dec 18, 2008

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A more suitable Adobe forum is adobe.typography. You can't attach, but
you can upload images to flickr or rapidshare or any number of other
free file hosting sites.

There's also www.whatthefont.com, which leads to both an on-line
automatic identifier and a forum.

At www.identifont.com you answer a series of questions about the font,
and responds with possible matches.

You can also access the usenet goup comp.fonts via google groups,
where you'd also have to upload your samples to a website. There's a
different subset of the font community there.

Typophile.com also has a font identification forum.

- Herb





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