Roland Kahlenberg
Valorous Hero
Roland Kahlenberg
Valorous Hero
‎Jan 11, 2018
03:40 AM
CC 2018 is the latest version for AE, PPro, Audition etc etc etc.
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‎Jan 09, 2018
04:35 PM
Are you guys using CC2018? I used to have the same issue with CC2017 - all good now with CC2018.
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‎Jan 09, 2018
04:33 PM
Heya Matt! I think the user has a text layer within a nested comp - that's how most templates are created. Dear user, if my assumption is correct, then you will need to duplicate the composition, in the Project Panel. This will create two independent instances of the composition with the text layer too being independent. Make the necessary change to one of the instances and drop it into the destination comp.
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‎Jan 09, 2018
03:50 PM
It looks like you used the Keyframe Assistant "Convert Audio to Keyframes". This feature works within the Work Area. Hence, before you apply this feature, ensure your Work Area is set according to your needs.
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‎Jan 05, 2018
03:35 AM
There are only two points within your Preview Range where you can assign your Current Time Indicator to be placed when you stop a Preview - (1) at the point in time where you initiated a Preview and (2) at the Preview Time Indicator. The Preview Time Indicator (PTI) is the thin, red vertical strip that travels along your Preview Range, to signify the frames being played. The PTI only appears during a Preview. You set the 'stop mode' for your previews in the Preview Panel — specifically, this setting is in last section of the Preview Panel. Take note that the settings for Start and Stop can be used independently of one another. IOW, you can initiate a Preview with Shift+Spacebar and stop the Preview with Spacebar. AE will then apply whichever settings you've set to these shortcuts. In short, to have your previews stop at the end of your Preview Range, you must initiate your previews when the Current Time Indicator is at the end of your Work Area, OR you perfectly time your preview stops when the PTI is at the end of the Work Area. With regards to your audio issue, head to Preferences>Previews and enable Mute Audio when Preview is not Realtime. Let us know if this fixes your problem.
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‎Jan 03, 2018
11:54 PM
AE allows FULL ACCESS to its ray-tracing features, regardless if you have a supported NviDIA GPU. What is the error message(s) you are receiving? Please post them. Additionally, the Cinema 4D Renderer also provides most of the features found in the Ray-traced Renderer. Both of these render engines support extrusions and bevel features without requiring GPU accelerations. Of course, only AE's built-in Ray-traced Renderer has GPU acceleration.
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‎Dec 28, 2017
06:34 AM
Your difficulty is because you are learning. It's not because you receive FREE assistance! If you cannot use the HELP feature and you have issues using Google then what do you actually expect from someone who has spent precious time to help you out and provided you with a viable solution??? The fact that you spent time hitting out at someone willingly trying to help you - TO HELP YOURSELF, for this occasion and other occasions, in the future. Do you actually have something positive to share??? Did the advice provided help you OR NOT?
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‎Dec 28, 2017
03:33 AM
You've got to learn to Google or better yet, use the HELP feature in AE. Managing layers in After Effects The Shy feature in AE is made up of Shy switches for each layer and a main Shy Button for the Comp. This Button will affect Shied Layers.
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‎Dec 28, 2017
01:29 AM
When you Shy a fair number of layers, did you also enable the Composition Shy Button? The idea is to lower the number of layers displayed in the Timeline. As I've mentioned, this issue has to do with your system having maxed out the display capabilities of your GPU.
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‎Dec 27, 2017
03:26 PM
I've had the same issue. This is a known issue which I believe is related to the the graphics card meeting its limit. I sent a Bug Report and received some technical info which I can't recall at the moment. If you look at your Timeline, you can see that you've got a ton of layers. If it's important that you select those 'missing' layers then SHY some layers.
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‎Dec 27, 2017
01:10 AM
1 Upvote
I've not done WMV for a long whiie but I notice the audio settings are awkward. Try changing it to 48 KhZ and 16 bits and choose Mono - jus tto save a bit more bandwidth as I see your video is set to a lowly 8Mbps and you might be looking to minimize file size.
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‎Dec 27, 2017
01:05 AM
1 Upvote
Make the counter a 2D layer.
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‎Dec 27, 2017
01:03 AM
Try applying Effect>Channel>Minimax. Then set the Operation menu to Maximum Then Minimum. Set Radius to 1 and set Channel to Alpha and Color. See if this helps.
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‎Dec 27, 2017
12:59 AM
I'm doubtful you'll be able to animate the size of the brush as it's animated. IOW, you'll end up with a stroke which is fixed in width - this may not look sufficiently organic for this effect. Agreed that the Paint tool is more efficient but it's not going to look as effective as a mask.
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‎Dec 26, 2017
06:27 PM
1 Upvote
If you were comfortable with AE, you could do this within AE, without 3rd party effects by using the ray-traced features in AE. The only issue I see is in getting the glints to show up on individual cubes. To accomplish this effect, I would use Shape Layer with Repeaters. Then remove the Shape Repeaters with the Shape Repeater Baker script (from Zack Lovatt). Then extrude one cube and apply Geometric and Material Options. Once happy with those settings; simply copy-paste the Geometric & Material Options settings onto the other cubes. I would also use Expressions on each cube's y or z-scale to have the cubes extruding at different times, in a cascading manner.
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‎Dec 26, 2017
06:21 PM
1 Upvote
Everharta is correct — Position Keyframes in the Graph Editor will not have Bezier Handles for its Value Graph unless Separate Dimensions is turned on.
