‎Nov 25, 2023
05:25 AM
You can Shift+DoubleClick on Blacks and Whites in the Basic panel. This will stretch histogram (tonal values) to the full range and you will not need to do this in Curves. To do this in batch is quite tricky. You'll need to apply Auto tone, and then reset everything that is not needed (Exposure, Contrast, Shadows, Highlights, Saturation and Vibrance). Or you can use this plugin: http://regex.info/blog/2018-04-20/2860
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‎Oct 10, 2023
11:30 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for the reply. That's great!
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‎Oct 10, 2023
10:44 AM
1 Upvote
At the first glance looks pretty nice. But can someone from Adobe clarify how this works internally? I mean does it have AI models builtin, or will require internet connection to work? I'm worried because I sometimes use LrC from remote locations without internet coverage.
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‎Oct 10, 2023
10:31 AM
In accordance to Adobe Help page Lens Blur turns humans into bears.
I don't think it's ok and needs to be fixed.
I mean please fix that help page.
Verified couple other languages and it's fine there.
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‎Oct 10, 2023
03:50 AM
Just for the record: MP (megapixels, millions of pixels) and MB (megabytes) are not the same thing. You are probably confusing them. If not - please post a screenshot showing image dimentions (width and height) and megapixels as show in LrC.
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‎Oct 08, 2023
02:23 AM
File naming for denoised DNGs is a nightmare. First, it's not configurable. And second, it is localized. So this "Enhanced" is actually translated and is different in different languages. At least make it consistent and always name "Enhanced-NR" in all languages, or better just make those suffixes configurable (for AI denoise, pano, hdr and so on).
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‎Sep 25, 2023
05:04 AM
I guess you don't have valid subscription. Check what LrC shows under Help -> System Info.
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‎Sep 11, 2023
08:56 AM
Canon R7 was released way after Lightroom 6, sure it is not supported. You have two options to solve this. 1. Costs money - upgrade to latest version of Lightroom Classic, it will work with files from Canon R7. 2. Free - download and install latest Adobe DNG converter, change compatibility option for older ACR in settings and convert your images to DNG. Then you'll be able to import and edit them in Lr v6. Hope this helps.
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‎Sep 10, 2023
10:29 AM
Thank you for confirming. Hope it will be fixed until final release of Bridge v14.
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‎Sep 07, 2023
05:02 AM
No. Iridient X-Transformer cteates linear DNG which does not currently supported by AI Denoise (only Bayer and X-Trans RAW files are supported). You'll need to wait until Adobe add support for this type of image data. https://www.iridientdigital.com/products/xtransformer.html Interpolation or demosaic processing. This transforms the camera sensor's X-Trans or Bayer color filter information to produce a full color RGB image. This processing is always applied by Iridient X-Transformer and cannot be disabled or undone. Currently I would recommend you to look at Topaz Photo AI or Denoise AI.
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‎Sep 07, 2023
04:41 AM
1 Upvote
It shouldn't exist, you'll need to create it if needed. As for how to force OpenGL - you wrote that you know how to do it on Mac. On Windows it would be the same. Maybe this will help: https://www.wildlifeinpixels.net/blog/opengl-api-problem-lightroom-classic-cc-solved/ I have no idea whether it will work for modern LrC versions or not.
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‎Sep 07, 2023
02:54 AM
1 Upvote
Hi. config.lua is Lightroom Classic config file and has nothing to do with MacOS. Its path: On Windows: C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\config.lua On MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/config.lua Settings inside this config file are OS independent for the most part.
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‎Aug 31, 2023
06:53 AM
The issue here is that you don't understand how this works. This is not color replacement, it overlays one color over the other (blends). So blending light grey with black will give you dark grey - this is what you get. If you just want it darker just use exposure or tone curve, there is no need for color overlay at all.
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‎Aug 27, 2023
05:41 AM
@ChasLaird - thank you for confirming and please upvote at the top of this thread.
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‎Aug 24, 2023
12:57 PM
That's quite strange. I see the exact same issue on two completely different machines. Both running Windows 10 22H2 x64, and another common thing is that both set to UI scaling to 125% in OS settings. Maybe this is OS related, or somehow related to UI scaling. Try changing thimbnail size in Bridge - it may dissapear and then appear again at different sizes, and also may be visible from different image sides. As for your suggestion, I don't see any setting like "Preferences > Performance > Enhanced Graphic Processor Settings > GPU-Compositing" in Bridge. And changing it in Photosohop makes no sence because it will not affect exisitng files. I've tried at different UI scaling factors in OS (100%, 125%, 150%) and this issue shows up at any of them. Also, not only changing thumbnail size, but also changing size of whole Bridge window influences the view - those transparent borders are shown at different image sides when I change window size. Maybe someone can try this on Windows to see if this is reproducible. Nonetheless, it's not likely for this to be "fixed" if the engineers are not witnessing the issue. Did they look at this at all? I mean I do see the issue and you don't, both of us don't have any tecnical knowledge on how this works internally, so this leads to nowhere...
