Oct 30, 2020
01:05 PM
This is just a general non technical statements which have only one thought under the hood - Adobe is just too stubborn to acknowledge an issue and fix it. Instead they are trying to convince everyone that SSE4.2 support is absolutely needed, which is not true - this is just a matter of compiler options used when Photoshop binaries were build.
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Oct 30, 2020
12:48 PM
With all respect, this is just a general statements.
Can you be more specific?
Also, why on Earth Premiere Pro 2021 and After Effects 2021 can run just fine on a CPU without SSE4.2, and Photoshop 2021 can't?
Why requirement to have SSE4.2 is only stated on the page with system requirements in English and not there for any other languages?
While I could agree that replacing libraries could have some side effects (this is very unlikely, because this is exactly the same versions used in PS), Adobe definitely could rebuild binaries just by changing compiler options to not require SSE4.2.
All that is needed is Adobe's willing to do so, which is clearly missing...
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Oct 27, 2020
05:07 AM
It's Windows only, not suitable for Mac - sorry.
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Oct 25, 2020
11:42 PM
What's the point to reply if you have no idea what you are talking about? Yes, CPU does not have SSE4.2 support. But library used by Photoshop (Intel Performance Primitives) actually have implementation which does not require SSE4.2 and would work - it just was not included in the Photoshop distribution. Thats why people get these error message. Here is description how this could be fixed by adding missing libraries: https://feedback.photoshop.com/conversations/photoshop/photoshop-error-at-loading-of-ippcv-library/5f8f06c2c17a06631eb72c7e?commentId=5f934590c17a060f8ebe929a
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Oct 25, 2020
11:36 PM
1 Upvote
Actually, this is not true. While with Intel this indeed should be pretty old CPU like Core 2 Duo (2 core @ 1.0-1.5GHz), for AMD this could easily be Phenom II X6 1100T with 6 cores @ 3.3GHz which I would not call "old" (at least not by it's performance).
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Oct 25, 2020
08:52 AM
That's not needed and that's not my goal. I just want Photoshop to become better, or at least not to become worse.
I guess there is some misunderstanding here. To me and I would say to most users it's not a problem to use PS 2020 even during couple of months from now on if Adobe would say that this will be fixed or at least will be looked into and concidered if this could be fixed. But all they were saying is "use previous version or upgrade CPU", which to me reads like "it is what it is - live with it, it will not change". That is the problem.
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Oct 25, 2020
04:24 AM
Really? Users have already got official response from Adobe which is "use previous version or upgrade CPU". Yes, sure - one will need to upgrade 6 core @ 3GHz AMD CPU just because Adobe wants some fancy extensions to CPU instruction set. As for using previous version - Adobe always stated that by paying subscription you are paying for constant development and addition of new features. What's the point to pay subscription then if users will have to use previous version? Also go ahead and explain why Premiere Pro 2021, After Effects 2021 and Media Encoder 2021 can run just fine on CPU without SSE4.2, but Photoshop 2021 can't? Why dropped support for Windows 7 was clearly stated weeks before Photoshop 2021 release, and raised requirements for CPU was not there at the release date (and is still stated only in the system requirements on the page in english, not present for other languages) and was added after tons of complaints from users? And now you are saying that fixing something that should not be broken on the first place is illegal? Come on, this is not how things should be going for paid product...
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Oct 25, 2020
04:07 AM
Really? Users have already got official response from Adobe which is "use previous version or upgrade CPU". Yes, sure - one will need to upgrade 6 core @ 3GHz AMD CPU just because Adobe wants some fancy extensions to CPU instruction set. As for using previous version - Adobe always stated that by paying subscription you are paying for constant development and addition of new features. What's the point to pay subscription then if users will have to use previous version? Also go ahead and explain why Premiere Pro 2021, After Effects 2021 and Media Encoder 2021 can run just fine on CPU without SSE4.2, but Photoshop 2021 can't? Why dropped support for Windows 7 was clearly stated weeks before Photoshop 2021 release, and raised requirements for CPU was not there at the release date (and is still stated only in the system requirements on the page in english, not present for other languages) and was added after tons of complaints from users? And now you are saying that fixing something that should not be broken on the first place is illegal? Come on, this is not how things should be going for paid product...
