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Community Expert
Adobe® Developments in Focus. Get the latest news & reviews, tips & tutorials, deals & discounts – and free books! Official Adobe partners since 2009.
Jul 17, 2014
10:10 PM
Mil gracias por este post, realmente solucione el problema. Gracias.
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Aug 24, 2016
11:22 AM
Sorry to hear about the difficulties. Does this help? Adobe Creative Suite 6 applications unexpectedly revert to trial mode
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Nov 11, 2013
09:59 AM
Yes, read through the comments on that post we linked, further down below the article... The Creative Cloud DVDs definitely exist and can be sent out internationally, but may not have received the right department at Adobe. It should be possible to receive a copy on disc if your Internet is slow or limited to download CC, but you might not have gotten the right answer the first time.
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Mar 22, 2017
10:00 AM
1 Upvote
That's not to not mention anyone else who said we should lock this... but this is now 10 pages and I can't list that many people who agree
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Sep 30, 2017
03:02 PM
Hi Tim, sorry to hear you're upset. CS6 is over 5 years old (from spring 2012) and has been end-of-life software for some time now. Five years is a long time in the software world. If you still expected CC 2017 and CS6 and their file formats to work perfectly together, then that would also hamstring CC from ever evolving... You'd basically get software that was stuck in the past. You said you still need to use CS6 because you have some old hardware in the office, whereas you need CC on your laptops because they have newer hardware and operating systems. As you know, CS6 was written well before those modern OS's were ever released. All in all, it sounds like you have an irritating 'mess' because your platforms are inconsistent... But it's not at all clear what Adobe could or should do about that, or why you think it's their fault. It's unfortunate the situation you are in, where you don't have full interoperability between releases. Sorry about that. Hopefully, this post helps dig deeper on why it's worked out that way.
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Dec 08, 2014
07:19 PM
Thank You! I figured it out once I actually placed my order.
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Aug 12, 2016
08:00 AM
The feature is useless anyway.. Illustrator messes up all of my embeded images every time it tries to recover a file. Relinking doesn't work either.
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Jul 28, 2015
02:46 PM
1 Upvote
Spamhunter escreveu:
Thanks, after following some other tips & coming back to yours, this finally worked (I'm on Windows7 SP1).
I renamed the following folders to *_OLD:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe\AdobePatchFiles
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud
(There are 2 other 'AdobePatchFiles' that I didn't rename:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe\AdobePatchFiles
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe\AdobePatchFiles)
I didn't uninstall CC or AppManager from Programs because they weren't there!
Ran CC Cleaner between 2 reboots then CreativeCloudSet-Up.exe & it finally worked.
Now to try & recoup a lost weekend's urgent work.
Two years later and on every update to Creative Cloud, I need to follow this tip from Spamhunter. Every time appears a new version, I try to install but the message "Error Code: 201" appears. My connection is via cable, stable, stable Internet too, constant speed of 120 MB. It is the only software that gives me trouble installing. There I go then repeat the procedure. Again. Thank Spamhunter by describing the way to solve this problem.
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Nov 05, 2013
07:43 AM
Hi Erwan, If you want to be able to pause and resume your download at will, then that's something not really handled by the direct links or your browser on its own, nor by the CC Desktop App (where you can cancel but not resume). What you can do is try using the CC direct links that Jeff posted together with your own download manager... here are some you could choose from: http://download.cnet.com/Windows/Download-Managers/3150-2071_4-0.html?tag=mncol%3Bsort&rpp=10&sort=editorsRating+asc This approach can also be useful for folks who have unsteady or unreliable Internet connections. (and yes as Ned said you do always need to follow the directions in order for them to work)
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Oct 25, 2013
01:50 PM
Yes JP, it's a few years old but you should still be able to use the Adobe CS5 direct links to download the free trial and then activate it using your valid purchased serial number.
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Jun 21, 2013
03:28 AM
The links confirm what I wrote and don't touch on Action and script the you have created for CC. I do not knowingly walk into traps like CC. There are only two ways out of CC the ligament way death and the priate way. Myself I do not use stolen software knowingly.
