Erik Bloodaxe
Erik Bloodaxe
‎Jun 29, 2020
09:55 AM
Perhaps I should have added that, wherever you are in Camera Raw, just press "A" and you will jumpt directly to the straighten tool. Couldn't be quicker. (Lots of similar shortcuts available too.)
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‎Jun 29, 2020
06:29 AM
Click on the Crop Tool in the right hand column and the Straighten Tool is then visible.
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‎Jun 29, 2020
02:38 AM
1 Upvote
Crop tool is in top right hand corner. Click on it and there you will find the straighten tool. Alternatively simply press "A" to jump directly to the straighten tool.
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‎Jun 22, 2020
03:01 PM
1 Upvote
Can you please direct me to the other thread you refer to. I feel the need to read it!
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‎Jun 22, 2020
04:21 AM
Thanks for the tip. Not at all obvious or intuitive though is it? Not sure how we are supposed to become aware of such things. Unfortunately this does not work in the Color Mixer panel. I can see no way to reset ALL sliders to default with a single click. I can only reset the sliders individually.
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‎Jun 21, 2020
12:14 PM
1 Upvote
This is probably not the moaning forum but how else do I present concerns to Adobe? What happened to the "Default" buttons in the Basic and the newly renamed Color Mixer panels? In the Basic panel I frequently hit the Auto button and, if I don't like what I see, I need to reset ALL the sliders to defaults with a single click not one at a time please. Yes I know that I can reset the entire image to defaults but then I lose every other edit I may have made. Also where are the extremely useful + and - buttons at the ends of each slider scale? I used to use these all the time. May we please have them returned?
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‎Jun 14, 2020
03:38 PM
I don't wish to uninstall it from my primary PC and it is not installed on my secondary PC. It is the secondary PC which perpetually receives the notification on startup and it is this which I was wanting to stop.
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‎Jun 13, 2020
03:19 AM
Add-on Utility Script Pack for Bridge was updated Each time I start up my 2nd Windows 10 PC I receive the above notification. I don't have the Utility Script Pack installed on this PC. I do have it installed on my primary PC on which I sign in to the same Adobe account so is this perhaps the reason I see the notifaction? Is there any way to stop this notifiaction occurring on my 2nd PC? - it confuses the user who is usually not me!
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‎Mar 23, 2020
01:40 AM
I didn't do anything at all to try to cure this problem. After roughly 10 days, the problem disappeared. Photo Dowloader opens without issue now. I have no idea what has happened!
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‎Mar 15, 2020
08:54 AM
Bridge Photo Downloader Will Not Open I am running Adbobe Bride 2020 on a Windows 10 PC. Everything was working fine until unfortunately I experienced a power outage when I was using Bridge, Now I find everything I use in Bridge appears to work as normal (at least everthing I have tried) except for the Photo Downloader which simply will not open when I click on its camera icon. If I find its executable file in Program Files and run it from there, it opens just fine but it will not open from Bridge itself. Something clearly got corrupted during the power cut so can anyone suggest what to do to effect a cure short of reinstalling Bridge?
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‎Mar 03, 2020
03:45 AM
For a certain logical reason I need to enclose a particular set of keywords in some form of parentheses but not round brackets. [ and ] cannot be use as they have special meaning in Bridge i.e. excluded keywords. I tried < and > which work in Bridge but when exporting to Lightroom they are stripped because Lightroom seems to interpret them as hierarchical separators. Finally I tried { and }. That seemd to satisfy both Bridge and Lightroom. I was happy for a while. Then a noticed a curious occurrence - If I reimport my keywords into Bridge, keywords enclosed in the { and } characters are not imported. Their parent keyword is, but not the keywords themselves. Does Bridge attach a special meaning to these characters which I am unaware of?
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‎Feb 02, 2020
10:17 AM
Thanks for all of your input into this but I haven't heard a word further about this issue in two years. Is there anything to tell?
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‎Nov 13, 2019
03:21 AM
This issue was fixed with the release of version of Bridge CC 2019 but with the release of Bridge 2020 it is back again! This is as described before except that now you need to have a folder in your AppData "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge CC 2019" which is where Bridge 2020 looks to store and retreive the settings file "APDPreferences.xml". Create the above folder if it is absent and all will be well. In other words, same fix but a generation ahead!
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‎Nov 10, 2019
08:25 AM
We seem to be going around in circles with this issue! With Bridge CC 2019 a reported fix was to have your old Bridge 2018 CC AppData folders still present, at least for Windows users. This was because Bridge CC 2019 was attempting to save settings in Bridge CC 2018 folders. Then the problem was fixed with the release of version Now with Bridge 2020 and the problem is back again! ...and analogously, if your old Bridge CC 2019 AppData folders are kept, then this stops the issue occurring. Without these folders settings are not kept. So we appear to have exactly the same issue - Bridge 2020 is trying to save settings in the wrong folders i.e. Bridge CC 2019 folders.
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‎Aug 20, 2019
02:38 AM
Thank you for your speedy response. Deleting the folder "TempDisableGPU" cured the problem, at least temporarily. Whether the issue will recur I can't tell at the moment. According to Nvidia I have the latest GPU driver installed.
