‎Jan 11, 2023
07:07 AM
Exactly the same issue with Bridge 13.0.2 release on my Windows 10 x64 22H2. It just shows empty message box with error icon, when I click Ok it dies. This happens during Bridge startup - no sign-in requests, nothing. Logs are also the same as shown in the first message. Bridge 13.0.1 worked fine, reverted back to it and it's still working.
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‎Jan 05, 2023
11:30 AM
It doesn't end "New York" session because it's your current session. I guess you are using VPN or something similar. Your location is determined by your IP address and may not be accurate if you are using VPN or proxy server.
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‎Jan 01, 2023
02:28 PM
Thank you for your reply. "Lua has garbage collection, so in general there are no destructors in the SDK that clients need to call." Well, I understand that if I'll just leave it alone Lightroom will eventually handle it. My concern is that I'm creating new exports programmatically and will eventually double required memory, so I'm thinking about calling removePhoto() on original export session after photo is copied to my new session (actually move photo from old session to new one instead of copy). I just thought maybe there is some better way to do this... "But did you see Chapter 3: Creating Export And Publish Services in the Lightroom Classic SDK Programmers Guide?" Yes, I did. The problem for me is that it kinda explains pipeline, but doesnt explain how those stages are referenced by APIs (or maybe I just didn't get it). There it is written that when processRenderedPhotos() is called, filters have already been applied. But it's not clear what structures exactly was changed by filters (list of photos, renditions or something else). Because of this I don't know if my newly created export sessions will inherit those changes or not. Of course I can just test if filter effect will be preserved and hope that I'm not missing anything, but in my opinion it's not a proper way to write programs...
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‎Jan 01, 2023
03:16 AM
Hi. I'm writing Export plugin for Lightroom Classic and have some questions. Hope someone will be able to answer them 🙂 Main idea of the plugin is to group photos that user selected for export into sets based on metadata, and then export each set with different settings. I'm doing this in the exportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos(functionContext, exportContext). Everything seems fine so far. My questions are: 1. What should I do with original LrExportSession provided in the exportContext? I can't find any mention of destructor or something similar in the SDK. I suppose it consumes memory, and if user is exporting thousands of images this can be quite noticeable. Should I just leave it alone and LRC will handle everything, or should I perform cleanup somehow? 2. What should I do (if anything) to make export filters attached in the export dialog to work with my newly created export sessions? If this matters - export settings for new export sessions are copied from original export session and then some fields edited. Hope someone will shed some lite on this.
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‎Oct 19, 2022
11:15 AM
Can you please run my script? It's interesting to see what it will show on your systems.
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‎Oct 19, 2022
04:53 AM
@Rikk Flohr: Photography So I've debugged this a bit a here is what I've found. The issue is with AgImageIO.gpuVRAMTotalBytes() - on my systems it returns nil Lightroom then tries to convert returned value (nil) to megabytes by dividing by 1024*1024 which leads to formentioned error. Here is how to check: use my small script to test -- Copy this script to %APPDATA%\Adobe\Lightroom\Scripts
-- Main code
local LrDialogs = import("LrDialogs")
local AgImageIO = import("AgImageIO")
local AgGCCache = import("AgGCCache")
local AgSystemInfo = import("AgSystemInfo")
-- Show dialog with message
"System info:"..
"\nmemSize="..tostring(AgSystemInfo.memSize() or "nil")..
"\nusableAddressSpace="..tostring(AgSystemInfo.usableAddressSpace() or "nil")..
"\ntotalCachedSize="..tostring(AgGCCache.main:totalCachedSize() or "nil")..
"\ngpuVRAMTotalBytes="..tostring(AgImageIO.gpuVRAMTotalBytes() or "nil"),
) Copy all this code and save it to file Debug.lua Then navigate to %APPDATA%\Adobe\Lightroom and create folder named "Scripts" there if it does not exist. Put Debug.lua into this folder (%APPDATA%\Adobe\Lightroom\Scripts) Then restart Lightroom, in the main menu select Scripts>Debug - it will show message box with some info. On my system I get this: Why AgImageIO.gpuVRAMTotalBytes() returns nil I don't know, debug info is stripped and it's hard to debug...
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‎Oct 18, 2022
04:25 PM
For me this happens on the real hardware running Windown 10 x64 21H2, and also under VMWare virtual machine running Windows 11. It happens every time I try to invoke system info.
