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Adobe® Developments in Focus. Get the latest news & reviews, tips & tutorials, deals & discounts – and free books! Official Adobe partners since 2009.
‎Jun 06, 2013
08:01 AM
That's right. And Exporting to AAF (Advanced Authoring Format) is another option within Premiere Pro for saving back to older Adobe versions or to other editing tools, with the similar proviso that newer features may be ignored. So there are ways to do it.
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‎May 20, 2013
10:11 AM
No, sorry Phillip - that's not it. It actually has to do with how Adobe handles accounting for CC memberships. Annual subscribers see no price change month-to-month, much less minute-to-minute.
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‎May 17, 2013
04:30 PM
Here's an explanation for the instability, just posted: Update on Creative Cloud Connection and file sync preview http://blogs.adobe.com/creativecloud/update-on-creative-cloud-connection-and-file-sync-preview
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‎Apr 12, 2013
08:17 AM
Well opinions vary considerably on this subject... As mentioned previously, some perspective on cost may depend on whether a customer is brand new vs. has a previous version to upgrade from. Most new customers find CC to be an attractive deal compared to laying out $1000-$2000 upfront, plus upgrades... But even longtime users are making the jump now. For instance, here are two tweets from yesterday: Make it 3D @Makeit3d 3:00 AM - 11 April 2013 "I joined Adobe’s @creativecloud yesterday. Amazing! just € 29.99/month (upgrade from my suite) to use all latest software! Worth checking out!" bryface @bryfacetron 2:36 PM - 11 April 2013 "people complain that creative cloud costs a lot, but as a guy who uses photoshop+flash+illustrator on multiple computers, it's a steal." In any event - to (truly) answer the original question at the top: domoduane wrote: > When is CS7 due to come out? No one can say for sure, but Adobe is definitely hinting major news on May 6th.
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Community Expert
in Download & Install Discussions
‎Apr 06, 2013
01:09 PM
1 Upvote
‎Apr 06, 2013
01:09 PM
1 Upvote
Well your last example makes the case for why most new customers find the Creative Cloud more attractive than the traditional model, because you'll get several years worth of the latest versions (upgrades included) of more tools for the same price, plus the monthly payments are more affordable than a huge outlay upfront, and you have more flexibility to start and stop as desired. For existing customers Adobe does offer a first-year upgrade discount on CCM but the comparison math is closer. Finally, with the Cloud it's not quite "all or nothing," as they do also offer Single-App Memberships for $19.99 a month, which are "a la carte" like you mention for any individual application of your choice (like just Photoshop CS6/CS7).
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‎Apr 01, 2013
07:38 AM
Some news out today on this question: Adobe to Skip CS7, Go Right to CS17 Instead
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‎Mar 18, 2013
07:33 PM
It also doesn't matter whether it's boxed vs. download – it's the exact same product, license agreement, terms of use, and number of computers. So with that in mind, note that soon Adobe will be discontinuing the boxed versions of Creative Suite entirely.
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‎Feb 28, 2013
09:17 AM
Hi Karl, still waiting/hoping for a response after the follow-up materials we sent... Do you have everything you need now to determine why the procedure specified above is not working for Edge Animate? Is there anything more we can do or that you require? Thanks again!
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Community Expert
in Download & Install Discussions
‎Feb 25, 2013
06:37 PM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 25, 2013
06:37 PM
1 Upvote
For nonprofits, charities, or libraries, you will probably also want to take a close look at TechSoup: http://www.techsoup.org
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‎Feb 20, 2013
10:25 AM
Thanks. Here's another possible solution that was posted by Adobe Staff: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1086106
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‎Feb 18, 2013
09:41 AM
Okay, just resent it to your email now... I also sent it via private message here on the Forums. We continue to get the "A valid installer could not be found" error with Edge Animate 1.x in AAMEE 3.1... Thank you!!
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‎Feb 15, 2013
09:49 AM
Hi Karl, are you there? We sent you the information you requested but are still waiting to hear back... In the meantime, we tried the same procedure you recommended with the new version released yesterday, Edge Animate 1.5 - but it still gives the exact same issue and error message. We can't find any way to get the instructions in the guide above to work... Please help - thanks so much!
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‎Feb 06, 2013
07:35 PM
Just sent your way now... Thank you for response and assistance.
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‎Feb 04, 2013
11:01 AM
Thank you for posting this document, however the instructions given within do not seem to work for us... We followed the directions in the PDF very carefully, and have both AAMEE 3.1 and the Edge Animate 1.0 CCM Build (unzipped) -- but the tool rejects all paths for "Product Installation Folder" with the following error: "A valid installer could not be found." The example used in the document for that field is ".../Edge Animate 1.0/Adobe Edge Animate" - but this doesn't work either (same message), and the package cannot be created. The same issue happens with Edge Animate 1.0.1 as well, however we have no problems using an equivalent AAMEE procedure with any of the other Adobe or CS tools. The help information for that field says, "Locate the folder containing the setup files for products to be packaged." But in looking through all the Edge Animate folders, there does not seem to be an .exe file of any kind... could this be why the procedure fails? Help - please advise, thank you!
