Andreas Resch
Andreas Resch
‎Aug 26, 2020
02:47 AM
Yeah ... WinTab is working fine in 21.2.1. At least on my Cintiq.
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‎Aug 25, 2020
10:44 PM
There's another thread about this already. Several people (including me) encountered that issue. A little workaround is to create a new window for that file and close the stuck one. Not perfect but faster than having to restart Photohop.
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‎Aug 25, 2020
10:38 PM
And I wish that people would stop suggesting to reset the preferences, reinstall drivers or even Photoshop itself when it doesn't change a thing and even leads to wasting more time. At this point the problem is obvious well reported.
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‎Aug 25, 2020
10:35 PM
Well. Wintab worked before 21.2.2.
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‎Aug 25, 2020
10:33 PM
There are a few threads about this already. The short of it is ... downgrade to 21.2.1 and don't forget to backup your preferences before that. Once Adobe adresses that issue, you can try to upgrade again (but I would wait a few days and check the forums before doing so).
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‎Aug 24, 2020
09:47 PM
There are many threads about this already - here and in the support forum. Adobe can't ignore this. Let's see how long it takes.
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‎Aug 23, 2020
03:31 AM
This problem has been reported many times now. It seems as with 21.2.2 Adobe decided to go for Windows ink and stop using WinTab - no clue why. So one is supposed to activate Windows ink again in the tablet settings and delete the PSUserConfig file. However this comes with a whole new wave of problems - annoying interferences with key strokes, extensions not behaving properly, pressure sensitivity not working occasionally ... For now the only good decision is to go back to 21.2.1 - backup your settings before you do. Otherwise you have to set them up all over again.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
11:32 PM
I would, if I was able to sign in there. There's a bug in the sign in script that prevents me from doing so. It says that I'm successfully logged in, while I never am.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
11:24 PM
It's not only the popup issue that causes problems. When using Windows ink in 21.2.2, the interaction with extension panels (Coolorus, Brusherator ...) causes the pen to lose the pressure sensitivity again. So even if the pressure works initially, I can't use my extensions, which of course I need. For now, go back to 21.2.1.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
11:18 PM
1 Upvote
It's completely random so there's little that I can do either. It's not a complete Photoshop freeze, it's just the window that isn't responding anymore. When I zoom, the ruler and the Navigator update, yet the actual image doesn't change. As I said, I can create an instance of the image and continue to work there.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
11:13 PM
The only combination that somehow worked for me was, was turning Windows Ink on and removing the PSUserConfig file. However, the pressure sensitivity only works if you don't use any extensions. When I click on my Coolorus color picker or pick a brush from my Brusherator panel, the pressure sensitivity is gone again. It's a mess. I'm back to 21.2.1. If you revert, make sure you backup your settings folder, otherwise you will lose all your preferences.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
10:35 AM
1 Upvote
I also have this issue occasionally. The canvas won't update any longer. If I create a new window for that file, I can continue to work there. I can then close the other one. It's just annoying but I somehow learned to live with it. It not as bad as the pen pressure screw up in 21.2.2 for sure.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
10:14 AM
1 Upvote
The problem is that when using Windows ink in 21.2.2, pen pressure only works as long as you don't interact with any extension windows (like Coolorus, Brusherator etc.). If you click in an extension window, pen pressure is gone again. It returns once you click with the mouse within Photoshop. But it's gone again when you interact with an extension. So this is only an option if you don't use extensions.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
09:18 AM
1 Upvote
Are you kidding me? After downgrading to 21.2.1 all my preferences are gone. Awesome, Adobe!!! Thanks for another impressive upgrade and wasting my time.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
09:15 AM
This only works for a while. I use the Coolorus extension as my color picker and as soon as I pick a new color from it, the pressure sensitivity is gone. So Adobe definitely messed something up here.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
09:07 AM
I can't even remember when I started using the PSUserconfig hack. It's years ago. Nothing else worked. This is actually pretty sad, considering you have to refer to a hack to get a popular setup like Win10-Photoshop-Wacom to work. How about all the users who are not confident with messing around with files and folders?
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‎Aug 22, 2020
08:59 AM
Not only that. When I remove the PSUserConfig file and enable Windows ink again, the pen seems to work at first. But when I go to my Coolorus color picker and pick a color there, the pressure sensitivity and tilt is gone. After I click with the mouse somewhere in the image, the sensitivity is back again. But only until I use the color picker - then it's gone again. This sucks.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
08:55 AM
1 Upvote
This worked before, but it doesn't any more. I had that file in there all the time. But after the update, pressure sensitivity is gone. It's always the same when updating Photoshop. The chances that something gets screwed up are higher than the benefits. So it's downgrading once again.
