Community Expert
Community Expert
Nov 27, 2016
03:49 PM
I've created animated & looping GIFs by exporting QuickTimes from Photoshop, but I'm surprised that it's not available from AME, Ae or An.
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Nov 15, 2016
10:51 AM
1 Upvote
Where are you / your group location / group name? Unfortunately, the worldwide (groups.adobe.com) directory page is no longer active. Adobe User Groups are alive and well. Some of the links online have been consolidated to give communities a more unified resource. User group managers are actively trying to put events into the Community Events pages. The conversion will take a little time, but it can be an active reminder for everyone. Note: Groups without notable user/community support have been rotated out of an official list for now. Ko User group member / Hollywood CA In Los Angeles? Come hang out. Here are some snaps from our last meetup ~ October 2016 Twitter: @dmala
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Aug 09, 2016
11:01 PM
Use versions and backups. I tell my students: Disk space is cheap, good work isn't. Incremental Saves, auto-save, cloud save.
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Aug 09, 2016
10:51 PM
Basecamp is a good one I use it with my students often. For work and bigger teams, I prefer Asana.
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Jun 28, 2016
09:20 AM
❤️ love for Sandee. But no love for the confusion the Spark series is doing for users. I've been campaigning for a forum here, and now I have Sandee's help! History: When Spark (Slate / Voice) started, the forums were quarantined in the Photoshop Family (Get Satisfaction) forums. We'll get you help tho. Recently active topics in Photoshop Family about Adobe Slate While there's no Adobe Help community forum, per se, there is a support forum/thread that attempts to help in a (?)similar way. You can get there through the Spark Site - Adobe Spark | Videos, images and stories made in minutes 1. Open the Hamburger 2. You are probably logged in (?) / log in 03. Find the help subject you need, or ADD A POST 04. When you request help, it just gets thrown onto a date/vote sorted pile, just like it was in Photoshop Family. However, you might be able to see some other related articles there that might help? And if you can't find it there - come back... Sandee and I will be here!!
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Jun 18, 2016
10:28 PM
1 Upvote
Maybe too simplistic, but Spark is definitely the easiest audio/video app that Adobe makes: And you can do it all on you iPad/iPhone. You can switch between 12 different typefaces, but if you need more than that, you might consider setting the type in something other than Spark, then use it as an image card. Adobe Spark Video | Animated videos made in minutes
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Feb 25, 2016
12:27 PM
This discussion has been moved to Illustrator - but you may want to check out the Illustrator Scripting forums more specifically! Good luck - I look forward to what you come up with.
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Feb 23, 2016
06:03 PM
are you trying to solve for the volume of the illustration? There is a script for Adobe illustrator for length of path and area. How would you solve it otherwise with vector illustrations?
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Nov 12, 2015
05:39 PM
Oddly - it asked me to update my "nickname" using my Teams login. I could not cancel away from it. It could likely be cookies stored from the main adobe site. Thanks Dave
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Nov 11, 2015
10:19 PM
I am really having fun with Adobe Slate. And now that it's on a browser as well, even better - but how can projects be shared between the iPad and browser?
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Nov 11, 2015
09:55 PM
Here's a little information about your CC Teams vs. Personal CC account. 1. I'm logged into my CC Team account at the studio 2. I go online and log into my personal account to write in Communities. 3. When I tried to write up a comment, Communities sees me for my CCTeams login and not for the Adobe login I used on Chrome. Just strange. Thought I'd post it, and see if anyone else using CC Teams has experienced the same. -Ko
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Nov 11, 2015
06:06 PM
I remember that Adobe used to have mix/match box sets. It was always a better deal to get the "Master" Suite. same continues. Today, checking the PLANS site: https://creative.adobe.com/plans The price is under $40/all apps. Even at a discounted price of $10/each app, your 4 apps = $40. I'm pretty sure the mobile apps are free.(?) Would you use Edge family or Acrobat DC?
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Oct 19, 2015
10:04 AM
When you're not watching your favorite video game broadcast on TWITCH, are you watching/broadcasting about Adobe? Adobe is: Adobe Twitch Channel / LIVE Plus - WHAT'S YOUR HANDLE ON TWITCH? promote your channel here
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Oct 18, 2015
08:28 PM
In addition to the website, can you give an example of the applications you might have open at the time? I just read this question, and realized that I may have had a similar issue. I am running Win 8, and had Premiere Pro CC 2014 open. I reconfigured the audio hardware / output I couldn't hear YouTube (but I could hear Spotify) ? I had Spotify launched before I opened Premiere Pro. I will try to run a test to: - Update to PremierePro CC 2015 - Change the audio mapping - Launch Youtube before Pr. I don't have this issue on my macbook pro.
