‎Jun 14, 2022
09:11 AM
The new release seems to have an issue with watermarks.
What looks still okay in the watermark editor (as it did in previous versions) gets messed up during export, with light color watermark turning to grey.
See attachments.
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‎Apr 26, 2022
11:15 AM
I noticed that OM-1 "camera matching profiles available" has been changed from NO in 11.2 to YES in 11.3, and wondered why this information can be found on the US site, but not on German or Japan Camera RAW pages which still say NO. So it seems the documentation bug has not been fixed everywhere. Does "camera matching profiles available" also mean that OM-1 camera support in Lightroom has been completed, or is there still work (fine-tuning etc) going on?
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‎Apr 26, 2022
10:59 AM
If you uncheck "Noise Filter" in OM Workspace, then still noise reduction is applied; this is same or at least very similar to STANDARD. If you want to completely turn off NR then check Noise Filter and set it to OFF.
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‎Feb 17, 2022
05:09 AM
Is there already a planned date when to include support of the new OM-1 camera (by OM Systems, formerly Olympus) ?
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‎Apr 16, 2021
11:06 AM
This is too embarrassing... the reason why I got all these "Could not find namespace: LrMobdebug" messages was simply that I missed to restart LrC after installing mobdebug.lrmodule, or at least after modifying its Info.lua file. VERSION = { major=10, minor=2 } is perfectly fine, no need to specify revisions or build numbers. I noticed my error only after installation of your Debugging Toolkit which required me to restart LrC. So in this regard, indeed it helped me to find the root cause why ZeroBrane was not working 🙂 Actually, I started debugging using your toolkit. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable to add all the necessary wrappers because I was modifying an existing plugin developed by other people on Github. Plus, I had a problem that after the first breakpoint execution wouldn't stop at further ones. Which is very likely due to insufficient or improper code instrumentation by me. Finally, it complained about global variables being set, but not initialized before. I didn't know how to handle this. That was the point where I stopped. In this case, ZeroBrane was the better choice for me it was easier to use for me and because the plugin code was already mature (apart from one small portion I had added). If I should ever consider writing something from scratch I will definitely consider your Debugging Toolkit with all its checks. As a person who learned programming in Pascal, Modula-2 and CHILL, these languages which just ignore typos are a real nightmare. Thank you for always being available and supporting, John. Very much appreciate!
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‎Apr 15, 2021
06:28 AM
I am unable to get the ZeroBrane lua source code debugger up and running. It gives me the same "Could not find namespace: LrMobdebug" message, which many other people reportedly have run into trying to use this tool. I'm aware that VERSION information in Modules\mobdebug.lrmodule\Info.lua is crucial. For the latest LrC version, I'm using the following version numbers, as per Jeffrey Friedl's sysinfo: local info = {
AgToolkitIdentifier = "com.zerobrane.lrmobdebug",
AgExports = { LrMobdebug = "LrMobdebug.lua", },
VERSION = { major=10, minor=2, revision=0, build=202103041821}
return info All posts related to ZeroBrane in this forum are either old <=2018, or related to older LR versions (eg 6). Maybe it doesn't work anymore with recent versions of LrC. Does anybody still use this, with recent LrC versions?
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‎Apr 12, 2021
01:09 PM
Ja, habe ich. Beide Checkboxes unter "Allgemeine Einstellungen" sind nicht angekreuzt. Wenn ich täglich in den Adobe-Foren unterwegs wäre, wäre der Benachrichtigungs-Button ein akzeptabler Workaround. Das bin ich aber nicht, und man irgendwann schaut nicht mehr nach ob es zu einem Thema etwas Neues gibt. Ich hoffe doch sehr, daß Adobe es schafft eine solche grundlegende Funktion einwandfrei auszuführen.
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‎Apr 12, 2021
02:53 AM
For me it still doesn't seem to work. Eg. the post of seniornewbie in this thread and your reply to this - I can see these when I open the notifications here on the page, but there are no email notifications.
