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Old Purchased Fonts

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Feb 05, 2018 Feb 05, 2018

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I purchased a set of fonts from Adobe back in the Pre-CC days, and had a download link to the fonts. However, I recently discovered it no longer works. I contacted Adobe chat support and I was told that this was an issue I had to take to the forums. In the interests of being a good citizen, I am doing that. How do I regain access to a pre-CC font purchase. The purchase and S/N show in my account, but I cannot download the fonts.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Feb 05, 2018 Feb 05, 2018

It is most unfortunate that the Adobe chat support gave you such bad / misleading information. The fact is that there is nothing that anyone who participates in these forums can do to assist you with accessing a product (in this case, a font) that you licensed for Adobe and have actual evidence for having licensed! The participants in these forums, with few exceptions, are users of Adobe products, albeit many exceptionally knowledgeable users, who have no access to the information or access you




Feb 05, 2018 Feb 05, 2018

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It is most unfortunate that the Adobe chat support gave you such bad / misleading information. The fact is that there is nothing that anyone who participates in these forums can do to assist you with accessing a product (in this case, a font) that you licensed for Adobe and have actual evidence for having licensed! The participants in these forums, with few exceptions, are users of Adobe products, albeit many exceptionally knowledgeable users, who have no access to the information or access you need.

I recommend that you contact Adobe Customer Care by phone at +1-800-833-6687 during normal business hours PST (Pacific Standard Time) and speak with a live agent. If the agent claims they can't help, ask for a supervisor. Ultimately you should be able to speak with someone who can arrange for your access to the fonts in question, especially given that you have a record of these in your account!

That having been said, in the general case, it would be very prudent to never assume that something that you purchased in the past that was downloadable at that time will continue to be available for download into the indefinite future. Download and immediately back-up that download and your system. In fact regular, reliable system backups should be part of your standard operating practice. Yes, we know that doing backups and other system maintenance is a PITA, but it is cheap insurance and can save your butt in this and similar situations going forward.

Good luck and let us know when if and when you have success in getting access to those fonts.

          - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)





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