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How can I install Type 1 fonts on PC without ATM?

New Here ,
Oct 07, 2014 Oct 07, 2014

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I have several Adobe Type 1 fonts that I purchased some years ago. Since then, I have had to purchase a new PC running Win7 instead of XP. And Adobe Type Manager is extinct. How can I load these fonts onto my new computer?






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Oct 08, 2014 Oct 08, 2014

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Type 1 font support, including rendering as well as installation and removal of same, has been integrated into Windows since Windows 2000!

Assuming you have the .pfb and the .pfm files for a particular Type 1 font in a the same directory on your system, right click on the .pfm file and one of the options is Install. Clicking that copies both the  .pfb and the .pfm files to the \Windows\Fonts directory and creates the proper Windows Registry entries such that the system recognizes the fonts. You may also find the option Install as shortcut. This option doesn't copy the font files, but rather installs them in-place, effectively a link. This allows you some degree of control of font management control, but you must be careful to keep such font files always available to Windows and you certainly don't want to use this option for fonts stored on servers or external drives.

          - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)





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