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‎Apr 08, 2021
07:51 AM
1 Upvote
@Jose5D2D I am using the plugin you mentioned with my Olympus OM-D E-M1-II/III, and it works like a charme for me. This plugin is not about visualizing which parts are the sharpest ones, and which are less sharp. Instead, it will display the active focus point at time of capture. Which is important information when trying to figure out why an image (or more specific, the part of the frame where you put the focus) is not as sharp as expected. Of course this will not rescue the image, but it can provide information how to better deal with similar situations next time and get the desired result. This is especially true for cameras with contrast detection AF modes (like OM-D). You can limit the focus point to a small box, but you have no control where exactly inside this box the camera will set the focus; it will just pick the edge with highest contrast. So, in your example, if the AF point covers only a small part of a branch before the bird with white plumage, it will focus on the branch and not the bird. Same is with photographing waterbirds in a distance; there is a high chance that the camera will better like hard edges on the water and not the bird if you can't manage your subject to fully occupy the AF point area. The plugin is to understand what went wrong during the capture, either because the photographer failed or your camera just could handle the situation, to learn and to avoid the same thing happening again. The plugin has helped me a lot to understand the limitations of my gear (especially taking images of distant wildlife at 840/1200mm FF equivalent), so I understand them and can try to workaround in the field. Plus, it reveals my own shortcomings if it comes to blurry images captured at 1200mm handheld 🙂 P.S.: The plugin does not work in case of manual focus (because there is no AF point), and in cases where you swivel the camera with a half pressed shutter button. P.P.S.: I have assigned the two main function (Focus Point viewer, Metadata display) to "/" and "*" keys on the numpad, so I can invoke this information at the touch of a button. Very convenient addition to my workflow.
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‎Apr 08, 2021
06:51 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you, Silvia. I have followed your instructions. Let's see if this helps.
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‎Apr 08, 2021
01:12 AM
I saw several posts from 2020 regarding missing email notifications, but none of them seems to apply to my problem. I have all email notifications enabled, still I don't get any. See below. For my recent forum discussion I had to explicitely check thread for replies. Any suggestions?
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‎Apr 07, 2021
06:59 AM
Perfect! With this hint I was able to complete the implemention of the incremental filter. I can't believe that I managed to get these improvements done, and only within a few hours. Thank you so much for guiding me, really appreciate. Some more testing, code polishing & documentation, then I'll check with the author if he wants to integrate these changes so everyone could benefit from it. Just one more question: are you using a source code debugger for LR plugins, can you recommend one? I was positively surprised how easy this went for me. The LUA compiler doesn't catch everything, but gives many good hints in case of improper code. Having a debugger eases and speeds up things, though. Best regards Karsten
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‎Apr 06, 2021
03:00 AM
@johnrellis Thanks to your excellent advice I have been able to make some progress. The "open in editor" feature was pretty easy; the text file already existed since the plugin is using it (exiftool output file) to fill the two arrays (columns for labels and values) with data. Anyway, having spent some time to understand the plugin code and SDK concepts, I had the ambition to go further and add the incremental search as well. I have implemented the additional UI elements plus the oberver infrastructure. Next step would be implementing the filtering and its application in the dialog. This is where I got stuck. To me, it's not clear how the filtered lines/columns would get updated and visible at the UI. The dialog is constucted as follows: result = LrDialogs.presentModalDialog {
title = "Metadata display",
contents = contents whith local contents = f:column {
spacing = f:label_spacing(),
bind_to_object = properties,
findwhat, -- entry field for incremental search
scrollView -- scrolled view of the two columns for labels & values
} and local scrollView = f:scrolled_view {
f:row {
f:static_text {
title = column1,
f:static_text {
title = column2,
} where column1 and column2 hold the actual data (EXIF labels and values). Just modifying column1 and column2 doesn't seem to have an effect on the dialog window. Is there any way to directly access and modify the data that is used by the dialog? Or do I need to recreate the "contents" data structure or even make another call to presentModalDialog during the observer function? (which would impact the edit field as well). I would be very thankful for your suggestions how to proceed.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
03:45 PM
Thank you so much for this valuable information, John! I guess it will take me some time to go through this, understand, put the pieces together and then modify the plugin code so that it supports the desired behaviour. My programming skills have become quite rusty, so even if this exercise is walk in the park for most of you, it's a real challenge for me 😉 Anyway, you have shown me four ways to accomplish my goal, so hopefully I can manage to get at least one of them to work 🙂
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‎Mar 22, 2021
03:54 AM
An absolute beginner in LR SDK is searching for advise how to tweak and improve an existing plugin. Background: There is a beautiful plugin available on Github to visualize focus points as well as display EXIF metadata for a given photo. The metadata displayed is a bit inconvenient to use, because you can't search the text inside the window, and if you want to copy the entire information to a text editor you have to do this separately for the two columns, ie tag names and values. "Select all" in the context menu applies only to the active column. See attached image. Ambition: Of course, it would be perfect to have a means to search the text directly inside the window but I guess this might too difficult, at least I'm unable to do at this point. I would be already happy if I could tweak the existing code so that it's possible to select all text in Metadata display at once, so it can be easily copied to a text editor for further investigation. Question: The Metadata dialog of this plugin is currently implemented as LrView scrolled_view row col1=static_text, col2=static_text I would very much appreciate any suggestions how this could be reorganized so that it would be possible to select and copy the entire text in the window at once.
