Bill Junk
Bill Junk
‎Dec 09, 2023
05:15 AM
The problem has been overcome although I think this situation suggests that there is a rather nasty bug in this version of the organizer that will be very hard to discover from testing alone. It likely would need a very thorough code inspection / reading and subsequent analysis to figure it out. What I finally was able to do was copy the 8 files from the original (normal location) folder to a another folder in a different part of the folder tree. At that point I deleted the original folder, which took some doing. I eventually had to delete the original empty folder using the File Explorer. I then imported the 8 files from their new location. At that point I was able to use the Organizer to recreate the original folder in its proper location and use the Organizer to move the files from the temporary folder to the proper folder with a drag and drop.
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‎Dec 09, 2023
04:41 AM
Changing the file names didn't make a difference.
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‎Dec 09, 2023
04:37 AM
Greg, I tried your last suggestion which was one I had not though of, thanks. I first opened up the Organizer after my system had been powered off for the night and freshly booted. I then clicked on the folder where the "missing files" are located and expanded the stacks to see the 6 files whose thumbnails are visible. The 2 "missing" files did not have their thumbnails displayed. Next I right clicked the folder name in the My Folders list. From the available options I selected "Import Media." The screen shot after the Import is attached. What the Organizer reported is hard to explain. It said that 4 media files were skipped (out of the 8 media files in the folder) because they were already in the Catalog. The 4 that it reported skipping were the .NEF and .psd files. It did not report skipping the .jpg files even though two of them are already in the Catalog and being displayed. The two .jpg files files already in the catalog are the top files in the stack and appear as the left most thumbnail in the attached screen shot. The other 2 .jpg files are the ones that won't display. After clicking the "OK" button only the 6 files are displayed, the same ones that were shown before the attempted import. There are a couple of other things that I though of late yesterday that I will try. I'm going to go back to the original e-mails that I received and repeat the storing operation for the 2 attached files. Maybe there was something that corrupted the files when I initially stored them from Outlook, although the fact that I can get the Organizer to display their thumbnails in one situation (File > Get...) and not in another seems to make this a rather long shot. I'm also going to do a test where I move a copy of all the files to a temporary storage location, delete the folder and its contents that is causing the problem from the Organizer and then go through the process to recreate the folder in its normal location. If that doesn't work I'll try recrerating it in another location in the file system. Allthough the file names for the 2 problematic files are unique, I probably should try changing their file names and see if that makes a difference. I'll post the results of these trials later this morning.
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‎Dec 08, 2023
07:04 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the assistance. I just did the shift-ctrl-K file search for each of the two files that don't display the thumbnails. They were both found, one instance each, in only the folder where they are supposted to be located. The search does display the thumbnail for the file. I Then tried deleting each of the files from the Catalog, leaving the actual file in the folder. I then did the File > Get.... operation by selecting each of the thumbnail images from the two files I just removed from the Catalog. The File > Get... operation was reported as a successful addition to the Catalog. When I then went to view that folder, the two files just added to the Catalog did not display. Is it possible that there's an undocumented limit on the length of a file name that can be added to the Catalog? These two file names are longer than any of the other file names in the folder, but I serious doubt they are longer than all the other file names in the collection. The attached .jpg shows the folder view from the Organizer during the File > Get... operation. The two images that I was adding to the Organizer are the ones with the large black border. They are .jpg file types. Note that the folder contains 8 image files. I specifically selected the two files, rather than doing the File > Get... on the entire folder. Don't really know what else to try.