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‎Aug 19, 2019
01:17 PM
RE Latest Camera Raw GPU Acceleration Features (Version I am using a Windows 10 Pro system. I have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti GPU and have DX12 up and running. I have the latest Bridge CC, Photoshop CC and Lightroom Classic CC all up to date. I normally access Camera Raw from Bridge. In Camera Raw preferences under "Performance", three days ago I could check the box "Use GPU for image processing (Process Version 5 or higher)" and all worked well. Today that option is greyed out and only "Use GPU for display" is available. More curiously in Lightroom Classic CC the option "Use GPU for image processing (Process Version 5 or higher)" is still available and works fine. Lighroom Preferences states that "Full graphics acceleration is enabled." Why did ACR plugin decide that it didn't like my system for full GPU acceleration when originally it seemed quite content? What can I do to circumvent this problem?
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‎Feb 18, 2019
03:12 AM
Please refer to this thread for a (temporary) solution. Bridge Photo Downloader does not retain settings
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‎Feb 09, 2019
10:33 AM
Thank you so much for this fix. It takes about 30 sec if that to create the required folder then the problem is no more. Brilliant! ...but why can't Adboe fix this as they have had about a million times as long as it took me? And they employ programmers don't they?
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‎Feb 04, 2019
12:29 AM
Thank you for clarifying the situation. I will therefore wait in hope for an Adobe improvement with pin selection.
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‎Feb 03, 2019
04:42 PM
Thank you for your comments. Are you therefore saying that the larger pins are now the norm for supported GPUs on Windows 10 systems with high DPI monitors? Prior to my installing new higher resolution monitors, I have not experienced this issue.
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‎Feb 03, 2019
03:51 PM
My GPU, GeForce GTX 750 ti, seems to be on Adobe's supported list however.
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‎Feb 03, 2019
10:35 AM
Thanks for that. I had managed to locate your "Sweet Spot" by a little trial. Still can't understand why switching off "Use Graphics Processor" reduces the pins back to their smaller size and bahaviour though.
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‎Feb 03, 2019
06:58 AM
My system is Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit (Version 1809 OS Build 17763.292) running Photoshop CC 2019 (Version: 20.0.2 20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136 x64) ACR is version I am certain that everything is completely up to date. I have installed new monitors running with native resolution 2560 x 1440 (Recommended) and with Windows scaling set to 125% (Recommended) All Adobe software works well apart from one issue with ACR with which I am aware. This is that Adjustment Brush pins and Graduated Filter pins are much larger than they should be or used to be and worse, they cannot be easily selected. Fiddling around with the mouse pointer in the general vicinity of the pin may locate the selection spot but this is rather hit and miss. Clicking on one directly adds a new pin rather than selecting it. I have found that the problem can be fixed in two ways, neither of which is satisfactory: 1. Set Windows scaling to 100% (Then text in other applications is too small to read.) 2. In Camera Raw Preferences, under Performance, switch off "Use Graphics Processor" (Then certain features no longer function, in particular Scrubby Zoom in ACR.) (GPU is GeForce GTX 750 ti) Either of these two actions brings things back to "normal" but produces unwanted effects elsewhere. This is undoubtedly a Windows 10 scaling issue. I have seen similar though not identical issues reported elsewhere and have not found a satisfactory solution. Is this regarded as a bug in the ACR software? Any assistance would be welcome.
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‎Jan 13, 2019
04:12 AM
Has anybody any experience to share regarding Bridge CC 2019 on 4K displays? There is plenty to read regarding UI size issues but no simple solution that I have seen. I must add that I don't have 4K displays myself so I have not seen the issue personally. I was considering buying 4K displays but I don't wish to go that way if I will be unable to use Bridge. (Same comments with Photoshop CC 2019 too!)
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‎Jan 03, 2019
09:27 AM
I have Bridge CC Version x64 running on a Windows 10 PC. I have several folders in Favorites which all have the same name, namely 2019 for the current year, but they do not display consistently. Sometimes no folder paths are shown: Sometimes some folder paths are shown, some fully, some with ellipsis ... : Sometimes all folder paths are shown in full: If I close and reopen Bridge one of the above will occur but which one is quite unpredictable. Can anybody explain what is happening here? Is there a cure?
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‎Oct 29, 2018
11:18 AM
1 Upvote
Adobe appear aware of this issue and have flagged it as a bug. Please add your vote for a quick fix here: Bridge 2019 Photo Downloader doesn't remember previous settings – Adobe Bridge Feedback.
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‎Oct 17, 2018
10:52 AM
The first issue I immediately became aware of with this latest update to Bridge is that the settings for the Photo Downloader do not "stick." Each time I download a set of images I have to go through all the checkboxes ticking and unticking as required. Previously these settings were always remembered. Has anybody else noticed this or am I experiencing a personal glitch?
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‎Aug 17, 2018
11:56 AM
Many thanks for your efforts John. Hopefully I have added what was required to the report. Not at all sure why two trackpoints have missing times, but that is nothing to do with Lightroom. The curious thing is that this has all worked flawlessly for a number of years until now.
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‎Aug 16, 2018
12:31 PM
Hello John, Have uploaded the 13 photos and the recorded tracklog to Dropbox here: The tracklog has times recorded in UTC (as it should), the photos are time stamped by my camera which is set to British Summer Time, UTC + 1. My PC is in the same time zone (London). Please see my previous reply regarding my successful attempt with Jeffrey Friedl's Plugin. Also note that I tried to use Lightroom CC Classic to do the geoencoding on a differnet PC and that failed too with identical error message. Regards, Peter
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