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Place to purchase these fonts?

Engaged ,
Feb 21, 2021 Feb 21, 2021

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I hope this is an appropriate question for the community/forum, but Ive looked everywhere for months and can't figure this out. My wife occassionally uses templett.com. There have been a few fonts that Ive been interested in purchasing, but I have no clue how where to find the fonts, if affordable, or the closest alternative font. The fonts have names on the site, but searches have never produced accurate results on even one of them. I have submitted and inquir to their "contact" support team, but haven't heard back.
Does anyone know any info on this matter? Does anyone know where they get their fonts? Any help would be deeply appreciated!


Font names:

Kingston Sans
Morning Mist

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Feb 24, 2021 Feb 24, 2021

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It is even more complicated than you might think. Anyone can make a font (with suitable skill) and call it what they want. They don't have to sell it. Then, two people might pick the same name for a font. Worse, many fonts that should be sold are given free by font pirates, which could lead you in hot water... and there are probably MILLIONS of fonts.


But if you find the font for sale, it might be the wrong one (one with the same name). A quick Google search throws up at least a dozen ENTIRELY DIFFERENT fonts called Brianna, so always check the font samples. The people who run a template site will have no info on where the fonts were from, if other people made them.... 

There is a Kingston Sans font, free but only for personal use here -- https://fontlot.com/172027/the-kingston-sans-serif-font/








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Engaged ,
Feb 24, 2021 Feb 24, 2021

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Ive come across this a number of times in my searches. And it's exactly as you say. I want to do things the right way for sure... no exceptions on that. But if I can't find "that" specific font, having the next closest legal font type would always be worth looking at. Either way, thank you for the follow up. deeply appreciated.  Sorry for the late response.
Oh and... I think you kind of proved your own point. Ill have to double check with my wife (she has the Templett account) but i don't think thats the same Kingson Sans. That'd be funny. Again, thank you!





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