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I've used Sabon for many years for my correspondence. Beautiful, elegant font. More readable than Adobe Garamond for normal correspondence.
Recently bought a new 2017 iMac running 10.12.6 and Pages 6.2. Sabon shows up perfectly in my documents, but it won't print. It prints some klugy san serif that isn't even proportionally letterspaced. Awful, ugly stuff. I've used Sabon for decades. All worked well up until new computer. Worked perfectly up until 10.11.4 and Pages 5.6.2. My Sabon fonts are Postscript Type 1 fonts gotten from Adobe years ago (1989). Any help?? Do I need a newer or different version of Sabon?
It's ironic that I can copy and paste into a Word document and it prints beautifully. But if I write it in Word it prints the san serif crap.
Makes no difference which printer I use, HP laser of Epson 2200.
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