‎Jan 16, 2020
07:36 PM
Does anyone know how to run the command "Deselect Layers" from select menu using script? Ive been search for 2 hours orso and all i find are loop going over all layers. We can use commanda like trim from the image menu. But this simple deselect command is not in the scripting reference or any guide ive found. Ive also tried using the ScriptListener and record that action and make a function. Somehow it doesnt seem to work when i use it with other functions? //from scriptlistener plugin
var idselectNoLayers = stringIDToTypeID( "selectNoLayers" );
var desc7 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
var ref3 = new ActionReference();
var idLyr = charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " );
var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
ref3.putEnumerated( idLyr, idOrdn, idTrgt );
desc7.putReference( idnull, ref3 );
executeAction( idselectNoLayers, desc7, DialogModes.NO ); I would also like the run the command "Delete Hidden Layers"
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‎Jan 16, 2020
05:08 PM
Ive just got a new version as well. Ive added "trim image" option, also quite handy 🙂 Im currently finding a proper way to clean the files when its saves layered files like the tff and psd version can do. I got a couple scripts which do this, so need to find the cleanest and fastest method. I guess delete layer comps when document is duplicated and then run "Delete hidden layers" is best here.
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‎Jan 16, 2020
05:04 PM
Ive been using this one for years. THough my version is a little different. I guess the new FOrum also wrecked most scripts in the loops. My version does delete all hidden folders as well
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‎Jan 16, 2020
11:55 AM
1 Upvote
HI guys i made an altered version which can also do layer comps from artboards. I also added more options like convert to sRGB and transparency works now for PNG and TIFF Ill add that layer trim function as well. Need to check what it does actually You can find my version here;
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‎Jan 16, 2020
11:36 AM
Hi all,
I was looking into an updated "Layer Comps to Files" when i found How to export multiple layer comps on multiple artboards, it showed a link to an upgraded version which could also do Layercomps on Artboards to files. However, i did like how it executed so i changed some items. I also added new functions, which for me as graphic design make more sense.
Ive been working quite extensively on this script and updated it to 2 variants now. I also got transparencies working for PNG and also added it to TIFF. I also added options for PSD to save layers as well. But also add options to convert to sRGB. This conversion for me is very important, its kind of basic workflow these days, so wonder why this is not implemented as default. I guess because the "layer comps to files" and "artboards to files" are quite old and not looked after anymore. But i did some minor upgrading as i showed earlier. I took the base from the script linked earlier in the post which can do "layer comps from artboards to files". But i wasnt happy how it always added descriptions, index # and comments. So i made every naming optional. But i also added the option to do a single artboard or choose a layer comp from a menu. Normally you need to select one or multiple. Now you can select just one of you forgot that. You can find my altered version here; Photoshop-Scripts
Both scripts can also run without artboards or without layer comps or both. If no artboards are present or no layer comps are selected the options will no be grayed out or be invisible. Thats much better behavior than the original "Layer Comps to FIles".
Layer Comps & Artboard To Files_v6
This one is basically the same as v7 but without the option to choose layer comps. This one works the same as basic "Layer Comps to Files". So it either exports all layer comps when none are selected or only does selected ones. Layer Comps & Artboard To Files_v6
Layer Comps & Artboard To Files_v7
This has an optional function of picking Layer Comps from the dialog menu. This makes allows the user to keep going even when the wrong layer comp was selected. Layer Comps & Artboard To Files_v7
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‎Jan 16, 2020
11:32 AM
Hi all,
ive been working quite extensively on this script and updated it too 2 variants now. I also got transparencies working for PNG and also added it to TIFF. I also added options for PSD to save layers as well. But also add options to convert to sRGB. This convertion for me is very important, its kind of basic workflow these days, so wonder why this is not implemented as default. I guess because the "layer comps to files" and "artboards to files" are quite old and not looked after anymore. But i did some minor upgrading as i showed earlier. I took the base from the script linked earlier in the post which can do "layer comps from artboards to files". But i wasnt happy how it always added descriptions, index # and comments. So i made every naming optional. But i also added option to do single artboard or choose a layer comp from a menu. Normally you need to select one or multiple. Now you can select just one of you forgot that. You can find my altered version here; Photoshop-Scripts
Both scripts can also run without artboards or without layer comps or both. If no artboards are present or no layer comps are selected the options will no be grayed out or be invisible. Thats much better behavior than the original "Layer Comps to FIles".