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Oct 24, 2020
01:04 AM
Jeffrey, if possible, please reconsider Adobe's decision about requiring SSE4.2 to run PS 2021 in the next updates.
Used libraries (IPP and OpenCV) allows to run on CPUs without SSE4.2 just fine without any additional effort from developers and without affecting performance for those who do have SSE 4.2. How come AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition (4 cores @ 3.4 GHZ) or AMD Phenom II X6 1075T (6 core @ 3.0 GHz) is not sufficient to run PS 2021, while Intel Core i3-2310M (2 core @ 2.1GHz) is considered enough? This does not seem logical at all...
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Oct 23, 2020
02:55 PM
1 Upvote
Link to the original post, just in case: https://feedback.photoshop.com/conversations/photoshop/photoshop-error-at-loading-of-ippcv-library/5f8f06c2c17a06631eb72c7e?commentId=5f934590c17a060f8ebe929a
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Oct 23, 2020
02:49 PM
Sure, feel free to share 😉
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Oct 23, 2020
02:46 PM
Real bug here is to require support for SSE4.2. For what? Used libraries (IPP and OpenCV) allows to run on CPUs without SSE4.2 just fine without any additional effort from developers and without affecting performance for those who do have SSE 4.2. How come AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition (4 cores @ 3.4 GHZ) or AMD Phenom II X6 1075T (6 core @ 3.0 GHz) is not sufficient to run PS 2021, while Intel Core i3-2310M (2 core @ 2.1GHz) is considered enough? It's a very unwise decision to say the least, and it's a shame...
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Oct 23, 2020
02:05 PM
If you got this error: " Error at loading of ippCV library Your application is dynamically linked with Intel(R) IPP libraries version 2020.0.1. No DLL from the list below is found an the system search path: ippcvm7.dll (the most suitable for your CPU) Please provide a path to at least one of them. " Here is the fix.
Despite what Adobe is saying officially, Photoshop 2021 does NOT require support of SSE4.2 to run. The real problem is that: - IPP libraries optimized for SSE3 are missing from distribution (they are available from Intel) - OpenCV library was build with SSE4.2 requirement To fix this download this pack of libs from any source below (it's the same): https://www113.zippyshare.com/v/cqtznzt2/file.html https://www.sendspace.com/file/vh0wjm Unpack archive and copy libs to Photoshop 2021 installation directory (overwrite opencv_world440.dll when requested).
This fixes the problem an PS runs just fine. But disclaimer as usual - all this at your own risk.
Please note that this is not a hack or something like this - this is official libraries from official sources. Intel IPP libraries was taken from Intel Parallels Studio XE 2020.1.0 and contains valid signature from Intel. OpenCV library was taken from official release of OpenCV 4.4.0 on GitHUB (https://github.com/opencv/opencv, build by VC15).
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May 31, 2017
06:28 AM
Please post RAW samples. RAW files from this review Sony A7R II Sample Images | PhotographyBLOG can be edited in Develop in LR 2015.10.1 just fine.
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May 10, 2017
05:29 AM
What do you mean by "enlarging"? Increasing resolution? No - I don't see the point to do this if you don't need to. Increasing file size? It depends. If you are using apps that don't support compressed tiffs and want to process your images in them then this is the only way to go. Otherwise don't see the point either.
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May 10, 2017
03:43 AM
zip compression is lossless, so you will not loose anything. All you will loose is application compatibility - not all applications supports zip compressed tiffs. It's up to you to decide whether you are using such applications and does it worth it.
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Jan 25, 2017
05:19 AM
Double click on catalog on your local hard drive and it should be opened in LR and set as default. Ofcourse if the problem is that your catalog is on the network drive now. Or you can hold Alt or Option when starting LR - this should bring you dialog to select catalog that should be opened.
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Jan 09, 2017
02:59 AM
1 Upvote
This is long standing bug with crop. In short - Lightroom rounds ratios close enough to standart ratios to them. I mean 12:7.95 is rounded to 12:8 which is indeed 3:2 If you really want to crop to that aspect you can use AnyCrop plugin: Any Crop Lightroom Plugin
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Nov 23, 2016
11:53 PM
So what? It is changed in both Lightroom and ACR, and they are still rendering exactly the same images. The problem would be if you will try to match look from different cameras, but this does not seems to be your task (at least not clear from your messages).
