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use font on typekit for Web

New Here ,
Apr 15, 2015 Apr 15, 2015

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I want to use the kozuka gothic pro for a website.


However, the status of 'web availability' seems not to be ready.

Is this because of my account type?

Can I change the icon not to be opaque if I upgrade my account plan?

Or else, whatever your account status is, is it impossible to use such fonts on Typekit?

Plus, I'm just curious why there are fonts on Typekit are only available for Sync or Web.

I'd appreciate any feedback.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Apr 15, 2015 Apr 15, 2015


Thanks for your interest in Typekit. Typekit web font serving does not support Japanese fonts at this time, so are not able to offer Kozuka Gothic Pro for web use.  Adding and serving fonts that support the Japanese language is a unique challenge that we’re eager to tackle; any progress in that area will be announced on the blog (blog.typekit.com) and twitter (@typekit).

In the meantime, Adobe’s Source Han Sans can be used on the web under the terms of its open source license:

The Typekit Blog | Introducing Source Han Sans: An open source Pan-CJK typeface




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 15, 2015 Apr 15, 2015

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Thanks for your interest in Typekit. Typekit web font serving does not support Japanese fonts at this time, so are not able to offer Kozuka Gothic Pro for web use.  Adding and serving fonts that support the Japanese language is a unique challenge that we’re eager to tackle; any progress in that area will be announced on the blog (blog.typekit.com) and twitter (@typekit).

In the meantime, Adobe’s Source Han Sans can be used on the web under the terms of its open source license:

The Typekit Blog | Introducing Source Han Sans: An open source Pan-CJK typeface

> I'm just curious why there are fonts on Typekit are only available for Sync or Web.

The differences are due to the font licensing. Some foundries or designers have chosen to only make the fonts available for web use via Typekit at this time, while others have licensed their fonts for both web and sync. 

We are continuing to license fonts from our foundry partners for sync as we move forward. If you need a particular weight of a font that is not available to sync from Typekit, you can likely purchase a license directly from the foundry.

Adobe Typekit Help: Fonts that aren't available for sync

I hope that this helps! Let us me know if you have any other questions, either here or by email at support@typekit.com.  Best,

-- liz





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