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‎Jul 04, 2020
08:24 AM
When I close files in Photoshop, Photoshop becomes unresponsive for about 3 seconds untils I can click anything again (menus, buttons ...). So If I want to close several images, I always have to wait for 3 seconds before I can close the next one. I went back to 21.0 but the problem seems to persist. So it might have to do with the recent Windows 10 2004 update. I'll investigate. But the weird thing is, that the problem only happens in Photoshop. No other apllications seem to be affected. Edit: It wasn't the Windows Update either. It must have to do something with files. If I create a new image and immediately close it again, it's quick as usual. So it only happens when I work with physical files. I tried different harddisks, and it's the same on all drives. So it might not be harddisk related. SOLVED: It was the Fontbase plugin that was installed without my knowledge when I installed Fontbase. Removing it from the Plugins directory solved the issue. I'll inform the creator. I'll also leave this thread online in case somebody experiences a similar problem.
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‎Nov 04, 2018
11:17 PM
Cheers. Thanks for the feedback.
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‎Nov 04, 2018
10:28 AM
I guess that I made a wrong assumtion there. I'll measure the gray value correctly in the future. Even the "L" value of the Lab mode did not work.
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‎Nov 04, 2018
10:06 AM
To remove some confusion. I was measuring the gray value with the "Brightness" value of the HSB mode. So the 25% are brightness, not the gray value. Sorry for the confusion.
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‎Nov 04, 2018
09:04 AM
Thanks for the insight. I'll see how I can keep going from here. I defintely learned a few new things today. Cheers.
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‎Nov 04, 2018
07:59 AM
Hello. I changed my Gray profile to "sGray" (whatever this is) and now it seems to work. Before the profile was set to "Dot 20% Gain", which I have used for all those years and seemed to be the default setting. So with "sGray" as profile a 25% gray is RGB(64, 64, 64) and with "Dot 20% Gain" a 25% Gray is RGB(85, 85, 85). This is very confusing and I don't see why this would apply to masks as well when I work in RGB mode. As I want to use this method in a script, there is one question. If I set the gray value in the script and fill the mask by the script, will it use the proper gray value or will it take the profile settings into account? If so, the mask will look different on different PC, where the script is used. Any ideas if this will cause problems? Cheeer, Andreas
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‎Nov 04, 2018
06:57 AM
Hello. Here's a comparison. The left side shows a red layer on top of a white background at 25% opacity. The right side show the same layer with 100% opacity but a mask filled with 25% gray. As you can see, the mask version is darker. You can download the PSD-file here ... I also tried the L value of the LAB mode, but it doesn't work either. Cheers.
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‎Nov 04, 2018
03:06 AM
Hello. I've recently tried to find out the relation between the opacity value of a layer and the grayscale value of a mask to get the same amount of transparency. It doesn't seem to be a linear formula that is used here. So 25% transparency isn't equal to a grayscale value of 25% in the mask - instead it's more like 33% gray. Can anybody tell me what the relation between the two values is? I'd like to transfer an opacity value to a grayscale mask while retaining the same amount of transparency. Cheers, Andreas
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‎Nov 08, 2017
09:04 AM
I have the same problem. Everything is fine with my color management and my two screens are calibrated. Camera RAW 9.1.1. works fine. Everything above that version has the bug. Please fix it.
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‎Jun 17, 2015
11:24 PM
Hello, my files are all PNG. As you can see, some of them show and some don't. I was thinking about using auto layout at one point but decided, that manual layout works better for my purposes. I just don't understand, why to change something that works properly over many years (this script even works in CS3) and suddenly abandon it without documentation and obvious reason, just to make users invest time and effort to fix it for Adobe. That happened in CC 2014 with stopping support for Flash panels too. From one day to another I had to change my workflow if I wanted to use the new version of Photoshop. For now, I will have to leave CC 2014 installed to be able to use all my stuff. I hope Adobe publishes a proper statement about the script issues or better reverts the changes with an update. Cheers, Andreas
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‎Jun 16, 2015
10:55 PM