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‎Jan 18, 2021
11:49 PM
Meanwhile I found the root cause and how to fix. The issue is caused by Active Protection Service in Acronis True Image 2021. Even though I had disabled this service in ATI UI, it was still visible in Task Manager. Killing / stopping the service removed the issue, but after reboot it was back again - alltogether with the re-enabled Service. After whitelisting Photoshop executable in ATI, the problem now seems to be gone permanently.
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‎Jan 16, 2021
01:02 AM
A few weeks ago I noticed that all of a sudden opening images from LR in PS takes considerably longer than it used to be. I'm on photography plan, using the most recent versions. Digging deeper I found that the slow down effect is independent of LR. It's a pure PS issue. Image files (JPG, TIFF) open instantly when openen inside PS. When opening a RAW files (in my case, Olympus ORF format, ~17MB per file, on SSD) it takes ~18 sec for Camera RAW window to appear. This used to be much faster in the past on my i9-9900k/32 GB. Running PS with plugins disabled doesn't make a difference. The change could be related to update to PS 22, but I'm not sure. Is this known behaviour, anybody else observed this? Any suggestions how to fix or work around? Thanks Karsten
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‎Nov 05, 2019
04:09 AM
Since there are no replies to this discussion in many months I suppose the initial complaint has been removed by PS updates in the meantime, and everybody is happy. Including me, in general. However, I have recently identified a mean bug in DPI scaling, that results in a non-usable (because invisible) in-app search dialog and bugged me for many months. For details see this thread and the included link to Adobe Support Community. Hannah, you have explicitely asking for feedback so I wanted to share this also in this discussion with explicite participation of Adobe staff.
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‎Nov 05, 2019
03:49 AM
Obviously nobody is interested (affected) by this topic. Anway, I'll keep on answering myself to provide more detail and possible solutions to whomever may stumble across the same issue in future and, while seeking for help, ends up in this thread 🙂 The issue that in-app search window isn't displayed (ie it's invisible but still functional) is not due to using Windows 10 custom scaling levels in general. It just happens at certain scaling levels, one of which is 115%. Lucky me. I found that 113% and 116% do work in fact, so I was happy to finally have a "personal" workaround to this issue. Until I installed PS 2020 - and in-app search was gone again. In PS 2020 the situation is basically the same, but its reponse to scaling levels (as far as visibility of the in-app search dialog is concerned) is different. Here is an overview of the behaviour of current PS CC versions between 110..120%: So, until Adobe doesn't fix this, you'll need to try decreasing or (increasing) the Windows 10 custom scaling values, until you arrive at one which PS can handle in order to display the in-app search dialog.
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‎Oct 20, 2019
02:00 AM
1 Upvote
And with a sudden inspiration when submitting my post I can answer my own question rightaway. I got me a new monitor QHD in the beginning of this year, which I'm using at a custom scaling level of 115% in Windows 10. Which is exactly the reason why the in-app search window won't display. The window comes up at 100% and at 125% as well, but not at custom 115%. So if this is a PS issue, what can I do to make Adobe take notice and (hopefully) fix it?
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‎Oct 20, 2019
01:37 AM
I have been unable to use PS in-app search, since the window does not open when I press Ctrl-F or select search from the menu. Months ago I had already asked for support in this post; I contacted Customer Care who helped me to find out that this is not an issue if I run PS from a newly created Windows user profile. Which is not an option for me, since practically this would mean re-installation of a well-tuned system with many applications, utilities etc. I have completely removed CC incl. all preferences , running the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool, downloading and setting up everything fresh with default settings. No change in my user profile, everything fine in the test profile. When comparing PS behaviour in the two different profiles with respect to triggering in-app search, I found that in both cases the magnifier icon changes its color when pressing Ctrl-F. And I found that operating in-app search purely by keyboard leads to the same results for both profiles. When typing "brush" + Enter the brush tool is selected, "brush" + Tab + Enter the in-app tutorial is invoked "brush" + Tab + Tab + Enter a window displaying brushes from Adobe Stock is displayed So, actually all the functionality seems to be there in PS in "my" profile, but it's not visible. Any ideas / hints what could prevent the window from being displayed? Many thanks Karsten
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‎May 12, 2019
04:06 AM
I meanwhile removed PS completely from my PC (incl. preferences) and reinstalled the most recent version. No change. Still no reaction on pressing Ctrl+F, selecting Edit -> Search or clicking the search icon. I also tried to find some hint in the logfiles (even at increased log levels), but nothing. Is there any possibility to take this issue directly to Adobe?