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Jul 16, 2013
01:48 PM
Yes I am trying this, that is fine for the installation and setup. But as soon as Adobe Application Manager needs to update we are back at square one. This is being reported all over these blogs. We need a fix please.
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Jun 25, 2013
09:22 AM
SpaceSimon please rename the Library/Application Support/OOBE folder to OOBE_old and then try installing the Creative Cloud application again.
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Jul 08, 2013
07:25 PM
alisamii wrote: I tried to download them from this page: http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cs6-direct-download-links.html But clicking on any of the download links results in the following error: Access Denied Please advise. Hi alisamii, When you use the direct links to download CS6, you just need to carefully follow the Very Important Instructions near the top of that page... If you do then they all still work fine, or you can get CS6 via the Creative Cloud pages as described. Note that you can also download the new CC release via direct links as well, and these are particularly helpful if you want or need to make an offline/disc/DVD backups or copies of the CC installer files.
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Jun 26, 2013
12:46 PM
Sure. Photoshop CS6 (cloud) was running normally until the CC Desktop app was installed. At that point CS6 would not open and I would get Error 16, suggesting a re-install and calling tech support. The CC Desktop app would install Photoshop CC and that would go error 16. Re-installing CS6 and CC several times, even running the CS Cleaner did not fix it. Tech support did guide me to the Library/Application Support/Adobe folder and would get me to repair permissions in the PCD and SLStore subfolders. No results. Only in the Root account did the apps work normally. I was told it was my user profile and I would have to talk to Apple. Finally this terminal command fixed it instantly. sudo chmod -R 777 /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe Someone said the same command but with 775 also worked, but not for me. Gene
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Jun 17, 2013
11:14 PM
yeah, found that page right after I posted, but I just tried again in a few minutes and it was fine. It did some very strange things to my taskbar when it first installed though. Fixed itself after closing all my windows and re-running it (windows 7 64 bit)
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Community Expert
in Download & Install Discussions
Jul 22, 2014
07:53 AM
1 Upvote
Jul 22, 2014
07:53 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Mark, What exact problem did you have? Did you get any messages, errors, or otherwise? Have you tried the new Adobe CC 2014 direct download links? (the latest release for Windows or Mac) Please be as specific as you can as to what happened for us to try to help – thanks.
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Sep 19, 2013
11:05 AM
And if it wasn't entirely clear, the same is true for the new CC release with older versions of the apps, running together on the same system. Ref. http://blogs.adobe.com/crawlspace/2013/06/updatingupgrading-to-photoshop-cc-faq.html#replace
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Feb 25, 2018
07:24 AM
Hi Bill, Here is the official channel to express feedback to Adobe: Feature Request/Bug Report Form Just select "Adobe Story" in the product dropdown menu. Sending your comments directly to Adobe would be recommended in addition to posting here (or there) alone.
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May 20, 2013
10:36 AM
can an staff member lock this thread, it has derailed from the original topic. Thank You
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Jun 25, 2014
02:33 AM
1 Upvote
I found the following work-around: not perfect, but quite good.
Premiere 6.5 projects can be directly opened in CS6 or earlier just by changing the extension from .ppj to .prproj
Make a copy of the original .prproj file and name it Name_audio-only.prproj
Export sequence(s) as FCP XML from CC - multiple sequences can be selected OR select Project Panel to export entire project (Attention: Most video - even intrinsic ones like motion, opacity etc. and audio effects are not correctly translated! Check beforehand that all 3rd party plugins are installed in all versions of PPro!)
Save a copy of the project as Name_video-only.prproj and delete all audio tracks or audio clips from all sequences that contain video effects
Close PPro CC project
If the PPro CC project file is compressed, add .gz as extension and extract with 7zip
To disable compression in CC:
Mod note: This text was removed as it is against community guidelines to condone the use of internal debug tools. Please avoid this in the future. Thanks.
Open in Notepad++
Edit version number change (4th line) from 26 to 23 or 24 and open the project in PPro CS5.0.3 or PPro 5.5.2 and save it.
