Andreas Resch
Andreas Resch
‎Dec 07, 2022
08:19 AM
Now you have the healing tool selected. That's not going to work either. Select the brush tool. Look at Olivier's screenshot from above.
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‎Dec 07, 2022
05:44 AM
I often do have to "Hide all effects" because at some point, when using a lot of them, Photoshop becomes pretty much unresponsive. But at the same time it would be great to have the effect ON again for certain layers that I'm actually working on. But right now, I can only turn all of them back on again, which results in performance issues again. It would be great if there were two additional commands in the layer popup - "Show Effect" and "Hide Effect". Both of them just applying to singular layers. That would help a lot.
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‎Dec 07, 2022
02:02 AM
1 Upvote
Also you seem to have two identical layers on top of each other. In that case, when you paint on the mask, you won't see anything on the canvas. ALT-click on the mask thumbnail to see if you've actually painted into the mask. Or hide the bottom layer.
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‎Dec 07, 2022
01:40 AM
In your screenshot the eraser is selected as the actual tool. You need the brush. Could that be the reason?
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‎Dec 06, 2022
10:32 PM
And if you look for a great brush management, I can recommend Brusherator (is on gumroad). It will not help you with the brush tips though.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
10:30 PM
I fear you are out of luck here at the moment. I remember having the same issues when I was still painting in Photoshop. The "hunt" for brushtip thumbnails always was a bit annoying. In Clip Studio Paint there's an option to assign favorites to brush tips as well as tags. That makes it a bit easier. There you also have 3 types of display options for the tips. A similar system would certainly be helpful in PS. But unfortunalely the brush editor in Photoshop is very outdated at this point and I haven't heard about any plans to make this any better. They shifted their focus away from illustrators and more back towards photo editing - not in a great way though.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
01:55 PM
Well that's interesting. One wonders now what prevents this from happening on some machines. Maybe we will have answers soon. Cheers.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
01:29 PM
Yeah. Those bars are from a Nik plugin. I just used it to better illustrate the sequential process of the individual smart filters being run through. That progress bar popping up helps with that. But it seems as if the same happens when the Camera Raw filter is used. Every individual instance is recalculated. It just happens without any visual feedback. Photoshop just seems to be stuck. It even happens on a Gaussian blur. It's just not that extreme as Gaussian blur is faster than Camera Raw or the Nik plugin. Did you test it on a Mac or under Windows? It does not seem to happen on Macs. Thanks for forwarding it.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
11:27 AM
I did another test on a modified sample file. I've swapped all the Camera Raw smart filters for Nik Color Efex smart filters. These are a bit slower to calculate and they show a progress bar when they update as well. So the sample file now has around 20 smart object layers and a Nik smart filter on each on them. I did two tests now. I started Photoshop fresh each time, openend the sample file and a little file showing a camel. Test 1 - Dragging the camel into the sample file. As you can see in the screencast (link below) each layer recalculates its smart filter, which in the case of this Nik filter takes quite a time in total. After all that is done, I dragged the camel over again. This time it's placed in an instant. Test 1 - Screencast Test 2 - I flattened the camel file before dragging it into the sample file. As you can see in the second screencast, the placement happens instantly. Test 2 - Screencast So it seems that the same thing is happening to the original sample file with the Camera RAW filters. With the difference that one can't see the process of all the Camera RAW filters being updated. So the question now is, why all the filters are being updated when I drag a transparent layer into the file - and only for the first time. This does not seem to happen on Macs which is interesting. Maybe this info helps to find a solution.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
10:13 AM
Yeah. This makes no sense any more. Maybe somebody can add something of value to this problem and we can get to the bottom of that. Otherwise I will do what's in my own power to gather more test sets. Usually bugs like that can be narrowed down by elimination. I'll try that. If there are any news of value, I'll share it here. If somebody else wants to contribute, maybe test the sample file and share your experiences. Thanks to all those who tried to help.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
09:04 AM
Sorry. But that's not reasonable. That PC is empty. I guess the only other thing that I installed is 7-zip. Anyways. I've sent the test file to a friend to get one more feedback. That's a more reasonable approach. Let's see how that one comes back.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
07:00 AM
That's fine. As long as the thread stays in the "Bug" section.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
06:56 AM
I answered this in the other thread. It's a clean install. And the other side of the tests are on two Mac machines, which isn't a great benchmark either. But if this happens on two differnt PCs, there's something to it, right?