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‎Aug 24, 2023
06:18 AM
Hi @gary_sc. Here is this sample image: https://we.tl/t-FwmnVzO3N9 It actually happens to me with any RAW image opened in PS and saved as PSD no matter do they have LR/ACR edits or not, doesn't matter if I crop them in PS or not. Here is how it looks for photos from different cameras just converted to PSD: If I open the exact same image and resave it as PSB or TIFF the issue is gone, previews are correct. It's only present for PSD files, which I have a lot and doesn't wont to convert just to fix this. I'm currently using Bridge v12.0.4 which does not have this issue. I've been testing all releases of Bridge v13 and Bridge Beta v14 and they all have this issue with PSD previews. This is super annoying and would be greait if it could be fixed.
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‎Aug 22, 2023
05:56 AM
I've just tested this in Bridge Beta v14 and it is not fixed - the same issue with PSD thumbnails.
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‎Aug 22, 2023
05:40 AM
1 Upvote
Hi. There is an issue with Bridge 2023 (v13) when showing PSD thumbnails. When browsing folder with PSD files thin transparent border may appear on thumbnail from any side of an image (sometimes on multiple sides). It changes when thumbnail size is changed, may change it's position - for example can move from left to right border. Please see the screenshot below: To my experience - this happens in any release of Bridge 2023 (v13) currently released. This only happens to PSD files. Bridge 2022 works just fine - there is no such borders on PSD thumbnails. Please fix this.
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‎Aug 11, 2023
05:12 AM
1 Upvote
That's because Lightroom (Classic and Cloud) does not use ACR plugin. They have ACR built-in, and we'll have to wait for updates to Lightroom with updated ACR to get this fix. Hopefully it will be released soon enough.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
04:00 AM
It is. It just not available to the end user (at least currently). Produced DNG contains copy of original mosaic data. That's one of the reasons why it's so big. Adobe employee stated here on the forum that it should be possible to reprocess denoised DNG in the future when Denoise AI will be improved without the need to have original RAW file.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
03:47 AM
This will only enable long paths in the system, but also requires support from the application. To change it's manifest and also change internal path limit. You can read here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/maximum-file-path-limitation?tabs=registry Registry or GP edit is only first step of the two required. And second step can only be done by application developer. You can edit manifest, but this will not help as path limit is build into application binary.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
03:41 AM
Actually, it can. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file In editions of Windows before Windows 10 version 1607, the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters. In later versions of Windows, changing a registry key or using the Group Policy tool is required to remove the limit. For file I/O, the "\\?\" prefix to a path string tells the Windows APIs to disable all string parsing and to send the string that follows it straight to the file system. For example, if the file system supports large paths and file names, you can exceed the MAX_PATH limits that are otherwise enforced by the Windows APIs. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-createfilea The name of the file or device to be created or opened. You may use either forward slashes (/) or backslashes (\) in this name.
By default, the name is limited to MAX_PATH characters. To extend this limit to 32,767 wide characters, prepend "\\?\" to the path. It just also requires support from the application. It's not implemented not because it's impossible, but because noone cares.
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‎Jun 25, 2023
04:37 AM
Because there is. Use Transform tools + Autosync or Copy/Paste settings.
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‎Jun 11, 2023
07:49 AM
1 Upvote
It's obvious that people are happy with the image quality of Denoise, or this forum would be full of posts complaining about it - and it just isn't. By @Keith Reeder Ok, I'll post just to show opposite point of view. It's not obvious. First: there are number of complaints for specific cameras here. Second: the fact that people doesn't complaint does not necessarily mean they are happy - they just may have previous experience that their complaints will not change anything and is therefore pointless and a waste of time. For me, I've used Denoise AI on 8 images from Canon camera with portraits of a girl with freckles on her cheeks and found that on 2 images Denoise AI created false details that looks like worm-looking patterns which are very obvious on a face. Other 6 photos was processed fine and I find resulds more than good on them, just don't crank the slider up to 100. I can't provide sample images, so posting a complaint is pointless - thus I did not. That's just one example.
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‎Jun 04, 2023
01:43 AM
Your export preset is the issue. You have file size limit enabled, and also enabled settings to include all metadata. Applied edits are included as metadata in the exported file as built-in XMP, which could be big enough especially if you are using masking or cloning. So if metadata if relatively big it leaves much less space for the actual image data which forces LrC to compress harder with bigger losses of quality. Either remove file size limit, or change metadata settings to include less metadata or not include at all.
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‎Jun 02, 2023
07:04 AM
Reset preferences for what? It always worked like this (and in my opinion it is designed to work this way): radial filter selects internal area, with "Invert" checkbox selected - external area. The only thing that needs to be fixed is Adobe documentation which states the opposite behaviour: https://helpx.adobe.com/ua/lightroom-classic/help/lightroom-radial-filter.html
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‎May 30, 2023
04:20 AM
There are number of issues with this code. First: x=x+0 makes no sense. If x is number this does nothing, and if not you'll get the error. It should be x=tonumber(x) or 0 And second: wdt / cWdt * foc You may get division by zero here which is not handled.
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‎May 24, 2023
08:08 AM
1 Upvote
@TheDigitalDog- not as usual. Usually release notes are published here: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/using/whats-new.html
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‎May 24, 2023
07:58 AM
1 Upvote
Great answer as always, very informative. So what bugs have been fixed? Should we guess?
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‎May 18, 2023
04:00 AM
Thanks a lot, that would be great! I'm really surprised to see such a response from Adobe employee here (in a good way) - kinda contradicts all my previous experience. Maybe something has changed for better...
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