Andreas Resch
Andreas Resch
‎Dec 22, 2022
07:26 AM
I know.
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‎Dec 22, 2022
07:01 AM
The GPU is an RTX 3060 with 12GB. So that's not the reason either. Maybe it's the Ryzen CPU. Let's wait and see if the developers can get on top of that.
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‎Dec 21, 2022
11:13 PM
They are removed, when I close Photoshop. I never said that they are staying. But they are getting more throughout the use of Photoshop. There seems to be a block limit of 16GB for them. And I can see them, because I have enabled windows to show hidden files and system files. You might not see them on a restricted setup of Windows.
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‎Dec 21, 2022
07:11 AM
If there are performance issues or not doesn't only depend on the system but moresome what kind of files you are working on. My system shouldn't be the reason for the laggy performance (in some cases). The only bottleneck I can think of could be my Ryzen CPU. But it's not that slow either. The reason why you have no stuttering might be because you might mostly work on different kind of images than I do. When I edit photos, even drum scans, it's not that bad. But once I start to assemle my game assets, it's a different story. Using a lot of smart objects, layer styles and smart filters is really causing problems. Even if plenty of RAM is up for grabs and the GPU is chilling in the background. And maybe IO processes are contributing a bit to that. I can't know what is shuffled around between RAM and the SSD in such situations.
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‎Dec 21, 2022
06:57 AM
1 Upvote
I switched my scratch disk to another SSD, where there's more space. But that wasn't the reason for opening this thread. It was the confusion about temp files being created and used while plenty of system memory is available. And I'm always thankful for help.
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‎Dec 20, 2022
11:09 PM
Well - that's a bad system. SSD's should kick in once RAM gets low, not from the get go, when plenty of RAM is available.
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‎Dec 20, 2022
11:05 PM
I start to understand why Photoshop is very slow at times, when an SSD is used instead of RAM - especially for smart objects. While I somehow got used to the stuttering movements of smart objects, it's nothing that should be seen as "normal" just because the system is designed to work like that. From what I've seen, Photoshop has not seen any speed improvements in that regard for years - even though CPU's and GPU's got a lot more powerful.
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‎Dec 20, 2022
07:35 AM
Thanks for the answer. Not going to buy huge SSD's though, just so that Photoshop can fill them up with unnecessary temp files. Maybe some of that AI nonsense shouls be directed towards file and memory management.
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‎Dec 20, 2022
04:36 AM
Free space was about 45GB. But that's not the point. The question is, why is there that much disk space allocated with about 40GB of free RAM (with some file being openened)?
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‎Dec 20, 2022
04:04 AM
I just got an error that my scratch disk is full. As I checked, there were three Photoshop temp files in there, although I have plenty of RAM available (about 40GB). Even after starting Photoshop with no file open, a temp file is immediately created. What's that about?
Here's a screenshot of the three temp files ...
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‎Dec 20, 2022
04:01 AM
Another probably smart object related issue. When I drag a layer into a file with several smart objects in it, the canvas doesn't update any more for a whole. Even after the time I had to wait for all the layers going through whatever they go through when I drop the layer. When I zoom for example, the percentage value in the tab bar is actually updating, but the canvas isn't. The scroll bars are adjusting as well. As soon as I create a new file, the canvas catches up and refreshes. This has happened before - even in the last release of Photoshop. So it's not related to a specific file, driver, etc.
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‎Dec 19, 2022
11:32 PM
I can't share the exact file as it's yet unreleased work. But I shouldn't have to. For one, there's nothing special about that file. About 5000px by 10000px, five layers (at the time) and one little smart object (maybe 500px in width/height). And then it won't help, as the issue is not reproducable on command. It happens then and now - on different files as well. My guess is that it is performance related. Not beacuse I have a weak PC, which I doen't. But because Photoshop seems to do a lot of (unnecessary) calculations related to smart objects, smart filters and layer styles. So at some point, those calculations might have some processes crash which either brings Photoshop to a halt or crashes it all together. There are several threads that I've created over the last few weeks related to smart objects/smart filters and their performance issues. It's probably time to revisit them - it's been a few years.
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‎Dec 18, 2022
01:22 PM
It's not the exact same smart object just the kind of smart object that I use all the time. It's just as simple as it gets for a smart object. I deleted as much temporary files as I could,
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‎Dec 18, 2022
11:20 AM
No. It's not the content. It's a single layer of a small bitmap. One I use all the time. After I terminated Photoshop, I redid all the steps and then it did not crash (yet). It's a bug. Happened before, will happen again.
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‎Dec 18, 2022
06:21 AM
Once again an issue related to smart objects (and probably layer effects). I just wanted to duplicate a smart object layer within a group with a layer style active (just a stroke) by ALT-dragging the layer. Photoshop is hanging now. They white arrow marker was constantly active. After switching to another window, I can't switch back to Photoshop any more - the windows won't regain focus. Photoshop seems to do some calculations in the background as the GPU load is at about 10% all the time for the Photoshop task. It's not the first time that Photoshop is acting weidly when using smart objects and layer styles. This combination isn't only very slow it's also prone to errors. Here's a screenshot of the processes involved with Photoshop. Some crashpad handler is among them, but no crash report popped up.