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Nov 23, 2016
01:40 AM
stevek4, by the way you are definitely doing something wrong. You mentioned that you get same results from Lightroom 5, but Nikon D500 is not supported by Lightroom 5.7.1 (the latest LR5) and you can not import this NEFs at all. Here you can find JPEGs converted from your NEF by Photoshop CC 2014 (ACR 9.7) and Lightroom CC 2015.7 Zippyshare.com I don't see any difference between them. And by the way Noise Reduction is not applied at all (at default settings), but should be if you want to get smoother image.
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Nov 22, 2016
12:34 PM
1 Upvote
I didn't mean to be rude. If I was - sorry. And almost noone here works for Adobe - it's a user to user forum. Your posted images is not helpful for number of reasons. Saving to JPEG using Photo Mechanic just uses JPEG embedded into NEF by camera and it IS processed by camera, including noise reduction. JPEG from PS was NOT derived directly from NEF, it was converted from NEF to TIFF, then to PSD and then to JPEG (according to metadata). Who knows what settings were applied along that process. To get some help you will need to provide NEF file, XMP from Camera RAW and XMP (or catalog, you can export this one image as catalog) from Lightroom. Lightroom uses same engine as Photoshop (Camera RAW) for convertion and I can bet results will be identical.
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Nov 22, 2016
04:03 AM
Lightroom does not degrade anything. Learn how to use it. Talking about your images: too much Sharpening, too few Noise Reduction. Especially the latter.
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Nov 03, 2016
07:55 AM
1 Upvote
sydneylow написал(а): Why do you think LR renders a file tagged Daylight and the same file Manual WB both set at 5200K differently with As Shot? Because "Daylight" is not 5200K in Lightroom world. Set image to "Daylight" in LR, look for Temp and Tint, then switch to "Manual" and enter same values - image will stay the same. "Daylight" set in camera and "Daylight" in Lightroom is NOT the same.
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Nov 03, 2016
03:14 AM
"As Shot" IS simple and logical. Kelvin temperature is used just for reference and is not really used during conversion. WB is just a set of multipliers for different color channels - R,G1,G2,B. This multipliers are taken from shot's metadata and is put there by camera. For "As Shot" they are used "as is" and not changed. That's all. They are the same for all converters. The problem is that there is no defined standard way to translate those multipliers to Kelvin Temperature. All converter vendors are using slightly different formulas to transform from multipliers to Kelvin Temp and from Kelvin Temp to multipliers. That's why they all show slightly different color temperature. The actual multipliers used for "As Shot" are identical! Trying to match color temperature between different converters by using color temperature in Kelvin is just a wrong approach.
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Oct 13, 2014
11:25 AM
You are the one here who don't know what he's talking about. Continuing discussion is pointless. Untruth is almost in every sentence.
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Mar 31, 2014
04:13 AM
Change camera defaults in LR. By default DPP applies sharpening and noise reduction in accordance to in-camera settings, while LR does not apply luminance noise reduction at all and very low sharpening and color noise reduction. So change settings to what you like more and save as defaults. Or use DPP.
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Mar 16, 2012
12:44 PM
Julie, I clearly understand that it's Adobe's decision, but I think that it would be better to release something like 4.0.1 as it was done for 3.4 when bugs were found and fixed in 3.4.1.
Because otherwise Lightroom and CameraRaw versions will be out of sync again...
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Dec 09, 2011
12:26 AM
Thank you so MUCH. All three addresses are unblocked now and I have access to forums again. Thank you once more.
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Dec 05, 2011
02:30 AM
This address is unique for every forum thread, and replying to that address will post message in associated forum thread.
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Dec 03, 2011
06:00 AM
No, it's Ukrainian language. "груд" is a short of "грудень" - december in english. http://translate.google.com/?hl=ru&tab=wT#uk|en|%D0%B3%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C I think you have choose it somewhere in the settings by mistake, because Ukrainian often marked as "Uk" (while should be "Ua"), so you may think this is United Kingdom English, while it is not.
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