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‎Aug 21, 2016
06:11 PM
If you are the one who is emailing it, add security to restrict changes. Or Flatten the fields. Or export to jpeg. Tell us more about your process.
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‎Aug 21, 2016
10:53 AM
Read these two threads for more info: Cannot print to pdf from microsoft edge in windows 10 Cannot save PDF in Microsoft Edge Also, I did not see where any said to try File > Create > PDF from Web Page. Will that work?
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‎Aug 21, 2016
10:30 AM
1 Upvote
Since you tried what Mohammad.Harb​ and BarbBinder​ said, and neither solved the problem, just a couple more things: 1. Have you ever installed another language? 2. Which exact version do you have? 13.0.????? 3. Sorry, but I have to rule this out: do you have a legal copy of Photoshop? A Google search shows that pirated copies have this as a bug. 4. Do everything Mohammad and Barb said again. Then Quit Photoshop. Then Restart Photoshop. 5. Reset Preferences if necessary.
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‎Aug 21, 2016
07:49 AM
Hi Jamie, At what point does the 1 jump to the end? Without a video or screenshots, I am using my imagination: You type a 1. It appears on screen as typed. You type a space. You now have "1 " You type a B. Do you have "1 B" or do you have "B 1"? You now type the i. Do you have "1 Bi" or do you have "Bi 1"? Or does it wait until you get to the very end so you have "1 Birc" and then when you type the final "h" the "1" then jumps to the end? At what exact point in your typing does the numeral "1" jump from the beginning of the word to the end of the word?
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‎Aug 21, 2016
06:55 AM
Ockham wrote: The Acrobat version I'm using is v 11.0.17 Acrobat XI Pro. Basically, when I print to PDF from Edge, it hangs up in the process, and never completes. Not knowing what Edge was, I looked it up and found that it is Microsoft Edge, the replacement for Microsoft Explorer. As I understand it, you are trying to make a PDF from Edge and it is hanging. How does Acrobat XI Pro enter into this process other than it is installed on your computer? If the issue is between Edge and PDF, it is an Edge issue. If you are using Acrobat Pro XI, please explain your process again as to how Acrobat fits into it. Also, where is the source material — is it a web page? Can you use a different browser with Acrobat? Just so that you know, PDF and Acrobat are not synonyms. Acrobat is one way to create PDFs, and—in my humble opinion—the best way.
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‎Aug 21, 2016
06:33 AM
Multiple > 2 x 2 > edit it to 1 x 2 > select Vertical or Horizontal
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‎Aug 21, 2016
05:25 AM
1 Upvote
jamief36851993 wrote: Trying to make a visual portfolio on Photoshop CS6, and I am running into problems with text. For example, I intend to write the following.. 1 Birch View But straight after typing, some formatting appears which modifies it to Birch View 1 It doesn't allow numbers before words? It is not completely writing from right to left in your example, so I don't think it's a dictionary problem or a text direction problem. If it were writing from right to left, the text would be "weiV hcriB 1" How many times did you try it? Can you try it again—slowly, watching your screen—and report back at exactly what point the problem happens? If it continues, you might reset your Type tool or reset your Preferences.
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‎Aug 20, 2016
04:46 PM
1 Upvote
Here is the link to the video that I made to replicate the issue the OP asked about. It's weird, though, that I can replicate exactly what was posted by the OP Zaffer while BarbBinder​, jbm007​ , @Dave Quail cannot. I ask the three of you to watch this video and tell me why it behaves normally for you. Do you actually click tools while you are in the 3D workspace? That appears to be what triggers the bug. http://www.monarchtraining.net/images/3D_workspace.m4v 00:00 Essentials workspace, tools normal 00:02 3D workspace; don't click any tools 00:13 Essentials workspace, tools normal 00:25 3D workspace; click eyedropper > click paint bucket > click move tool 00:39 Essentials workspace: eyedropper is material eyedropper > paint bucket is material drop tool This is a bug, I think—these two tools should return to normal as they did in 00:13 00:53 I reset all tools to return the Essential workspace to the regular tools Zaffer​ does this video replicate your problem in your original post? If yes, then I think you discovered a bug.
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‎Aug 20, 2016
05:06 AM
I made a video that shows the error, but it looks like I have to put the video on the web before I can post it. I'm already late for my bike ride and need to beat the upcoming heat.
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‎Aug 19, 2016
05:00 PM
If you have assorted comments, use the filter to display only highlighters, then select them all to change them together. Right-click for Properties. To set the default, right-click only one, not multiples—either in the document or in the Comments panel.
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‎Aug 19, 2016
04:39 PM
I just played with this, and it's not you—it's a bug. I switched several times between the 3D Workspace and the Essentials Workspace. The first time I did it, all my tools returned properly. The second time I clicked on the two tools you mentioned to see if there was a flyout.( I was in the 3D Workspace.) There wasn't. After that the toolbar would not go back when I changed between these two workspaces. I fixed it by resetting all my tools. I was able to repeat this several times. The toolbar should go back when you choose Essentials. But it does not it you click on the tools first. BarbBinder​, can you reproduce this as a bug?