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‎Dec 16, 2022
11:39 PM
I use layer styles a lot. Especially when assembling my game assets into the final product. Unfortunatly it doesn't take too long until their usage brings Photoshop down on its knees. Moving a layer around often takes 5 seconds until the layer even starts to move. At that point you can't use the mouse to move the layer precisely any more. I can just move it into the general area and then use the cursor keys to nudge it into place- taking several seconds after each key stroke to see the movement. I've watched my task manager and it seems that only the CPU is involved in those processes. My GPU is stuck at 0% through all of that. Please do something about that. Even having a rather strong PC doesn't make a difference.
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‎Dec 14, 2022
03:38 AM
After painting in Clip Studio Paint for a while now, I really learned to appreciate the toggle to turn a brush into an eraser and back. Especially as I can assign that toggle to just one button on my Citiq remote. Photoshop has something similar but there's no toggle to switch between the modes. It would be nice it that could be added. At least a shortcut would be nice.
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‎Dec 14, 2022
12:54 AM
1 Upvote
I ended up buying the Togglerator plugin from Gumroad which does exactly what I need. It has a little lag when you switch, but that's OK. Eventually this should be implemented in Photoshop. It really is a very convenient toggle and there's a reason why it is in Clip Studio Paint as well.
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‎Dec 14, 2022
12:21 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for suggesting that. I have already known about that one. Unfortunately it's not a toggle, just a shortcut to jump to the "Clear" mode. And when I hit SHIFT-ALT-R again, nothing happens and it stays in the "Clear" mode. The difference is, that a toggle can be assigned to ONE button on my remote, which is very easy to use.
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‎Dec 11, 2022
12:03 AM
Adobe, please fix the file associations issues once and for all. It's an issue for many years. I had to deinstall Photoshop and install it again, because the usual suggestion for a solution is, to do so. Of course it wasn't working (it never did) and it's actually a bug in Photoshop as suspected. However, before I was able to open PDF's in Photoshop via the "Open in..." dropdown menu. And now, it's gone again and the only way to open PDF's in Photoshop is, to make it the default option to open it in Photoshop. And as soon as I remove it from the default position, it's completely gone form the list again. Bridge doesn't even realize that I have Photoshop V24 installed. I have to pick the EXE file via the file browser to associate it. It recognizes none of my installed PS versions. How hard can this be. And I know - the solution once again is "Deinstall everything and install it back again". Or better - buy a new PC and try if it works. But no - I'm done with spending hours of backing up settings and uninstalling and installing programs just because Adobe doesn't care.
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‎Dec 09, 2022
05:42 AM
Yes. It works. But it takes very long as it's going through all the smart objects. It also seems to keep all the smart objects open until the end, and only then closes them all together. This could be a lagging UI as well. Can't tell. But thanks for that. I might run it at the very end before production just to make sure.
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‎Dec 09, 2022
05:25 AM
1 Upvote
Well. There's no better software for this task. That's the problem. Plus I need to stay compatible with my clients who mostly use Photoshop and the Adobe Suite for production.
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‎Dec 09, 2022
02:25 AM
If you do it on the core code level it would have another big advantage. It opens up the opportunity to trigger a warning when there are outdated linked layers in the file. I would really appreciate it. Cause sometimes you might forget that an asset was changed and you will forward something to a client with outdated content in it. With a script you would always run it, just to make sure that everything is fine. And most of those times it will wasted time because it would not have been necessary. Anyway. I think it would be great if developers could take a look back at some basic features and see if there's something that could be brought up to speed. Sometimes you need to do that and they must have a pile of feature requests that address more basic stuff. Especially smart objects could be given an overhaul - it's been a while. And of course the brush engine. The reason that many artists switch to other apps for painting - including me. Hopes are low though.
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‎Dec 09, 2022
12:58 AM
One more reason why this would work better in the core code. They can probably better access a list of external files that are included in the parent file. And working that off is much easier than looping through layers. Probably doing a lot of repetitive tasks in doing so as well.
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‎Dec 08, 2022
09:38 AM
Not sure what you want the sample file for. Is this still about updating linked files within smart objects? If so, that's a general issue and not related to my files specifically. If this is about some crossover issues about the slow performance of smart objects, which indeed is specific to some of my bigger files and not everybody would encounter due to my specific workflow, then this is already adressed by Adobe (hopefully).
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‎Dec 08, 2022
08:13 AM
Unfortunately I have no sample files that I can share. But a file with two or three smart objects that contain linked files is quickly created. Takes a minute.
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‎Dec 08, 2022
07:47 AM
I'll wait and hope. Cheers.
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‎Dec 07, 2022
09:36 PM
1 Upvote
I've seen in other threads that this has been an issue for several users. I use that toggle in Clip Studio Paint quite a bit and as sometimes I still paint some quick things in Photoshop, I would love to assign a shortkey to the same button on my Cintiq remote. That muscle memory is always kicking in. Has that issue been solved by now? I know that there's some sort of toggle for US citizens with the tilde key. But for one, I don't have a tilde key and secondly, from what I've read, that's a hold-and-release toggle, which isn't the best when you use the eraser for a bit longer.
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‎Dec 07, 2022
09:27 PM
Is there a solution by now for non-US-citizens? A toggle between the Normal and Clear mode would really be helpful. I use it in Clip Studio Paint quite a bit and would love to be able to map that function to my Cintiq remote for Photoshop as well. I'm not painting in Photoshop a lot any more, but that muscle memory always kicks in, so I try to synchronize PS to CSP as much as I can.
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‎Dec 07, 2022
09:45 AM
You can do a lot of wild things with Brusherator. Here's what my basic set looks like. It took me while to get it to that look though. But it can be done. And the developer always was very supportive as well, which is nice of course.
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