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Problems with installing Myriad MM with Font Book

New Here ,
May 08, 2014 May 08, 2014

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I have Myriad MM on my Macbook Air running Mavericks OSX 10.9.2. It works fine.

I have validated the font with Font Book, and it says they are all ok.

I have then tried to export the font with Font Book, and it gives me what appears to be a correct folder called "Myriad MM" with a font suitcase called "Myriad MM."

I have copied that folder to the hard drive (Desktop) of my iMac running the same Mavericks OSX 10.9.2.

When I open Font Book and use "Add Fonts" and select the Myriad MM folder I get an Error box for Font Validation that says:

"Problems may have been found with some fonts during validation. Please review the reported problems before continuing."

Under each of the Myriad Mm fonts it says "'FOND' font association usability."

I did a Safe Restart and that did not seem to help.

Any ideas? I need to use this font on my iMac!






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