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‎Dec 30, 2012
09:18 PM
Thanks so much Jeff for the updates and getting clarity on the situation - at least now we know what happened and can spread the word accordingly. Another possible option to replace the loss of this offer is to download a free copy of Edge Animate 1.0 (the full and permanent version) which Adobe recently made available to everyone (education and otherwise) gratis through the free membership to the Creative Cloud... It's not the same tool as Flash Builder of course, but it does do some similar things (creating interactive/animated content but using HTML5), and could serve as a decent replacement for the discontinued program here.
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‎Dec 12, 2012
06:09 AM
Hi Jeff, Is there any update on when this site will be back up? If not, is the terrific Free RIA Tool program for education available through other means? We have been having visitors asking about it. Thanks!
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‎Nov 29, 2012
12:01 PM
Well, a few months ago Adobe promised the Retina update would be out before year-end... And now the latest is, it looks like it could be out as soon as December 11th - so here's hoping.
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‎Nov 29, 2012
08:12 AM
1 Upvote
From a recent Adobe partner session...
Kevin O'Connor: It would be great if we could make typography behavior as similar in PS to Illustrator and InDesign as possible. For example, In InDesign and in Illustrator, when you are typing, you can stop typing and get the selection arrow by hitting the Escape key.In Photoshop, when you are typing, and you want to end your typing, if you hit the Escape key, it DELETES what you typed.There is NO UNDO, and you have to do it over again.If you have spent 10 minutes carefully crafting a typographic element in Photoshop, kerning, adjusting the size and leading, and getting it perfect, and then you hit Escape, you then utter unprintable words.
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‎Nov 20, 2012
08:21 AM
Good news, the CC Connection app is finally available for download: http://blogs.adobe.com/creativecloud/creative-cloud-connection/
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‎May 06, 2012
11:48 PM
Because the cloud is an extra component layered together with the traditional applications, there's more involved there and it wasn't ready at the same time.
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‎May 06, 2012
11:10 PM
No, actually CS6 is released today!
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‎May 06, 2012
06:36 PM
This reminds me of Google Reader's recent oversimplification... er I mean redesign. Most users didn't like it and still don't. Why water down and remove useful features like "reply to"? Adobe software users are a pretty sophisticated bunch and typically things go in the opposite direction - providing more power and functionality over time. There also seems to be more open/dead space around each post when viewed in Chrome... in Firefox things look better, though not sure why there is such a difference. <== Need to clear browser cache of previous content and this is fixed.
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‎Apr 21, 2012
06:38 AM
If it works like it has for previous CS launches, then you would also be able to pre-order the new release, but not download it yet as John mentions... Product availability and free trials would follow in May.
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‎Apr 16, 2012
06:20 PM
Here's some more news Sharon... it's official — Adobe Creative Suite 6 will be launched on Monday, April 23rd, 2012 — so not too much longer to wait... After all the sneak peeks they slipped out in recent months, you know it had to be soon
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‎Mar 16, 2012
06:30 PM
Well, not too much has changed - nobody can really tell you for sure, but the estimates given above are probably still pretty accurate for CS6 sometime in the spring.
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‎Jan 31, 2012
09:27 AM
John T Smith wrote: When I went to the Adobe section of the store... it said there were no products... which could mean they sold everything and are waiting for a new order from Adobe... or could mean they are waiting for CS6 Like I said, not an announcement from Adobe, but odd that a sales site used by several Universities would be completely out of product Hey there John - that is a bit odd, but it sounds like the first explanation (waiting for order restock) because it's likely the CS6 release is still a ways out Congrats on your retirement today! (BTW, Adobe now considers documents dated within the past six months "current," so you may still be able to get that education discount down the road.)
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‎Jan 27, 2012
11:11 AM
http://forums.adobe.com/thread/636210 Thank you
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‎Jan 18, 2012
11:27 AM
Only the company didn't lie - they just changed the policy. I can assure you the original policy was in the works for while before ultimately changing in response to customer feedback, there was no "bait and switch." Most people are happy they made the policy better, but the change didn't happen faster because it all took place in real-time and big companies move more slowly. Paul, this is a user-to-user forum... You won't receive a response from Adobe here. People have offered suggestions to you here and on other threads, but we can't help or do anything further for you.
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‎Jan 18, 2012
10:36 AM
macuser88 wrote: Adobe’s worldÂwide upgrade policy was set to change after DecemÂber 31, 2011. That's not correct -- their upgrade policy was not set to change on December 31, 2011 - the policy would change only when CS6 comes out, for upgrades at that time. Adobe would have no way of definitively knowing when a customer purchased or upgraded to Creative Suite 5.5, so there could be no earlier cutoff. The only thing that was set to expire on 12/31/2011 was the additional 20% discount on upgrades to CS5.5 - but towards the end of December that offer was extended. The difference now is that owning CS5 or CS5.5 is no longer a requirement to get future upgrade pricing to CS6, at least though the end of 2012. So that December 31, 2011 date was a misunderstanding on significance, but to be fair, Adobe's communication on the issue was sparse and complex enough to be misread.
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‎Jan 16, 2012
02:46 PM
Chat should take no more than 5-10 minutes, but of course you're welcome to refuse the advice.
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