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‎Aug 19, 2016
06:50 AM
To phrase the same question a different way, have you downloaded the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for your iPhone and iPad and are you using that to view the PDFs? https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/mobile-app/iphone.html https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/mobile-app.html If not, download them and see if the links work when you use them. Please let us know.
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‎Aug 19, 2016
06:43 AM
infomax_accountancy wrote: Would be great to have a template. Used to use Docusign and they have it in the Profile set-up, and disappointed that Adobe doesn't have what seems to be a very basic function. Hi Infomax, What a great idea! Adobe has a form for feature requests here: http://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html
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‎Aug 19, 2016
06:39 AM
Does it work if you click Settings and then Clear All?
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‎Aug 07, 2016
11:04 AM
Thank you, JamesWamser​, for the 2015.4 updates!
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‎Aug 04, 2016
05:09 PM
Dov Isaacs wrote: Ah, I see people are using my name in vain again! - Dov At least they are spelling it correctly!
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‎Jul 16, 2016
01:02 PM
Two more ways are to use an Exposure Adjustment layer or a Curves Adjustment layer. You'll need to test these to see which works best for you and for your image. Adjustment layers can be deleted.
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‎Jul 14, 2016
01:56 AM
Thank you, JainAjay!! Too bad that they don't show up in the app, but I will check for updates separately!
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‎Jul 13, 2016
02:45 PM
How do you receive them? Can other people open them? How are they created? Who creates them? Can you open them with a more current version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader? Try downloading the most recent version of the Reader and see if they can be opened. If yes, it might be because they were saved in a newer version. This may or may not be fixable if they are actually corrupt. It may be on their end or it may be that you have older software, so tell us more!
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‎Jul 13, 2016
01:48 PM
JainAjay wrote: Hi Louise, We acknowledged and incorporated Acrobat user's feedback of bringing back the "Add notes to replace text" tool to the prime real estate in the Commenting Tool bar. With latest Acrobat update released yesterday (15.017.20050) you would see this tool listed there and is back in action. Please make sure your copy of Acrobat is updated (Help > Check for Updates to be sure) Let us know if you encounter any issues. -Aj Aj, thank you, and also, yes, I did encounter an issue. I opened my Creative Cloud app and Acrobat DC does not have an update listed. I was able to find it in Help as you said, but is there any reason Creative Cloud fails to show that there is an update? (Is Acrobat the Creative Cloud orphan?)
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‎Jul 10, 2016
06:08 PM
1 Upvote
Acrobat and / or Framemaker "think(s)" the File is open in another program. Keep closing applications. If that doesn't work, shut down your computer and restart it and then try again. Does it do the same thing after a restart?
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‎Jul 09, 2016
07:12 AM
Although I have enjoyed reading this thread, I wonder if someone can move it to the PageMaker forum:Adobe PageMaker?
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‎Jun 24, 2016
02:17 PM
To Export Actions, go to Manage Actions Select the action Click Export to export it as an "sequ" file On the new computer, import the sequ file. Repeat for each action. The Actions have to be exported separately.
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‎Jun 21, 2016
05:06 PM
1 Upvote
AshutoshChaturvedi wrote: I have posted the complete list here: Feature List of Illustrator CC 2015.3(20.0) Thank you!
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‎Jun 18, 2016
04:15 PM
1 Upvote
aleksandrv60553285 wrote: So the only option is sue the Adobe for extortion. I thought I must have forgotten the definition for "extortion", but it turns out I did not.
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‎Jun 16, 2016
06:17 PM
Aargh! So many misspellings of CorelDRAW in one thread!
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‎Jun 09, 2016
03:40 PM
Try closing and reopening Acrobat.
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‎Jun 08, 2016
05:02 AM
velorp33326544 wrote: how to reduce the kb size of an image Look in your Status bar. There are two sizes (if you have it set to the default Document Sizes). The first is the size without Layers and Alpha Channels. If you can reduce the number of layers by merging or flattening them and delete any saved selections in the Channels panel, that is where I would start. A CMYK image will be larger than an RGB image due to the extra color channel. Grayscale is smaller for the same reason—one color channel. Then do what others have suggested. Reduce the actual size of the image. A jpeg is smaller file, but it is lossy, and is a one-time save. It also does not support transparency.
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‎Jun 08, 2016
04:48 AM
uhanepono wrote: bottom line tells me they may rethink... Watch the stock and let's see. I took your advice, yhanepono, and watched the stock. It appears to have more than doubled since the day in 2013 between the hours of 10 am and 4 PM that your graph shows.
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‎Jun 08, 2016
04:33 AM
After you place the image, instead of cutting it, you can Shift + Drag the Anchor widget to your blank line with Auto Leading and a Paragraph Style. Also, apply an Object Style to the frames. That way if you change your mind about how you want them to be anchored, you can redefine the style quickly. Uncheck the attributes you don't want to include.
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