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‎Apr 19, 2019
09:01 AM
When using the spot healing brush with the mouse, the entire area within the brush circle is considered and changed. Using the same exact settings but triggering the healing operation by tablet pen, the affected area is just a small portion around the crosshair in the middle of the brush. How can I make the "pen brush" act in the same way as the "mouse brush" ? I'm using the latest version of PS CC on W10, and Wacom Intuos Pro (latest drivers). Thanks for suggestions. Karsten
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‎Apr 02, 2019
11:49 AM
No one who can help with this?
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‎Mar 26, 2019
09:08 AM
Thanks. I've tried resetting the prefs, but this doesn't help. It's not a matter of Ctrl-F shortcut keys, invoking Search from the Edit menu or clicking the Search icon does not trigger the command as well.
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‎Mar 26, 2019
07:34 AM
I am running PS CC 20.0.4 on Win 10 Pro 1809 (17763). Searching for tools, tutorials and Adobe Stock content cannot be triggered anymore by Ctrl-F (Edit -> Search) or the search icon in the top right corner of UI. Nothing happens. Whereas the search icon on the Home screen is still working. I couldn't find anything that this is a bug in recent versions of PS CC. Can anyone help with this problem? Thanks Karsten
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‎Oct 20, 2018
11:11 PM
Just to wrap up this discussion for LR7 from my end. After a few weeks I can say there is no difference in my typical activities in Library and Develop module with GPU utilzation being on or off. However, what I found is a noticeable improvement is consequently working in "solo mode". In Library I even have all panels collapsed unless I do tagging.
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‎Sep 24, 2018
10:23 AM
John, you're my hero !! 🙂 What a difference a wrong caps can make... said the guy who grown up with programming languages that have strong semantic checks 😉 Now my code works as intended. I will also look into a proper handling of catalog:getActiveSources() result to make the plugin more robust. I was not aware of the use case you mentioned since I never work this way. As for debugging: so far I have been using ZeroBraneStudio which is really convenient since it provides interactive source code debugging. But I was planning to look into your debugger toolkit anyway. Many thanks !!
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‎Sep 23, 2018
06:55 AM
First of all - I'm just starting with Lua and LR SDK so please be indulgent with me 😉 My problem: I am unable to determine whether a LrCollection object is a simple or smart collection. LrCollection API provides a method collection:isSmartCollection() but I can't get it to work. Hope you can help me to figure out what I am doing wrong. My starting point: A plugin that calls an external program to process the file(s) being handed over. Upon return to LR, the resulting image file is added to the catalog. I want to enhance the plugin so that the newly added file is also added to the collection from which the plugin was called, in case it was a collection. The code I am using is as follows: activeSourceIsCollection = nil -- determine the source of the selected photo(s) local activeSources = exportSession.catalog:getActiveSources() -- Can there be more than 1 entry in this table?? -- I have no clue. But at least there is one, and this is the one we'll work with activeSource = activeSources[1] -- Check if it's a collection or a folder -> type must be 'table' if (type(activeSource) == "table") and (activeSource:type() == "LrCollection") then -- source is collection or smart collection LrTasks.startAsyncTask (function() activeSourceIsCollection = not activeSource:IsSmartCollection() end) end ... if activeSourceIsCollection then -- add to collection as well exportSession.catalog:withWriteAccessDo( LOC "$$$/SNSHDR/Export/Import=Import tonemapped file", function() activeSource:addPhotos( { reimportedPhoto } ) end ) end When the second if-stmt is encountered (which is several seconds after the AysncTask has been started, because in the meantime the external program was running) the activeSourceIsCollection is still untouched, meaning 'nil", What am I doing wrong?? Thanks a lot for any hints and help. Karsten
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‎Sep 18, 2018
09:13 AM
Thank you very much for your efforts, dj_paige. I will uncheck GPU utilization and observe what happens. In fact, I have been using LR with and without, since different sources seem to have different opinions in which circumstances GPU could be useful and in which it could rather harm. I couldn't see any noticeable differences. As far as the CPU is concerned I fully understand that after 5 years there are more powerful chipsets but upgrading the CPU or even the entire system is not an option for me. Especially if there are people that state they have no performance issues with this CPU. I am pretty sure that there something else is affecting the "sluggish performance". Be it any setting, condition or anything related to my individual workflow. Still hope that John Blaustein comes back so I can follow up with him.
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