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‎Dec 26, 2017
06:15 PM
Mocha will track the four corners of the pool — provided that you've placed the search regions appropriately. When you're done tracking in mocha, you paste the tracking results onto a Solid Layer in AE. The tracking results will be pasted onto the Solid via a Corner Pin effect. Then copy-paste the Corner Pin effect onto your footage. Apply Set Matte to your footage. Apply a mask onto the Solid and adjust the Mask Path so that it fits the pool's edges perfectly. It looks like you're new to all this — so expect a fair bit of learning. Mocha has lots of online tutorials. DO NOT WATCH 3rd PARTY TUTORIALS. Watch official mocha tutorials. Like everything else, watch official or company-linked tutorials before venturing to watch tutorials produced by 'unknown' individuals, regardless of how many LIKES they may have had.
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‎Dec 26, 2017
12:53 PM
1 Upvote
Use mocha. it's been bundled with AE since CS4 - that's a long time ago. You will also need to create a mask since the edges aren't perfect 90° angles. And of course the mask has to contain the tracked data. So ... ensure the tracked region takes into account this issue. In short, export tracking data that is slightly larger than what you'd expect without the masked region.
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‎Dec 26, 2017
12:48 PM
I believe you are confused between parallax and inverse kinematics (or more correctly, character animation). These are two different matters with only a slight overlap of features. Parallax pertains to how objects in different z-positions look to be moving at different speeds when the camera moves — and the objects are stationary. Other than the cloth moving, everything else you've mentioned is related to character animation. DUIK is a great tool for this. it is a donation based product with professional features.
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‎Dec 25, 2017
03:51 PM
Are you not able to read my reply?
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‎Dec 25, 2017
03:51 PM
Mask directly onto the video that is to appear sequentially, from each brush stroke. Use a separate mask for each stroke. During the shooting, place guides for the talent to stroke over - this is to ensure all parts within the 'appearance area' is covered.
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‎Dec 25, 2017
10:16 AM
This tutorial author has close to 400,000 subscribers!!! He should not even be allowed to teach ONE other individual. There's just so much wrong in this video! The way he moved/adjusted the tracked target on the left wall immediately screwed up the accuracy of the tracked point. He's also not mentioned how to look for good and bad tracked points. To make the adjustments you want, I would look at parenting the layer to a Null. Then create position KFs to help you reach your goal. This process if of course done manually.
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‎Dec 25, 2017
09:56 AM
You're not using a GPU accelerated effect. Hence, I wouldn't put much into the numbers you've provided for GPU. On slow performance, clear cache and Memory. When the cache is full, AE slows down a lot - under such a scenario AE not only has to write to the cache but it has to delete old items in the cache. I would also try different AEPs or Comps with different types of layers - just to see if the issue has anything to do with your Comp Settings+Layer Type+Effects. And what video format is your source footage?
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‎Dec 22, 2017
05:35 AM
Sounds like you need to 'remove' a mask - ie, you do not require it for the rest of the shot. I would prefer if you made the last viable keyframe a Hold Keyframe. Then, on the next frame, move the mask onto the pasteboard area of the Comp Panel - ie, outside the active Comp Panel. The draw a new mask for the continuing task at hand - and name it appropriately. By analogy, use this same technique to introduce new masks into the scene; as delineated in the last sentence of the para above. The rationale for this is to name your masks for their specific tasks - masks can and should be named appropriately, when you have multiple masks on a layer.
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‎Dec 22, 2017
01:42 AM
For smooth motion, look into using ease in/out Temporal Keyframes. To extend the shape, convert the text to either a Mask or Shape Layer - you can do this via the Layer Menu. Select the Text Layer and then choose one of these two options - 1) Create Shapes from Text 2) Create Masks from Text Both options will provide you with paths for the text. Extend these paths to suit your needs.
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‎Dec 21, 2017
06:54 PM
When my system slows down it is always due to these two cases - 1) cache is full 2) system is low on resources In such situations, purge RAM and memory. If you are using other apps at the same time, then consider closing those apps. If these steps do not help you then there is a huge chance you have bigger/other problems than AE.
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‎Dec 20, 2017
07:23 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the reply. I went through a lot similar steps. My issue was eventually resolved after Adobe Support completed a successful lobotomy on my system. All is well now.
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‎Dec 20, 2017
10:32 AM
Motion Tile is prone to run out of memory at such high settings. Look at using CC Repetile, which is more memory-efficient. ADDITIONALLY, instead of ONE HUGE layer with such a high setting, break the problem down into two or more parts/layers and join these parts - use the Snap feature to help you do this quickly OR eyeball OR do some math. The analogy - instead of stuffing a cow into the fridge, you cut it up into steak-like sizes.
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‎Dec 20, 2017
09:38 AM
I've gone through the steps here - Adobe Creative Cloud signs you out or asks you to sign in repeatedly I'm still getting the same issue. I'm not able to access my DVA apps. I can get into Muse on a 7-day trial. DUH?!?! My account is valid till Aug 03 2018. I need assistance urgently. 😞
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‎Dec 19, 2017
06:33 AM
1 Upvote
In AE, Edit>Purge - choose to purge Cache and Memory In AE's Preferences, in the General Section, towards the bottom of the Window, deselect Show Start Screen on Startup - see if this helps.
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