Layer Comps & Artboard To Files_v6
This one is basically same as v7 but without the option to choose layer comps. This one works the same as basic "Layer Comps to Files". So it either exports all layer comps when none are selected or only does selected ones. Layer Comps & Artboard To Files_v6
Layer Comps & Artboard To Files_v7
This has an optional functon of picking Layer Comps from the dialog menu. This makes allows the user to keep going even when wrong layer comp was selected. Layer Comps & Artboard To Files_v7
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‎Jan 15, 2020
09:17 AM
@Laubender, Vinny seems to be helping, if the OP kept it to one single thread instead of making double threads all info would be easier to find and all together.
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‎Jan 15, 2020
09:09 AM
Man i was looking for this for quite some time. Why dont they have this also in some of the menu's??? Being able to scale everything is nice, but when you working with text all thise different measuremnts showing with double font sizes is driving me nuts.
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‎Jan 14, 2020
11:32 AM
I think this extension needs major upgrading to higher illustrator versions. I just read some parts on the CEP9 cookbook. Ive never really made any panel, but now a bit about scripting. I hope the dev will pick this up. BUt im not sure, his release was from 2017 and he/she didnt update it for illustrator 2019. I cant really help testing this thing cause im still on 2018 here
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‎Jan 14, 2020
11:24 AM
PS if your bold enough and want to try. Perhaps you can dowload the CEP files for engine 9 from their github and replace them. Perhaps it will work if you use the new version for these files. CEPEngine.js CSInterface.js One other thing you could try is use this command in the Terminal In the terminal, enter the command: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.9 PlayerDebugMode 1 I did noticed when using CEP you also need to active that code in the Terminal
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‎Jan 14, 2020
11:13 AM
1 Upvote
@Gamm System, im an oldy here. Im still on 10.11.6 🙂 I think its perhaps related to the usage of the CEP engine. I just had a look at Adobe github, if im right illustrator 2019 and up uses CEP9 and i believe this extension is still on older CEP. This must be the issue, according to this table. I see that illustrator 2019 support CEP 8 and 9. Illustrator 2018 support CEP 7 and 8. On this page you also can read that the CSinterface check what version of CEP is used This extension is using CEP 7. Thats why its still working in 2018 i guess. The dev needs to update i think. Not sure he responds or see my messages on his gitHub. I already asked him to take a look at dot-files. Im running script from an USB drive and see all scripts double due to these dot-files USB drives have on OSX PS did you also do these commands In the terminal, enter the command: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.6 PlayerDebugMode 1 In the terminal, enter the command: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.7 PlayerDebugMode 1 In the terminal, enter the command: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.8 PlayerDebugMode 1 I did run these way long back, i found a readme file in the folder "messages" inside "LAscripts" folder
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‎Jan 14, 2020
11:00 AM
I finally found out how you can restore to default init settings. I noticed that when you add initExprt(exportInfo) after the descriptorToObject function. It seem to resort to default. I believe the descriptor checks for earlier runs and get the data. I noticed that in a lot of cases this case weird behavior. PS i just noticed yours does indeed force to add doc name. I was looking at other items 🙂
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‎Jan 14, 2020
10:37 AM
Yes i know all of this, i was just mentioning the tiny warning photoshop shows. Its really hardly visible, especially on retina screens. WOuld be nice if PS also got interactive rounding corners. I mean it does have the properties already up until you transform it wrong. So why not add that yellow square as well 🙂
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‎Jan 14, 2020
10:35 AM
Indeed, i was just curious what it was for. Seems to be left-over code
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‎Jan 13, 2020
09:46 AM
@Stephen_A_Marsh I tried the script and i dont see other behavior then the default. It still shows old input data in the prefix part. It seem this is the part for either using old data or document name try {
exportInfo.destination = Folder(app.activeDocument.fullName.parent).fsName; // destination folder
var tmp =;
exportInfo.fileNamePrefix = decodeURI(tmp.substring(0, tmp.indexOf("."))); // filename body part
} catch (someError) {
exportInfo.destination = new String("");
exportInfo.fileNamePrefix =; // filename body part
} I can check what happens if i replace it with adjusted code
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‎Jan 13, 2020
09:30 AM
I dont understand why they use the Init Function when all items are saved somehow. Ive found an altered version which can export all layer comps from all artboards. However in that gitHub i noticed someone asked for single artboard selection. I worked on that part this weekend and got it working. However that Init part was driving me nuts. I set a lot of items to false, but it kept showing all data. This post explains why. Ill i think its that pre and post function causing it right? Here's that other version, ill post my altered version on gitHub this week photoshopscripts
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‎Jan 13, 2020
08:05 AM
1 Upvote
I had the same issue, but you can actually install it manually aswell. Change ZXP extension to zip and than unzip the folder Find the CEP folder on your OS, if you dont have "extensions" folder, simply make one Path Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/ Win 32bit: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\ Win 64bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\​ For me this worked and the panel showed
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‎Jan 12, 2020
07:25 PM
I saw a request on the gitHub repo, it was about the ability to do single artboards instead of all. Took me while to get everything working proplery, but it works like a charm now. I need to make a new repo so i can post the link here. Will do this coming week
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‎Jan 10, 2020
10:16 AM
Well it depends if that sublayers ia actually a layers. If you rename objects or groups. There is hardly now way to tell if its a layer or an object. Not quite intuitive i think. You can distuingish them by the smal triangle in the top corner. But that means you manually need to go over and select items one by one for sub-layers. Thats BS!!! Why dont layers use icons like Photoshop has for items. Sometimes feels so weird how different apps UI design are between Adobe applications. Team should work work together better, still after all these years. Working with layers is a bit tedious, photoshop has way more method to control layers. Though illustrator also has powerful functions. The things i really miss is; unfold, fold, move and select layers by using shortcuts.
