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Pro Fonts and non Adobe applications

New Here ,
Oct 19, 2008 Oct 19, 2008

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I used to use ATM in Windows XP so that I could use the Multiple Master typefaces. Having downgraded to Vista on my new computer I cannot use ATM and so have had to buy Minion Pro Optical sets. However I cannot use them as I can't get to the small caps and old style figures.

Previously these were in a separate file (the expert file) and I just switched typefaces. Now, in applications like Microsoft Word I cannot do that.

Should I just buy a copy of the old type one (non-optical) faces and install them?






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Oct 19, 2008 Oct 19, 2008

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Unless you have really old copies of Microsoft Office which are not Unicode-compatible, you certainly can get to the alternative characters, but not through normal keystroke techniques you are probably used to. Check the help facility for accessing Unicode characters.

Licensing old Type 1 typefaces makes no sense as they are really obsolete for use with modern applications.

- Dov
- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)





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Explorer ,
Oct 19, 2008 Oct 19, 2008

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For use with really old apps, Gábor Deák Jahn upgraded a utility created by Chas Hedrick that lets you create small caps sets from OT fonts (you can strip out any glyphs you wanted and put them into multiple separate fonts). I have used it many times myself in the past for non-unicode savvy apps:


But check your font licences allow you to do this. I agree with Dov that there's no need to license T1 fonts these days.

And, if you really wanted to, there has been some discussion on how to use MM fonts in Vista. Check Thomas Phinney's blog.





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New Here ,
Oct 19, 2008 Oct 19, 2008

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I had previously read the discussions on how to access MM founts but that is not really the way I want to go, if only because I will still have problems with any new typefaces that I buy (Although TransType may help with the ones I currently have).

I am using Office XP (Word 2002) which is aware of unicode. However I cannot even fidn out what the unicode ranges are for OSF, non proportional OSF, fractions and superscript so I cannot see how to use character map or any of the other tools to get the glyphs (or how to use the utility to stript them into a new file).

I am sure there is smomething simple that I am overlooking (equivalent to not having the computer turned on when complaining about it not working).

If I want to use Minion in my Word document then the only non type one choice I have seems to be the pro files.





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New Here ,
Oct 23, 2008 Oct 23, 2008

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Even if I can work out that the unicode values for the glyphs are, it seems I would still need to strip the old style figures into a separate file to use for things like page numbers and other auto generated content.

Is In Copy usable as a word processor?





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