Then we are missing some information. As a general statement, rules of the form:
sub a b c' by c.alt;
are correctly built in the font, and do work. If your experience is that they do not, I can think of only one possiblity: you are running into an bug in conextual substitution in MakeOTF, and older FontLabs. Through InDesign 2.0 and FontLab 4.5, and MakeOTF FDK1.5, these tools interpreted the order of glyphs before the substitution in an order opposite that of the MS tools and programs. (These tools all worked together happily, however. ) The symptom is that rules with more than one glyph in the back-track sequence match in the reverse order. Hence the first rule will match in the context expected, as there is only one glyph in the backtrack sequence; the second rule won't because there are two glyphs. You can quickly test this by building the rule with the order being:
b a 'c by c.alt;
if works in the context "a b c", this is the problem.
For details on this issue, please see the message on this forum, in the archives directory:
"New release of the Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType"
Read Roberts - 10:45pm Mar 10, 2003 Pacific