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Photoshop is not affected by installation or activation/deactivation of fonts.

New Here ,
Aug 27, 2014 Aug 27, 2014

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I want to use HelveticaNeue Light in a psd file. I have tried activating it in Suitcase Fusion 4 and installing it under Windows (Windows 7 Ultimate). I have restarted Photoshop several times and I deleted C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Adobe\TypeSupport as a possible solution. I have no idea what the problem could be.

I even tried searching for fonts that are appearing in the list to see what's the difference compared to other fonts, but I didn't get smarter. I also deleted the preferences.

It just won't appear in the list. I am sure it is a working font because I am using it daily in InDesign.

I know of only 2 ways how Photoshop should be able to see fonts: Installing into the Windows fonts folder or Fonts management software. As far as I know it doesn't have a Fonts folder, like let's say Indesign. But still when deactivating all fonts in Suitcase and checking the Windows fonts folder, I saw that there are fonts in the Photoshop fonts list that are not in the systems folder nor activated in Suitcase. So I guess I am missing something here.

I would appreciate any input.

I am using Photoshop CS5

Suitcase Fusion 4

Windows 7 Ultimate






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