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Licencia de las tipografias

New Here ,
Oct 04, 2022 Oct 04, 2022

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quiero saber si las fuentes que descargue mientras tenga la licencia comprada me quedan sirviendo de por vida o solo me dan licencia de usarlas siempre y cuando tenga la licencia activa? es decir: si se me vence la licencia y sigo usando la tipografia premium pierdo la licencia de uso? o queda siendo mia ?

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 09, 2022 Oct 09, 2022

Hi @josue david2643459332lo I see you don't have any replies yet, sorry! I translate your question to English as follows:


Licensing of typographies

I want to know if the fonts I download while I have the purchased license remain serving me for life or only give me license to use them as long as I have the active license? that is: if my license expires and I continue to use the premium typography I lose the license to use? or is it mine?


The general answer is that if your license




Community Expert ,
Oct 09, 2022 Oct 09, 2022

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Hi @josue david2643459332lo I see you don't have any replies yet, sorry! I translate your question to English as follows:


Licensing of typographies

I want to know if the fonts I download while I have the purchased license remain serving me for life or only give me license to use them as long as I have the active license? that is: if my license expires and I continue to use the premium typography I lose the license to use? or is it mine?


The general answer is that if your license expires, you can no longer use the font. This depends on the term of your agreement, so there may be certain allowances. Typically, while the license was active, if you created certain works using the fonts, for example, documents or graphics, and then published those works, the license remains with the life of work. Please note, I am not a lawyer, and you should consult one to be sure.





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