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‎Oct 18, 2022
02:12 PM
I just updated to Lightroom Classic 12.0, running it on Windows 10 x64 21H2 (same thing happens on Windows 11).
When I'm trying to view system info (Help > System Info...) LrC gives error message:
So it is unable to view system information, which is frequently reqested by support or here on forums.
Please fix this.
Thank you.
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‎Jun 23, 2022
10:16 AM
Thank you once again.
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‎Jun 23, 2022
10:12 AM
Thank you for the fast reply, I really appreciate it. I see this on Windows 10 21H2 x64. Yes, ACR is labeled 14.4.1 Can you tell if Lightroom Classic is also affected, and if so will it be updated too?
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‎Jun 23, 2022
08:35 AM
Did you even read my message? Yes, I've got ACR 14.4.1 today, and info is only available for 14.4
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‎Jun 23, 2022
08:26 AM
Once again update to Adobe product is released and no ANY information on what was added or fixed on Adobe's website.
I really don't get it - is it that hard to publish release notes?
Please provide some information on what was changed in ACR 14.4.1 that was released recently.
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‎Dec 24, 2021
11:34 AM
I investigated this stuff some time ago when LrC 11.0 was released and writing from memory, so not entirely sure - it may be 2560px. This needs to be verified if this is important ))
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‎Dec 24, 2021
11:24 AM
@johnrellis Masks are stored in <catalog>.lrcat-data folder. It's just grayscale tiff with additional header at the beginning. Tiff can be easily extracted by removing this additinal header if you know what to look for (beginning of tiff image can be easily identified). If you'll remove this additional header - it's just a standart tiff image. Masks always have the size of smart previews no matter what's the resolution of original image, 2880px on the long side in my tests. Also, masks are not stored fully. Lets say you have a landscape shot with sky on top, land on bottom and horizon somewhere in-between. When you use "Select Sky" on this image, mask will only contain horizontal strip with the horizon (transition from black to white). White strip on top (for sky) and black strip on bottom (for land) will not be stored in the mask. Where to put that strip with transition, and what's below and above it is stored in that additional header. Same optimization is applied to all AI masks - rectangles of solid black and white at the borders are removed. Because of this comparing mask sizes is not fully correct.
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‎Nov 24, 2021
08:34 AM
No. Ratings and Color Labels are global. And in my opinion it just makes no sense. Why the same image would have different ratings in different places? Flags are local, so you can mark photos as Pick or Rejected, and it will only affect your collection.
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‎Nov 16, 2021
03:58 AM
Thanks a lot!
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‎Nov 16, 2021
03:22 AM
1 Upvote
Hi. Does anybody know what exactly was fixed in LrC 11.0.1? Please share! The only information I can find is "contains several bug fixes", which is not very helpful. Thanks.
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‎Nov 10, 2021
09:03 AM
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‎Nov 10, 2021
08:56 AM
Ok, I have to admit that I was wrong thinking that Spot Removal tool does not affect AI masking. I just did a test - and it does. So now recalculating AI mask each time it is added makes sense. Original image + Select Sky Bird removed + Select Sky But I still think that AI masks are acting strange, maybe that is also by design... How to reproduce: Just use the above image as a test, and make a second copy or use some similar image. Apply Select Sky, remove the bird with Spot Removal and apply Select Sky for the second time. So far works good - first mask with the hole where the bird is, second is solid because the bird was removed. Now copy all settings including masks and spot removal to the second image and open it in Develop. LrC will say that you need to update the mask, but when you press update - both masks are calculated on the retouched image without bird and are solid. In short: order of mask calculation and spot removal is not preserved, which may or may not be ok. It's just a strange behaviour worth knowing, I don't think it should be fixed thought...
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‎Nov 10, 2021
08:45 AM
Have you tried using Duplicate for the Sky/Object Mask instead of creating a new mask from scratch? It doesn't require a recomputation of the mask. By @Rikk Flohr: Photography Yes, I did. I'm aware of this workflow. I just thought that recomputation makes no sense as the image does not change. But after tests I see that Spot Removal affects masks creation, so this makes sense now.
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‎Nov 10, 2021
06:42 AM
Why on Earth this thread was moved from "Bugs" to "Discussions"? This is definitely a bug!