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‎Dec 06, 2022
06:52 AM
I'm not backing up a conclusion, I was merely correcting your statement, that the issue can't be reproduced. Which I did. And as I said, this is a completely clean PC. It's freshly installed and only Blender (and now Photoshop) are on it. It would be helpful if somebody else with a Windows machine could test that. So far it's 2 for 2. On two Windows machines it doesn't work, on two Mac machines it works.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
06:33 AM
That's not entirely true. I myself replicated the issue on my second PC today. Also Windows 10, but different GPU (GTX 780 Ti). It's a very clean PC that I usually only use for one task. I installed Photoshop completely new. It's basically the only program up there except for Blender. So no plugins, no extension, no fonts, no brushes. As basic as it gets.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
04:53 AM
I've now installed Photoshop 2023 on my second PC to see if there are any differences - different GPU, Windows 10 as well. And the issue is the same. The same lag when I drag a transparent layer into the test file. So this is not an issue of my main PC, it definitely is a bug.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
03:47 AM
1 Upvote
I've spent a long time in the really horrible Adobe support chat and wasn't asked about which CPU I have once. Compared to being asked about my GPU and system memory many times by several technicians. Not sure if that's such a big issue, if this isn't one of the first questions asked. And I've already submitted a bug report.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
03:20 AM
I'm talking about small files (20 layers, 1000px width/height). I work with much larger files usually. And I monitor the RAM usage in the task manager. That's not the issue. It's a sheer performance problem. And yes, I have a Ryzen. But not a slow one. No other program struggles with that. If Adobe has an issue with Ryzen CPU's they should take a break from sky-substitution nonsense and make this priority one.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
02:44 AM
If I need 100GB to work fast on a 4MB file, then something is definitely wrong with the software.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
02:42 AM
I have 64GB of RAM and two SSD hard disk for swapping just in case. But that's not the issue. It's PS and its lack of optimization over the last few years.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
11:23 PM
1 Upvote
I'm also struggling with the performance sometimes. Mainly with my larger files where I use a lot of layers with smart objects and layer effects. Especially layer effects slow the system down a lot - no matter how many RAM you've got or how good your GPU is. Sometimes is goes as far as it taking seconds for a popup window to appear and a second to move from one menu entry to the next. It seems as if not a lot of time is spent on performance inprovements and instead more and more stuff is piled up in the program.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
08:01 AM
Thanks for trying. That's really disappointing. The experience shouldn't be that different. I'm working on quite a powerful machine as well. I guess I will have to file that as a bug then. Not sure what else can be done.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
07:29 AM
It may be somehow related, but it's not the same. I don't need to go into Camera RAW for it to freeze. Mine freezes ouside of Camera RAW. Can you test the sample file that I've uploaded earlier? Would be interesting to have more test feedback.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
06:26 AM
Then I'm clueless what this could be. As you can see in my video, it's really bad on my PC.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
04:16 AM
1 Upvote
This is a simple one. Make the function "Clear Smart Filters" work with multiple layers selected. Similar to how "Clear Layer Style" works on multiple layers.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
02:58 AM
1 Upvote
Much appreciated. I'm skeptical about making a lot of difference, but one can hope.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
02:57 AM
1 Upvote
Absolutely. Some things just make sense. When I select a layer in the filter and can't see it in the unfiltered tree afterwards - makes no sense. But it's that situation where decision makers just move on to new "fancy" stuff and leave the base layer behind. You contstantly have to revisiting basic operations and improve on them. Don't get me started on the brush editor. Anyway - thanks again.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
02:28 AM
I know. I wrote scripts and extensions myself. But there's a place for scripts and one for core features. Not everything should be offloaded to scripts. Scripts should be there to speed up processes not to serve as workarounds for missing features. Thanks anyway - I submitted this issue as an "idea". That's all one can do.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
12:47 AM
While fiddling around with PS2022 to see if it makes any difference (it doesn't), I stumbled ovet this, which might explain why it was fast on your computer. When I drag a flattened image into my test file, it is instantly dropped. But when I drag a transparent layer (as you can see in my screencast) it takes a long time to drop. So you probably dragged a flat layer into my test file. Please try it with a transparent layer. Just create a new file with a transparent background. Scribble something on it, and drag that layer over.
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‎Dec 05, 2022
12:34 AM
Thanks for the link. But I'm not sure that this is the right script. I want to update my modified linked files and not relink them. Besides that the script takes several minutes to go through my layers until it gets to the prompted window. And this is one of my smaller files.
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