Hello, thanks for your feedback so far, but aside from other people having issues to, there's no explanation why this was done or how to fix it. It was mentioned, that JPGs can't be used any more, but all my image buttons are PNGs and still some of them don't show up. Here's the code that creates my dialog in case somebody can share some light on how to modify the structure. dlg = new Window("dialog{text:'Script Interface',bounds:[100,100,900,664],\ titlepanel:Panel{bounds:[10,10,790,70] , text:'' ,properties:{borderStyle:'none',su1PanelCoordinates:true}, alignchildren:'center',\ title1:Image{bounds:[0,0,780,60] , icon:'"+strScriptPath+"/header.png'},\ infobutton:IconButton{bounds:[0,0,151,60] , icon:'"+strScriptPath+"/info" + strLanguage + ".png', properties:{style:'toolbutton'}},\ donatebutton:IconButton{bounds:[629,0,780,60] , icon:'"+strScriptPath+"/paypal" + strLanguage + ".png', properties:{style:'toolbutton'}}\ },\ presetpanel:Panel{bounds:[10,80,790,150] , text:' "+strPresets+" ' ,properties:{borderStyle:'etched',su1PanelCoordinates:true},\ presetlabel:StaticText{bounds:[20,22,80,42] , text:'"+strPresets+":' ,properties:{scrolling:false,multiline:false}},\ presetdropdown:DropDownList{bounds:[80,17,390,43]},\ addpreset:Button{bounds:[650,15,760,45] , text:'"+strAdd+"', name:'addpreset' },\ deletepreset:Button{bounds:[530,15,640,45] , text:'"+strDelete+"', name:'deletepreset' },\ updatepreset:Button{bounds:[410,15,520,45] , text:'"+strUpdate+"', name:'updatepreset' }\ },\ sizepanel:Panel{bounds:[10,160,214,250] , text:' "+strFinalSize+" ' ,properties:{borderStyle:'etched',su1PanelCoordinates:true},\ widthinput:EditText{bounds:[18,32,70,51] , text:'' , justify: 'center', properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:false}},\ xlabel:StaticText{bounds:[80,33,86,52] , text:'x' ,properties:{scrolling:false,multiline:false}},\ heightinput:EditText{bounds:[96,32,148,51] , text:'' , justify: 'center', properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:false}},\ sizeunit:StaticText{bounds:[158,33,208,52] , text:'"+strSizeUnit+"' ,properties:{scrolling:false,multiline:false}}\ },\ settingspanel:Panel{bounds:[224,160,790,250] , text:' "+strSettingsPanel+" ' ,properties:{borderStyle:'etched',su1PanelCoordinates:true},\ duplicateimage:Checkbox{bounds:[18,20,218,35] , text:'"+strDuplicateImage+"' },\ edgemask:Checkbox{bounds:[220,20,436,35] , text:'"+strEdgeMask+"' },\ maskmode:Checkbox{bounds:[410,20,560,35] , text:'"+strMaskMode+"' },\ saturationcompensation:Checkbox{bounds:[18,50,218,65] , text:'"+strSaturationCompensation+"' },\ layeropacitylabel:StaticText{bounds:[220,50,408,65] , text:'"+strLayerOpacity+"' ,properties:{scrolling:false,multiline:false}},\ layeropacitystrength:Scrollbar{bounds:[410,50,547,65] , minvalue:1, maxvalue:5, value:3, stepdelta:1, jumpdelta:1}\ },\ watermarkpanel:Panel{bounds:[10,260,790,400] , text:' "+strWatermark+" ' ,properties:{borderStyle:'etched',su1PanelCoordinates:true},\ usewatermark:Checkbox{bounds:[18,20,250,44] , text:'"+strUseWatermark+"' },\ pickwatermarkfile:Button{bounds:[18,52,90,80] , text:'"+strFile+"', name:'pickwatermarkfile' },\ watermarkpath:EditText{bounds:[100,56,650,76] , text:'' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:false}},\ watermarkposition:StaticText{bounds:[680,10,754,30] , text:'"+strWMPosition+"' ,justify: 'center', properties:{scrolling:false,multiline:false}},\ posframe:Image{bounds:[672,30,761,119] , icon:'"+strScriptPath+"/posframe.png'},\ wmpos1:RadioButton{bounds:[680,36,700,52] , text:'' }, wmpos2:RadioButton{bounds:[710,36,730,52] , text:'' }, wmpos3:RadioButton{bounds:[740,36,760,52] , text:'' },\ wmpos4:RadioButton{bounds:[680,66,700,82] , text:'' }, wmpos5:RadioButton{bounds:[710,66,730,82] , text:'' }, wmpos6:RadioButton{bounds:[740,66,760,82] , text:'' },\ wmpos7:RadioButton{bounds:[680,96,700,112] , text:'' }, wmpos8:RadioButton{bounds:[710,96,730,112] , text:'' }, wmpos9:RadioButton{bounds:[740,96,760,112] , text:'' },\ watermarkopacitylabel:StaticText{bounds:[18,93,90,112] , text:'"+strWatermarkOpacity+"' ,properties:{scrolling:false,multiline:false}},\ watermarkopacity:EditText{bounds:[100,92,130,109] , text:'0' , justify: 'center' , properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:false}}\ },\ buttonpanel:Group{bounds:[0,420,800,545],\ button1:IconButton{bounds:[588,0,790,125] , icon:'"+strScriptPath+"/button1" + strLanguage + ".png', properties:{style:'toolbutton'}},\ button2:IconButton{bounds:[370,0,572,125] , icon:'"+strScriptPath+"/button2" + strLanguage + ".png', properties:{style:'toolbutton'}},\ cancelbutton:IconButton{bounds:[10,0,135,125] , icon:'"+strScriptPath+"/cancelbutton" + strLanguage + ".png', properties:{style:'toolbutton'}}\ }\ };", strTitle); Thanks, Andreas
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‎Jun 16, 2015
10:54 AM
Hello. My script worked fine in all the previous versions of Photoshop and suddenly the dialog is messep up. Some image buttons won't show, font have different colors, radio buttons are missing, checkoxes look horrible ... What was done to the scripting language to make all this happen? This is very annoying. Here a comparison of how the script looked before (left) and how it looks now (right). Maybe someone can explain the problem. Cheers, Andreas Resch
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