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‎Jan 10, 2020
10:14 AM
I also find it weird you can not recolor sublayers. But easiest way to recolor sublayers, close the top-layer and unfold it again. After i changed the top-layers color, when its open. sub-layers dont get recolored. But when you fold and then unfold the layers, they are recolored to the new color?!?! Really weird behavior
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‎Jan 09, 2020
07:42 PM
That setting of 30 seems standard, its also set to 30 in the "layercomps to files" version. Thats actually the basis of this script. He added the artboard part. PS what file-type are you using. Ive tested JPG and PNG and TIFF. Only the tiff version export large because it exports layers. Even now when i got transparency working again, files are still small. Perhaps you use huge pixel dimensions?
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‎Jan 09, 2020
07:41 PM
Can you enlighten me about "invisible artboards"? I hardly use them, so i dont know what that is. I got transparency working and also made the options he hardcoded like artboard names and index optional again. Added optional artboard name and indexing Old script EDIT Ahhh duhh... by invisible you meant the them being toggled off probably. I check i can add this as well. Currently it check all artboards and doesnt check if they are visible or not.
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‎Jan 09, 2020
07:37 PM
1 Upvote
There is this adjusted "layercomps to files" version Layer Comps To Artboard Files.jsx which does add artbaords. It has some issue with transparency not working and it always adds artboard names & index in the filename. Im adjusting the script to make all options optional, i also got transparency working now
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‎Jan 09, 2020
04:33 PM
Many thanks Mani! I run into this same problem before and did it all manually, way to tedious. So today i started adding parts from the "Artboards to files" to the "Layercomps to files" version. Did run in some issue since some i forgot to add. I see this one works great. However it needs some work. Its missing convert to sRGB options, it also always adds prefix numbers. Ill do my best do adjust these and see if i can paste that script back here. Thanks for that link. This already helped for the moment. PS for the other stating things about quality. If you open the JSX file search for 30 setting and simply change it to lower value. These are just basic settings. This script seems to be the same as Artboards to files but with some changes added.
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‎Jan 06, 2020
01:44 PM
Seems like with the new forum lots of scripts pasted here are broken. It looks like some parts are missing, this var is declared, but nothing is done with it??? doc.defaultFillColor = doc.swatches[].color;
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‎Jan 06, 2020
11:40 AM
Perhaps add a working link, would like to test this script
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‎Dec 24, 2019
03:47 PM
What is actually weird, is that on a regular text frame we hardly see that plus sign. Its embedded inside the corner points. When you make a frame from a shape, it shows the small dot sort if like indesign and illustrator. That method is way more clear. Not sure why they add in a corner point???
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‎Dec 24, 2019
03:43 PM
I was thinking it was something like that, its super tiny! I think Indesign and Illustrator do a better Job. Thanks for clarifying it! Indesign text overset Illustrator text overset
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‎Dec 24, 2019
09:52 AM
I was wondering what this small circle is on a text frame when its converted from a shape. If you draw a rectangle with the shape tool and fill it with text, the text frame gets the form of that shape. However compared to a regular rectangle frame, this frame now show a small circle in the bottom right. I cant really remember or find what its for. First i thoughts its like Indesign and you can round the corners, but i dont get any interaction with it. At least not with all i tried ??? Not sure what this UI part should do actually?
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‎Dec 23, 2019
07:07 AM
Yeah this new community design wrecked a lot of things. I also see many deadlinks now in posts linked from stack exchange or other forums. What is weird though that the [0] version are there and it only took out [i]????
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