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‎Jun 07, 2016
08:26 AM
Jay, When you cut with the Selection tool and paste with the Text tool (which is the old-school method), you will find that you have an Inline Anchored Object. Option + Click that Anchor to play with the settings for Inline and Above Line, then click the drop-down and change to Custom and play some more. Make sure Preview is on, of course. And after you have played, read up on Anchors. Here is one place to start: https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/anchored-objects.html Pro tip: to release the anchor, select the frame with the Selection tool > Cut > Paste Have fun!
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‎Jun 06, 2016
05:46 PM
How do I get it to do that nice *in the flow* thing again? The Return that has the graphic needs to have Auto Leading. It's the only time I use it. If you have, say, 11/13, then your image has 13 points to display itself. No extra returns, no dragging, just auto leading. Then format the paragraph return with Space above and below, alignment, etc.
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‎May 31, 2016
05:50 PM
Method one: Lock the file: Cmd + I on Mac, RM > Properties on Windows or Alt + Enter, unless it changed within the last 10 years. Make a note on the form telling them they will need to Save As so they are not angry. Method two: Create a Reset button that will clear the form when you click it. Method three: If you are on Acrobat Pro DC, Clear Form is under More. In XI and X it's in the Right Hand panel under Forms. I vote for Method #2.
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‎May 29, 2016
06:19 AM
Can you edit the PDFs in google docs now—before your Acrobat Pro trial ends? fernnek31245222 wrote: When my trials ends soon, will i still have these documents? will i be able to edit them some more in the original GOOGLE DOCS platform where I created them from a template?
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‎May 28, 2016
05:01 AM
Logzor wrote: I searched online, there is a recommendation to go to Edit>Tools and reset. I do not have "Tools" in my edit menu. I don't see three little dots to get to a customized workspace. The three little dots near the bottom of the Toolbar are also Photoshop only, as is Edit > Toolbar. That's why you couldn't find them in Illustrator! Here are more screenshots from Photoshop:
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‎May 28, 2016
04:49 AM
Logzor wrote: I can find the live paint bucket, but what about the regular one? I should be able to use eyedropper then just bucket onto whatever shape I want. Did they get rid of the regular paint bucket that is usually under gradient? The Paint Bucket tool that you are describing is in Photoshop, not Illustrator. Here is a screenshot from Photoshop with the Paint Bucket and from Illustrator with the Live Paint Bucket. Ton and David have given you all of the correct information about the similar-but-not-the-same tool in Illustrator. Hope that helps! Use the Eyedropper (I) in Illustrator. Double-click it to change the Options.
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‎May 27, 2016
03:57 PM
Go to File > Properties > Description and tell us what it says for Application.
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‎May 27, 2016
03:28 PM
1 Upvote
Ton, when you said that the first time, it did not work for me — the text got the stroke instead of the path. I tried again and there is one more step that I had to do to make your steps work: deselect, then select with the Direct Selection tool. Do your directions need the Deselect step before switching to the Direct Selection tool? I agree that your method is simpler as it keeps one shape.
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‎May 27, 2016
11:28 AM
Notice that in your Layers panel the first Rectangle was converted to text inside a shape. One way to do it is this: Copy the rectangle. Create the text Paste in back The text will be touching the edges of the path, though, and one or the other will need to be sized. InDesign does this a little better.
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‎May 27, 2016
09:03 AM
To confirm: You draw a rectangle You select File > place text and place Area Text on top of the rectangle What do you want to happen? What is happening? Screen shots are good; you can copy and paste.
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‎May 26, 2016
10:19 AM
Steve Werner wrote: Thanks for the cue, Bob, about Mike Rankin's new Lynda.com title, "QuarkXPress 2016 Essential Training" ... It would make me very crazy as a teacher to have to remember that many differences when teaching! Teaching QuarkXPress may or may not be a big issue, Steve—about a year ago, I was asked to teach a class in Quark. I stopped using it about the time 8 was released, so I asked all of my contacts as well as on the sic list. I couldn't find a single instructor in the U.S. who is still teaching Quark!!! For anyone reading this who doesn't know about the sic list, it was so named because the software is misspelled so often. For example, see the title of this thread: "Will InDesign fade into obscurity like Quark Express (sic)?" I will watch at least part of Rankin's title, but am mostly curious about if there is a real table feature. Thanks for the heads up.
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‎May 23, 2016
02:37 PM
You are correct that it appears to be gone in Acrobat DC. You can select the text with the Selection tool > Right Click > Add Note to Replace Text. And you can file a Bug Report with Adobe: http://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html
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‎May 23, 2016
02:18 PM
1 Upvote
MinaaMagued97 wrote: Can you please help me, after creating a new document and i choose (Document Type:Web) i always get Art board rectangle stuck in the document, and i don't know to remove it . Also I'm not able to use Blending option on the document nor on the ArtBoard to change the document color. Thanks in advance ! Select a different Document Type that does not require an Artboard.