If there should be a color picker dialogue box while opening click Cancel (as this is most probably for Adjustment Layer which are not supported in CS5.5)
If PPro CS5.5 shows a Log of non-translated effects etc., copy and paste them into a text file with the project name for later reference.
PPro Version numbers:
27>CC 2014
A simple change to 23 and opening it directly in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 does not work! (Liegt wahrscheinlich an den Audiotracks, da Projekte mit Sequenzen, die nur Video enthalten, teilw. geöffnet werden können.)
It is possible to open a PPro CS6 project directly in CS5.5 by editing the version number from 25 to 24.
Open this project Name_video-only.prproj in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and convert it to CS6 project - now you have all the sequences with the supported video effects
Import FCP XML project file(s) into PPro CS6 and copy the audio tracks from the corresponding sequences (or vice versa: copy video tracks so they align synchronously again)
Through Edits, Adjustment Layers, Time Remapping, 3rd party filters, plugins, transitions may not be correctly translated!
PRPROJ File Associations
After installing an update to PPro, Windows will change the default program to the latest program version, e.g. CC. If you want to revert those to CS6, you cannot simply do it with Rightclick>Open with>C hange default program..
There is a way to change the setting in the Windows Registry:
Open regedit.exe as Administrtor
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Adobe.Premiere.Pro.Project. > shell/open/command and change the path in “” to the correct program version.
You can also do a search in the section of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Adobe.Premiere.(with various endings following the word "Premiere") and change all remaining instances.
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Oct 25, 2013
07:26 AM
AFAIK, the CC Desktop App and account page only allow downloading & installation of the tools on the same machine they're running on. If you want to download and install to another computer, or make offline backup copies of the installers, then you'd need to use the Adobe CC direct links to download whichever app(s) you want. Using those, you could download Creative Cloud somewhere with a fast Internet connection, then copy the files to a USB flash drive or burn to DVD for use elsewhere on a different system where your network connectivity is slower or less reliable. Another possibility is to request a free CC disc from Adobe, which they have recently started making available for customers with limited online speed or capacity worldwide (just make sure to explain your situation carefully when contacting them).
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Jun 20, 2013
07:07 AM
Well, you can do "Help > Deactivate" from within the PSE editor. (It's not in the Organizer menus.)
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Mar 18, 2013
10:12 PM
See also http://www.adobe.com/volume-licensing.html
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Apr 13, 2013
03:27 PM
To find our more details regarding what is next for Adobe please join us at Adobe Max at adobe.com/go/AdobeNext. You can register now to view the free keynote presentations on May 6 and 7.
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Jan 14, 2015
11:42 PM
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May 20, 2014
08:25 PM
Thanks Enkde, Here also are the direct links for all CC apps for anyone who needs them, with offline installers for Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash Pro, etc.
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Feb 28, 2013
09:17 AM
Hi Karl, still waiting/hoping for a response after the follow-up materials we sent... Do you have everything you need now to determine why the procedure specified above is not working for Edge Animate? Is there anything more we can do or that you require? Thanks again!
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Community Expert
in Download & Install Discussions
Jan 07, 2016
11:04 AM
1 Upvote
Jan 07, 2016
11:04 AM
1 Upvote
Here's what Adobe says for Elements: If the customer purchased a boxed product, in the box is a single serial number that will work on either Windows or Mac. There are also discs for each platform in the box. If a customer purchased the product as a download, then the software installer & license will be for either Mac or Windows. For these purchases, the customer receives a serial number that is platform-dependent. So, the answer is different depending on the source of the serial number. However if you're running the most recent version of Elements, then Adobe Customer Service can do a complimentary platform swap: Exchange an Adobe product for a different language or platform version Hope that helps.
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Dec 30, 2012
09:18 PM
Thanks so much Jeff for the updates and getting clarity on the situation - at least now we know what happened and can spread the word accordingly. Another possible option to replace the loss of this offer is to download a free copy of Edge Animate 1.0 (the full and permanent version) which Adobe recently made available to everyone (education and otherwise) gratis through the free membership to the Creative Cloud... It's not the same tool as Flash Builder of course, but it does do some similar things (creating interactive/animated content but using HTML5), and could serve as a decent replacement for the discontinued program here.
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