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Oct 18, 2015
08:23 PM
If you're having problems with PremierePro and El Capitan, please check out the fix updates as they are posted on the PremierePro forums. OS X 10.10.4 update should fix it. hth Ko
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Sep 23, 2015
11:22 PM
tthat forum isn't having much activity. Is there language support in those apps for Japanese? In other languages?
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Sep 21, 2015
10:25 PM
Dave Merchant - Do you have a link for that Japanese Mobile apps forums.adobe.com site? Thanks!
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Sep 17, 2015
07:49 AM
1 Upvote
ありがとう! (私たちは、英語版が必要です)
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Sep 16, 2015
09:33 PM
I've tried to locate the forum for Adobe Voice on http://forums.adobe.com but it doesn't show up. Does this indicate some impending doom for the app? It's possible that it's located on a separate server or that it is buried in a separate app forum. If your application of choice isn't listed, what is it and where is it? (current existing CC apps only please)
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Sep 14, 2015
09:10 PM
I drink the kool aid, and can't wait for the iPad Pro, but I am skeptical of the speed and recharge value of the Pencil. I just have to work more deliberately and patiently when I'm on the iPad. I have to admit that my Surface 3 Pro wasn't super great (but better than iPad). But I'm usually on a Wacom Intuos, and the ability to work quickly with the most subtle gradients and tip controls is my benchmark. I haven't tried the Wacom stylus for the iPad tho.
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Sep 12, 2015
08:51 PM
I'm still waiting for the specs to come out on the Apple Pencil to see how quickly it responds by bluetooth
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Sep 11, 2015
09:01 AM
Amazing Chuck. Photoshop scripting is still all greek to me, but I'll give it a whirl. Thank you so much for the inline remarks. I try to put remarks into my After Effects scripts/expressions whenever I can - and now I realize how helpful those really are. #Learning!
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Sep 08, 2015
10:44 PM
Thanks Chuck. Any good reference sites to start with? (I'm a little surprised that nothing comes up on the radar for this one. I figure it'd be something that everyone would want with the export)
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Sep 08, 2015
05:49 PM
Is there a resource for the script that would export Photoshop layer coordinates (Upper Left corner) to XML / TXT? How does it handle group folders? Photoshop has no problem handing off to After Effects, but I'd like to use Generate/Extract with a corresponding XML document to match positions. Is it possible? Where would I start looking?
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Aug 29, 2015
01:30 PM
If you have a CreativeCloud membership, you only need to install the software you want on your Mac, then log in using your CC credentials. I've used CC on my Mac and Surface independently with the same account. Saving to my CC files makes it really easy to move back and forth between the two machines.
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May 04, 2015
08:26 PM
Don't worry Claudia. You're safe. You can install fresh again easily. (I've done it on my PC also). The only drawback may be reinstalling any third party plugins you may have (if you wipe your drive). Otherwise, you can install it on your laptop, desktop, wherever. I frequently install applications to see what they do, but uninstall them if I don't use them.
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Mar 18, 2015
03:10 PM
It's just a simple After Effects shape layer project (.aep) that kinda looks like a chainsaw? but it has a little bit of expression in there. In response to a question about "wiggle" NOTE: wiggle(frequency,amplitude)
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Feb 17, 2015
12:10 PM
You can save it to your camera roll as a movie
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Feb 10, 2015
11:54 AM
1 Upvote
Shape layers are unique because there are several places you can control transformation (and anchor point). Moving the anchor point of the LAYER value is going to give you different opportunities than moving the anchor point of the Rectangle (contents object) The benefit of a Shape Layer is that it is continuously rasterizing. You may need to consider what you need to do with this first (why expression). Perhaps a simple scale value is all you need BUT: Here are two options USING PERCENTAGE SLIDER USE SCALE WITHIN THE SHAPE
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Feb 09, 2015
08:23 PM
1 Upvote
If your max value amount is set, then creating the slider to drive the percentage of that number requires some simple math. How accurate you want your percentage slider to be would require a little modification to that math. This example lets you animate a percentage of "2" (maximum value) frequency in the wiggle, but lets the amplitude stay at "5": mv=2; //maximum value perc= (effect("Slider Control")("Slider")/100); // makes a percentage value from the slider using 0-100 wiggle(mv*perc,5) explanation: There are many ways to do this. The slider is limitless, so you might want to set some ADDITIONAL rules in your expression, but to keep this simple: You have to multiply your maximum value by your "perc". However, we want to turn the "perc" number into a fraction. An easy way is to divide the slider amount by 100. Multiply your max value with the result of your (slider/100) and you have your percentage. (*You could use fractional numbers to animate instead of this, but the slider is easier to control this way.)
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