Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Oct 18, 2018
12:29 PM
Thank you very much for your help. Now that we can repro the problem, a dev is looking into this!
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‎Oct 18, 2018
11:46 AM
Ok. It also looks like zoom level affects how this bug reproduces. If I'm zoomed to 100% or Fit (Ctrl+0) or different zoom levels does the lag go away?
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‎Oct 18, 2018
11:28 AM
Thank you. This is great. I can repro. Can you confirm that this only happens when you use the pen/wacom? I'm not seeing it with normal mouse/trackpad.
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‎Oct 18, 2018
10:45 AM
Also, are you using a Wacom or other tablet in conjunction with your Win10 machine?
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‎Oct 18, 2018
10:44 AM
Thank you! Can you also tell me what type(s) of files you are seeing this with? I'm trying to reproduce the problem so an engineer can look at it. What are the file dimensions, resolution, number and type of layers, bit depth (8, 16, or 32), what color mode/space? If it's easier, you can just post a screenshot of your layers panel for the layer number & type question.
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‎Oct 18, 2018
09:58 AM
Hi Tasha, What OS and hardware you're using?
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‎Oct 17, 2018
09:06 AM
Thanks for the details. I have a hunch it was the restart that cleared something that was off rather than the Preserve Details 2.0 pref because that only affects Image Resize and Transform. It's a new interpolation method that was introduced in Photoshop CC 2017 released at MAX last year. There are some known issues where zoom level can affect painting performance under some circumstances. Regardless, I am glad all is working well for you now.
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‎Oct 16, 2018
03:54 PM
Hi Juan, Are you on Windows or Mac? Also, can you tell me how big your file is (dimension and dpi) and how many layers you have? Thanks!
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‎Oct 08, 2018
03:35 PM
I was able to reproduce this issue and logged a bug. I initially was going to suggest updating to Photoshop 2018 but it looks like there a different bug there where opacity is adjusted instead of hardness and there is no rubylith preview - logged and hoping that gets fixed in the next release. Assuming you are talking about the shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+rightclick and hold (with pen or mouse), moving the mouse up/down/left/right to adjust size & hardness
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‎Jun 04, 2018
09:29 AM
New Wacom drivers now available. From my initial testing, it looks like this is resolved now.
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‎May 15, 2018
01:47 PM
Ok, so here's what I found out. The next driver update is being tested and supposedly has the fix in it. I don't know the ETA for it's release though.
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‎Apr 19, 2018
03:32 PM
I have confirmed this is an issue with the Wacom drivers. The ESC key gets appended to the zoom and rotate commands which exits out of workspaces and rotated views. They have a fix in hand and are testing it, to be included in the next driver update.
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‎Apr 13, 2018
03:09 PM
‎Apr 13, 2018
12:15 PM
One quick way to see if you're running the OS update that introduced this issue is to type this into the taskbar search field (cortana) next to the Win Start menu: 'winver' and hit enter. If you see Version 1709 (OS Build 16299.334), you have this issue. To back that out, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update, click on View installed update history, then click on Uninstall updates. Select: Update for Microsoft Windows (KB4089848). Alternatively, you can join the Windows Insider Program and get a newer build containing the fix. See here for details: Hope that helps!
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‎Apr 11, 2018
08:36 AM
Hi, we have a fix for this. Look for it in the next update, coming very soon. Thanks!
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‎Feb 09, 2018
03:00 PM
Great feature request! Thank you.
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‎Feb 08, 2018
10:16 AM
Thanks for the report Daniel! I can repro the problem and reported the issue to engineering for resolution.
