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‎Mar 04, 2017
05:45 AM
Yes, and a Save As with an incremental file name occasionally plus an external save from time-to-time. Belt and braces!
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‎Sep 07, 2016
05:46 PM
Here are a couple of links from the forums with the same question: How to export a PDF file with page curl from Indesign without using SWF ? Making page turns in a pdf from Indesign? How to Create Page Curl Transitions It looks like PageFlip has an HTML5 version. There's a 14 day trial and it's only $20 for a single user. Pageflip 5 - The HTML5 Book Template
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‎Sep 07, 2016
01:35 PM
https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/pricing.html From the same website: Contact sales 800-915-9430
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‎Sep 04, 2016
05:46 PM
I'm glad it's working—you might want to fill out a bug report and / or post onto that thread where a staff member has been following it. http://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html
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‎Feb 03, 2018
12:32 PM
Another way to export multiple layers into different formats, is to the extension Smart Layer Export. Smart Layer Export manual install | Thomas Byrne
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‎Aug 31, 2016
01:44 PM
This is a duplicate post.
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‎Aug 22, 2016
02:47 PM
You are welcome, Ockham!
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‎Aug 24, 2016
01:50 PM
In the print dialog select Pages and enter 1,1
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‎Aug 19, 2016
05:00 PM
If you have assorted comments, use the filter to display only highlighters, then select them all to change them together. Right-click for Properties. To set the default, right-click only one, not multiples—either in the document or in the Comments panel.
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‎Aug 08, 2018
11:07 AM
1 Upvote
An absolute lifesaver! Thanks!
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‎Aug 19, 2016
06:50 AM
To phrase the same question a different way, have you downloaded the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for your iPhone and iPad and are you using that to view the PDFs? https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/mobile-app/iphone.html https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/mobile-app.html If not, download them and see if the links work when you use them. Please let us know.
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‎Oct 31, 2017
08:57 AM
Hi Martin, I run the AATC and ACI programs for Adobe and believe there is value in both! You can find info on benefits and requirements here: Adobe Training Partner Portal Program. Feel free to reach out to me directly at alwin@adobe.com. I'm happy to chat.
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‎Aug 19, 2016
06:39 AM
Does it work if you click Settings and then Clear All?
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‎Jul 17, 2016
05:49 AM
If you would like a totally different method that gives you possibly greater control visually than the analytical methods you could try this. 1) just make your selection, in this case a beach rock and copy it to a new layer. Ctrl or Command J 2) Create a new layer directly above the layer containing the rock and choose Fill from the Edit Menu When the dialog appears choose to fill with 50% Grey and set the blend mode of the 50% grey layer to overlay or soft light 3) Clip the Grey layer to the underlying layer containing the rock alt-control-G or option-command-G on a Mac or from the menu The layers will look like this 4) Now with the 50% Grey layer selected, here called exposure, select a soft brush with a foreground color of 'black' and the opacity set at about 20%, flow is optional and paint over the area to be darkened. (if the foreground color was white it would lighten) . You will find only the selection will be affected due to the clipping mask. If you go too far press X on the keyboard to make the foreground color white and repaint which will lighten the selection. When you are finished you can further refine the dodge and burning by changing the opacity of the 50% grey layer. Below on the right is what I got using the technique. Sounds hard but just looks that way in print and takes less than a minute to do.
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‎Jul 13, 2016
02:45 PM
How do you receive them? Can other people open them? How are they created? Who creates them? Can you open them with a more current version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader? Try downloading the most recent version of the Reader and see if they can be opened. If yes, it might be because they were saved in a newer version. This may or may not be fixable if they are actually corrupt. It may be on their end or it may be that you have older software, so tell us more!
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‎Jul 10, 2016
06:08 PM
1 Upvote
Acrobat and / or Framemaker "think(s)" the File is open in another program. Keep closing applications. If that doesn't work, shut down your computer and restart it and then try again. Does it do the same thing after a restart?
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‎Jun 24, 2016
02:17 PM
To Export Actions, go to Manage Actions Select the action Click Export to export it as an "sequ" file On the new computer, import the sequ file. Repeat for each action. The Actions have to be exported separately.
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‎Aug 10, 2016
06:00 PM
Please start a new post with the crash log or call up customer support. The crash being discussed in this thread is not in the Actions workflow.
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‎Jun 09, 2016
03:40 PM
Try closing and reopening Acrobat.
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‎Jun 09, 2016
01:58 AM
Where will the image be used for? That is a very important question. In the present answers I don't see 24/32-bit PNG mentioned as a non-lossy compression format (contrary to JPEG) if you want to use the image for web purposes and need transparency?
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‎May 29, 2016
06:19 AM
Can you edit the PDFs in google docs now—before your Acrobat Pro trial ends? fernnek31245222 wrote: When my trials ends soon, will i still have these documents? will i be able to edit them some more in the original GOOGLE DOCS platform where I created them from a template?
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‎Jan 30, 2018
10:02 AM
Illustrator does not have 3 dots, that's Photoshop. Illustrator does not have a regular Paintbucket. I has the Live Paint bucket (press K) Or it has the Eyedropper (I) that picks up fills and strokes and can apply the with the Alt key
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‎May 27, 2016
11:48 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, you are right, Jane. You need to deselect first and then Direct Select the path.
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‎May 27, 2016
03:57 PM
Go to File > Properties > Description and tell us what it says for Application.
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‎Aug 15, 2017
02:23 PM
LouisMackay wrote …Huawei mobiles are a lot cheaper than iPhones, and the market for their lower-priced product is vast. Adobe can cover themselves by focusing on Windows. They might as well go the whole hog now, and leave the last few Mac-using dinosaur professionals with Affinity and QuarkXpress. Cold-bloodedly, how much point is there for Adobe in continuing to develop for Mac? We know they don't care about small users. Why should they care about a moribund market sector? This is a Mac user asking. The MacOS market is highly profitable to Adobe, especially for its Creative Cloud products? Why would you even think that Adobe would even consider abandoning the MacOS market in the creative arena? That would make no sense whatsoever. And certainly there is not even any such discussion within Adobe! - Dov
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‎Jul 14, 2016
01:56 AM
Thank you, JainAjay!! Too bad that they don't show up in the app, but I will check for updates separately!
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‎Sep 14, 2018
12:10 PM
I have the Adobe software to convert a PDF to word yet when I try to do it I ALWAYS get Failure? Can anyone help me convert a PDF to word?
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‎May 19, 2016
04:50 PM
You can't put them behind the text if you are using Acrobat. Does it work if you go to Properties and make the Fill transparent? (It is very slightly different if you are on Windows.)
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‎May 20, 2016
07:44 AM
This article describe the auto field detection process and how to set it up in Word. It was written for Acrobat 9, but still applies. https://acrobatusers.com/tutorials/designing-forms-auto-field-detection-adobe-acrobat Many people prefer to create the fields manually, and you have to do that for any fields that are not created by the auto detection process. Reading this article will give you a good start if you want to use the auto detection. (If you already have Adobe InDesign, you can create the fields there and export to Interactive PDF.)
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