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Unicode ranges in PS flavoured Opentype fonts?

New Here ,
May 24, 2009 May 24, 2009

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I am facing 2 issues with PS flavoured Opentype (.otf) fonts on Windows XP.

1. CharacterMap displays all unicode ranges in such fonts. It is not able to recognise unicode ranges from font file.

     For TTF font only latin and Gujarati ranges are shown in Charmap.
     For  OTF font Unicode ranges of all languages are show.

2. MS Word 2003 is also not able to find complex script support available in the fonts. I have few fonts for Hindi,Gujarati and other indian scripts for which it does not recognise language support in PS fonts. Both typing and conversion from TTF flavoured native windows indic fonts is an issue.






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May 25, 2009 May 25, 2009

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Where to start…

First, the issues you mention are not related to any Adobe products; neither the fonts nor the environment you describe contain any Adobe components. I'd suggest contacting Microsoft support, or using their usenet forums such as microsoft.public.word.printingfonts at msnews.microsoft.com.

That said, before asking there, you should be aware of the following:

Microsoft Products, including operating systems and applications such as Word (any version), provide very minimal Open Type support. You often have to install specific language support options.

The CharacterMap utility only displays glyphs that have unicode associations within the font. And you may have to change its viewing options (character set and group) to see different parts of each font.

There is an almost infinite amount of variation in the way fonts are internally configured and what they support. The fonts you show in your attached CharMap captures (SuchetaUni?) are unknown to me, from an unknown source, and can't be found via Google. How the two versions were created is very important data. Whatever you can or can't do with them is not necessarily representative of any other font. I see no significant distinctions in what CharMap displays among good versions of TrueType, TrueTypeflavor Opentype, and T1-Flavored Opentype fonts.

- Herb





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