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‎Jan 30, 2018
09:45 AM
Hi Peter, With the 19.1 release of Photoshop (Jan 23) , Dial is on by default and we removed the Preference from Tech Previews. We also added Brush Settings Control support so you can set the dropdown of brush settings to Dial to control things like Size, Scattering, Opacity, etc. Glad it's working for you. Chad
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‎Jan 23, 2018
04:36 PM
1) (you might want to start with 2) below) Go into the Preset Manager and select those 3 existing species sets (Ctrl/Cmd + click). Then click Save Set... and by default you should be prompted to save in this location (if not, save here): Mac - <hard drive name>/Users/<your username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CC 2018/Presets/Brushes\ Win - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2018\Presets\Brushes\ name it Reptiles Quit and relaunch PS and Reptiles will now be in your Brushes flyout menu 2) Go into the Preset Manager, delete the 2 brushes you don't want from the Lizards subfolder, then repeat what you did for 1) above 3) Preset Manager, move the brush, save as a new set. Essentially any time you want to make changes to brush sets that you can reload, or use across different machines, you need to create a new set via the Preset Manager. Hope that is helpful. I know it can be a bit laborious but it should get you dialed in. Chad
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‎Jan 18, 2018
03:22 PM
1 Upvote
More: If you select an existing brush(A) and change the settings of it, select a different brush(B) and then select the previous brush(A), the settings you modified for it will not be sticky. The settings originally saved with the brush are always retained. If you want to retain settings modifications to an existing previously saved brush, yes, you will need to save it as a new brush to have those settings stick because by changing the settings you are essentially making it a new different brush.
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‎Jan 18, 2018
03:14 PM
Hi! Am I hearing that no matter how you leave the Brushes panel, it always only loads the default set of brushes on relaunch? If so, that's a big problem. I have not been able to reproduce this problem. Whatever brushes I have loaded in the Brushes panel when I quit doesn't not change when I relaunch. For example if I delete the General Brushes, Dry Media Brushes, and Wet Media Brushes and load my own set called Hair Brushes, what is in the Brushes panel when I quit and relaunch is Special Effects Brushes and Hair Brushes. If you delete all sets so that the panel is empty and then quit and relaunch, then all the defaults will be back because Photoshop won't launch with the panel empty. Thanks, Chad
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‎Jan 18, 2018
03:01 PM
Hi Ann, Sorry for the delayed responses here. Q1: You can't launch PS with an empty Brushes panel. If you delete all the default brushes, quit and relaunch, yes, the defaults will automatically reload. You will find that whatever you leave populated in the Brushes panel will be the same when you relaunch. So if you delete the defaults and the load a set of your own, quit and relaunch, just your set will be there and defaults won't load. Q2: What you have selected when you click Save Set... will be saved into the set you name. So in the example above, you have selected the ANIMALS which contains 3 sub folders, so when you create a new set and name it ANIMALS, you are creating a new set of the selected folder (ANIMALS with 3 sub folders) into a new set that you also named ANIMALS when prompted. Does that make sense? If you select individual brushes and save them as a set, those will load as a folder/set based on what you name it when you save the set. When you think "set", think "folder". I hope that helps. Let me know if I misunderstood or if I wasn't clear. Thank you! Chad
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‎Nov 27, 2017
04:46 PM
Sounds like it could be a GPU issue. Can you check to make sure Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Process is checked and that the video drivers are up to date?
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‎Nov 06, 2017
09:50 AM
Yep, we fixed it.
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‎Oct 20, 2017
04:10 PM
Yes, apologies for that. It does state here "latest version of Windows 10" but doesn't specifically call out the specific version. Not sure why it is not showing up for you under Windows Update. Maybe check with MS?
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‎Oct 20, 2017
03:53 PM
Please verify you are running Win10 OS version 1709. You can also check Photoshop Preferences > Technology Previews... to make sure that Enable Surface Dial Support is checked. With Photoshop launched and an image open, long press the dial to bring up the native dial UI and you should see a Brush icon.
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‎Oct 20, 2017
10:25 AM
Photoshop Microsoft Dial support will only work on the latest Windows 10 OS (Fall Creator's Update). Please verify you have updated and if you are still not seeing functionality, let us know. Thanks!
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‎May 05, 2017
11:22 AM
Another workaround, which is better IMO, is to Ctrl/Command+Click the Smart Object layer thumbnail to select the visible portion. Apply that selection as a mask to the Smart Object layer.
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‎May 05, 2017
11:06 AM
I have a bug assigned to a developer. This is an issue with Smart Object scaling and needs to be fixed. The workaround, which is a little self defeating, is to rasterize the Smart Object layer.
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‎May 05, 2017
08:49 AM
Export As... will store the options you choose (such as filetype, quality) for that document so they will be defaulted next time you open the file.
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