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Myriad Pro font doesn't work on iPhone iOS 7

Apr 25, 2014 Apr 25, 2014

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We purchased the Myriad Pro font from Adobe for use in our mobile applications, web as well in general in our company.  We have used this font successfully for years.  Including in earlier versions of our iPhone and Android applications.  However, with Apple's release of iOS 7 the font itself isn't showing up properly and it is a problem with the font itself.  Apple has changed how this font is being handled or as they may describe it they are no longer correcting for the font in the same way. They no longer handle the "linegap" property "ascender" and "decender" elements the same way.  Though Apple may describe it as they are not correcting for this font as they did previously in earlier iOS versions.  There is more discussion on this webpage and we have even attempted to modify the font ourselves using techniques shown on this webpage with some limited success:


Though we shouldn't be modifying the font ourselves since we aren't experts.  We are requesting a new version of the font which is compatible with iOS 7.  I believe the main difference is that the linegap property isn't supported in the same way on iOS 7 is what I got out of my research however, not being a font expert I don't know what this means.  I

Font we are talking about:


Example screenshot is attached to this post.  This page used to display correctly on iOS 6 and with iOS 7 with absoluetely no code changes the font is getting cutoff on the bottom.  Note this is a font issue not a coding issue.







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Explorer ,
Apr 25, 2014 Apr 25, 2014

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Thanks for reaching out to the Adobe Typekit Team.

There are actually two issues that you have raised - one which is a technical problem and one which is related to licensing:

Regarding the technical problem, thank you for raising this to our attention.  I've brought this up with our designers and we are looking into the matter.  We are not aware of any issue with the Myriad font family, and we are not aware of anything that Apple was doing to "correct" our fonts in the past.  But it certainly bears some investigation.  If we find out anything definitive, I will post about it in this forum.

Which brings us to the licensing issue.  Adobe does not currently have a standardized program which offers embedding licenses for apps in iOS or Android devices.  Our standard End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) does not cover this type of usage, so I would like to discuss this directly with you.  I will contact you outside of the forum to see if we can resolve both problems.

Thanks again,






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Apr 25, 2014 Apr 25, 2014

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Hi Caleb,

Thank you for your response.  It is appreciated that your team is looking at this.

I should point out that other Adobe fonts no longer work on iOS 7 as well. 

Helvetica Neue Condensed is another popular example of a font that doesn't work correctly. 

I think every company with an iOS app out there who uses your fonts would appreciate these problems being corrected.  It is something which is very difficult for someone to fix who doesn't have a font background which I'm sure very few people have.





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Explorer ,
Apr 26, 2014 Apr 26, 2014

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Perhaps I wasn't completely clear with my response, so let me correct a few misconceptions:

1. Adobe doesn't offer a mobile font license at this time, so we aren't under any obligation to make our fonts work when embedded in iOS apps.

2. It is very unlikely that you have a license which allows you to legally use Myriad in your application. You should contact me per my request.

3. While we have Helvetica Neue as part of our Type Library, it is actually owned by Linotype, a Monotype company, and Adobe does not have the rights to license that font to you for mobile application use.  If you are using it, I suggest that you make sure that you have a valid mobile license from Monotype or one of their affiliates.  If you have obtained Helvetica Neue under an Adobe license, then you do NOT have the rights under our End User License Agreement (EULA) to use it in a mobile app.





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