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‎Nov 10, 2021
12:45 AM
Hi. Currently, when you apply Select Subject or Select Sky multiple times on the same image - the mask is calculated each time you add it. I.e.: open an image, Select Subject - detecting subject (waiting...), Select Subject again - detecting subject again (waiting...), and so on... There is really no need to do this as the image is not changing, so the mask will be the same. Just compute it once when it is added for the first time and that's it. I mean once for the Select Subject when it's used for the first time, and once for Select Sky when it's used for the first time. This is a waste of time and CPU power and is super annoying. Please fix this.
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‎Nov 07, 2021
09:52 PM
1 Upvote
In my opinion AI masks actually needs two improvements: Option to compute actual masks for target photos when pasting/syncing settings (rather than just copying mask type). The same way it was implemented for Upright, where you can choose to copy actual correction or just correction type and recompute correction for target photo. Ability to recompute AI masks for selected images in batch. Also, it would be nice to optimize mask calculation. There is no need to compute subject or sky for multiple masks on the same photo because it does not change - just compute it once.
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‎Nov 07, 2021
10:58 AM
Hi. With LrC 11 it's now possible to apply AI masks. But when you copy settings from one image to another, mask type (Select Subject or Select Sky) is copied, but the mask itself is not calculated. Then it's required to open masking panel on target photo and click "Update". After doing so the mask is calculated - great. But currently it's impossible to do this in batch. User needs to do this for EVERY image, which is a pain if you copied settings to 10, 20 or more images. Please add possibility to batch update AI masks after selecting group of images. Thank you.
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‎Dec 01, 2020
12:34 PM
Your post has been tagged as inappropriate...
Oh, please don't - this makes me cry.
Come on, are you serious?
Who cares.
The last resort of someone who lacks the lexicon and the facts is abusive language.
Where did you find abusive language?
There is only one word, and that's exactly describes how Adobe treats their customers.
You don't like that word? We don't like that treatment!
As for the lack of facts - there are plenty of them in my message.
Nothing to say in reply?
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‎Dec 01, 2020
02:42 AM
Could you stop posting this nonsense?
I wish to you (in fact not really) that one day barrier will appear unexpectedly just inside your car while you are driving - guess you'll find that funny.
To me this issue looks like a mistake, and not intencional decision at all.
Adobe just does not want to acknowledge this.
1. ACC Desktop runs on your computer - it has no problems checking CPU capabilities and marking product as not compatible. It does so if you try to install on Windows 7 for example without any problems.
2. SSE 4.2 requirement on the system requirements page (https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/system-requirements.html) was NOT there at the release date - it was added later after tons of complaints from the users.
3. SSE 4.2 requirement at the moment IS ONLY STATED ON THE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PAGE IN ENGLISH. For example go ahead and check system requirement in Deutch (https://helpx.adobe.com/de/photoshop/system-requirements.html) or any other language. So who is the center of the universe now? Or everyone else apart from english speaking people have different CC applications?
All your messages here on forums are defencing Adobe and blaming users, which is exactly mimics Adobe's policy.
If their behavoiur is right for you - ok, but it's not ok for many others. It is a paid product, and when people paying - they want to get finished and supported product, instead they are treated as beta testers. In short, when you reach Adobe support with any issue, the scenario is like this:
1. We don't have this issue. 2. When you proove (which is not always easy) - oh, we have this issue, but that's your fault: incompatible hardware, software, etc...
3. When you show it's explicitly listed as compatible - well, should work. But it does not!
4. F*ck you we don't care.
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‎Nov 05, 2020
02:04 AM
Are there any plans to update ACR installer on this page: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/kb/camera-raw-plug-in-installer.html
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‎Nov 04, 2020
08:43 AM
What card if we are talking about CPU here?
GPU is a completely different story...
Also, analogy with engine does not work here.
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‎Nov 04, 2020
02:42 AM
*Ronny Abreu
Lol, maybe it's time to read this thread?
That solution was originally posted by me in this thread, and then reposted on community forum by users.
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‎Nov 04, 2020
02:38 AM
So what?
Since when system requirements are based on the hardware release date, but not it's performance? I mean 6 core 3.0GHz CPU released last year will not have much better performance benefit over 6 core 3.0GHz Phenom II released 10 years ago.
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