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‎May 20, 2016
07:44 AM
This article describe the auto field detection process and how to set it up in Word. It was written for Acrobat 9, but still applies. https://acrobatusers.com/tutorials/designing-forms-auto-field-detection-adobe-acrobat Many people prefer to create the fields manually, and you have to do that for any fields that are not created by the auto detection process. Reading this article will give you a good start if you want to use the auto detection. (If you already have Adobe InDesign, you can create the fields there and export to Interactive PDF.)
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‎May 19, 2016
04:50 PM
You can't put them behind the text if you are using Acrobat. Does it work if you go to Properties and make the Fill transparent? (It is very slightly different if you are on Windows.)
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‎May 17, 2016
03:41 AM
1 Upvote
. Export As > JPEG is the update for Save for Web which replaces ImageReady. You can preview the image and make changes. Before any of these three newer options were available, Save as > JPEG was still there. I remember saving with a couple of choices and deleting the ones I didn't like. To change the file size, change the Quality and other options. A quality of "100%" or "12" or "Maximum" will be largest.
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‎May 16, 2016
06:27 PM
What is your source document and how are you trying to create the PDF? Using the Distiller is outdated technology, and there are newer, better, updated ways that make better PDFs. But first we need to know what kind of document you have and what version as well as which version of Acrobat.
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‎May 13, 2016
07:45 AM
1 Upvote
For help in finding the object that is using the Swatch, open Separations Preview from Window > Output. Change View to Separations. Hide all except the offending Pantone ink. Then see what remains visible in your document.
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‎May 09, 2016
02:11 PM
Do you get the same results if you start with File > Create > PDF from Web Page?
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‎May 08, 2016
06:17 PM
Right-click the field > Use Current Properties as New Defaults. It will keep the new settings until the next time you do this. It is not document-specific. Do it separately for each type of field (text, button, etc.) On a form that exists, you can multiple select fields. A pro tip is that you do not have to close Properties to move from field to field to field. Keep it open and work faster.
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‎May 08, 2016
06:06 PM
In Microsoft Word, go to the Acrobat tab and click Preferences. In the Settings tab, check (tick) Add Links. Check the settings in all four tabs. Then click Create PDF from the Acrobat tab. If Word 2000 has the older interface (I can't remember), then it is in the Acrobat toolbar instead of the tab.
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‎May 08, 2016
05:34 AM
When multiple fields have the same name, then they will have the identical content. Is that what you are asking? If not, please clarify.
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‎May 08, 2016
05:29 AM
You are the only one who can decide what is best for you, of course, but since you asked I will tell you that I have been working with Acrobat since version 2, and over the past years I have heard many from many frustrated users of Standard who discover there is a feature they want and don't have. I have never, ever heard from a user of Pro that they were frustrated because there was a feature they had and did not use. Just my two cents as a trainer, consultant, and long-time user!
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‎May 07, 2016
04:58 PM
Just in case you are not aware, FormsCentral was retired in July 2015. https://blogs.adobe.com/documentcloud/farewell-formscentral/ What else do you think you lost when you upgraded to Acrobat DC?
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‎May 06, 2016
07:35 PM
Try using the Shift key to multiple select. Does that work?
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‎May 06, 2016
06:34 PM
marioc, I do not see an attachment.
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‎May 06, 2016
09:29 AM
1 Upvote
You can clearly see in your screen shot the window has been moved the the left—outside the view of the monitor. When I move my application window to the proper place, my Toolbar returns. My status bar now has the Show in Bēhance icon. My Control panel has the reference point widget again. (In your case, since you had the Type tool selected, you were missing the Character/Paragraph controls.) The solution is to move your application window to the right.
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‎May 06, 2016
08:26 AM
You need the pound key to go to page 15. I would watch him / her doing the task and watch the workflow. You will see this kind of problem on the web a lot when people put spaces in filenames. Are you using Destinations? This article might shed some light: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/186921
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‎May 06, 2016
06:46 AM
In Acrobat DC Pro, there is an awesome Fill and Sign Feature. It makes it easy to sign your own name and drag & drop other data if desired. Then click "Get Others to Sign". If you need to add a Sig field(s), click Prepare Form and do so. Then click Ready to Send. Enter your recipient(s) and click Send It sends a link to a web browser so they can sign it with a tablet or phone. It sends PDFs to each party involved. Adobe Magic at its best! Here is a website with a video: https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/how-to/electronic-signatures-online-e-signatures.html And this one show if you want to fill out the form yourself: https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/how-to/fill-sign-pdf-forms-electronically.html
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‎May 05, 2016
04:46 PM
If you are on Windows, go the the Acrobat tab, the click Create PDF. It's a good idea to look in Preferences first. Are you on Mac or Windows? Which version of Acrobat? Which version of Word? If the above instructions don't work, then please answer these questions.
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