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Print/displays blank only in place of text (i.e. non printing font)

New Here ,
Nov 20, 2009 Nov 20, 2009

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I have a need in which we need to substitute current text with spaces for a specific line in the document. As this line of text has a unique font and is used in hundreds of documents, Is there any font which can be substituted in place of current font to have just empty space getting printed in place of current glyphs?

All documents printing this text use the same font for this text. These documents are printed using a print processing software which allows to swap the font with another one using the mapping. So thought is to find a solution which allows to space out this text without having to extensively modify all documents. Though for this,a font would be needed which will not print the text but emulate it with blank pixels so that rest of the text of the document doesn't shifts it's relative positioning.

Adobe may have developed such a font though I am not able to find it on web site. Need your help.







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Enthusiast ,
Nov 20, 2009 Nov 20, 2009

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It would of course be possible, for each font ever made, to create a font with the same spacing and kerning but blanks in place of the glyph outlines. That would be a lot of additional fonts.

But that isn't really what you need. You just want this font to not print. Unless you have a colored background built into your document, that is easily done with search and replace. You just want to find everything formatted with this font, and replace it with the same font, but with the text color set to white. Problem solved. This technique will work in any application that allows you to set the color of text, and search and replace based on font, which includes Microsoft Word. (In the search dialog in Word you'd pick the "formatting" option.)

If however you are making PDFs, the text would be invisible but searchable, which might be a problem. However, that would be a problem even if you had a font with no glyph outlines.







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Community Expert ,
Nov 20, 2009 Nov 20, 2009

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I presume you are using justified text.

It may be simpler to cut the text of the line (and copy it somewhere if needed later) and use a double line shift, supplemented by an added spacing, preferably between words rather than characters, to fill the full width of the previous line; this would fake a justification of the line before the empty one.

I am not sure about Worst or the application you are using, but added spacing between words is easily done in WordPerfect. Open Office Writer does not seem to have the option.





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