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‎Dec 08, 2023
04:42 PM
1 Upvote
Greg, The files that have been "imported" are located in the selected folder (from the My Folders list) and their thumbnails are not displayed at all. There are no icons or other placeholders shown instead of the thumbnails. If you look at the screen shot that I attached what I see when I select the folder are only the thumbnails for the 6 files shown at the top of the screen shot. I do not use version sets. If you look at the list of the files that are shown during the "import" action, you'll see that there are 8 properly constructed file names listed and all are indicated as being in the catalog. I have verified that the file names for the files that are not being shown are unique within the space covered by the catalog. All of the sort options just display the 6 files. It is possible that I may have caused some confusion by referring to "Importing" files. What I am actuall doing is using File > Get Photos and Videos > From Files and Folders... I've save the two files to the desired folder from an e-mail sent to me, then tried to use the command just mentioned to add these files and their thumbnails to the Catalog. I've been doing this for years and never had a problem unless for some reason I duplicate a file name. In this case the messages displayed in the information box suggest that there actually 8 files registered in the Catalog and they are in the folder where I expected them to be. Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm thinking the problem may be somewhat more complex in nature. Bill
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‎Dec 08, 2023
02:13 PM
I have imported two .jpg files into the Elements 2022 Organizer, but their thumbnails will not display in the folder where the files reside. I have verified using the Windows 11 File Explorer that the file names are unique. When trying the import a second time the Organizer says that 8 files were skipped because they are already in the Catalog, but the Organizer still will only displays thumbnails for 6 files. The 6 files that it shows are the ones at the top of the attached clip. One of the files that will not display is the one shown in Elements Organizer message box. Its associated message is highlighted in blue in the list of files skipped. The other file that won't display is the other file whose file name ends in "...Week 1.jpg". Both of the files that will not display in the Elements Organizer will display in Adobe Bridge. I have run the catalog error detection tool which indicated that no errors were found and I also did a catalog repair even though no errors were found. I've powered down and rebooted my Windows 11 system and tried again. So far I've found nothing that will make the two thumbnails appear, but just now I was able to import 8 other .jpg files from another folder and have their thumbnails displayed. Is there a way to "manually" delete the catalog entry for these two files and try to import them again? Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
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‎Oct 30, 2023
02:57 PM
1 Upvote
My mistake. Sorry about that.
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‎Oct 30, 2023
10:58 AM
As an experiment, I edited a file and then saved in in the .dng format. I'm using Photoshop Elements 2022 Organizer as my cataloging application. I then tried to do a "Get Photos and Video > From Files and Folders" but PSE 2022 Organizer did not add the file/image to the catalog. I did verify that the .dng file was in the folder from which I tried to import. My OS is Windows 11 Pro. Does anyone know if .dng files are supported in the new 2024 release of Photoshop Elements?
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‎Oct 24, 2023
01:35 PM
I'm using PSE Organizer V 20.0 (2022) to manage my catalog of images. I find it convenient and efficient for the way I work. I use Adobe Camera Raw extensively to provide initial "tuning" of my raw images, then follow up with Photoshop when I want to do some more sophisticated modifications. Some operations in the recent updates to ACR now cause the creation of a .acr file that is associated with masking applied to the file being edited. When I use the Organizer (2022) to move my image file to another folder, the Organizer will automatically move the .xmp file with it, but it does not move the .acr file. At that point I may lose the masking information if I don't move it manually. If I upgrade to PSE 2024 will that issue be resolved? I've also seen some references to using the .DNG "container" file format, but have no experience with it and don't know what negative factors might make it less suitable for me. I don't relish the thought of converting 100K images to a new file format. My OS is Windows 11 Pro.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
01:12 PM
Thank you for catching that detail I missed. I will be more careful next time or if not I will at least know what to do about it. Your quick response is appreciated.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
01:09 PM
The issue that I reported above keeps getting stranger and stranger. I went back and opened the original jpg file directly into Photoshop and was able to add a Black & White layer to it. I then opened the original jpg file in Camera Raw then opened it in Photoshop and was able to add a B&W layer. My final test was to open the original jpg file in Camera Raw then update the Current Process to Version 6, then open it in Photoshop. Once again I was able to add a B&W layer. Yet I still have a reviously created psd version of this file to which I cannot add a B&W layer. Something went haywire somewhere but I have no idea where it might have been. About all I can guess is that there's something unexpected in older psd file that is telling Photoshop there are certain layers that it can't add.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
12:25 PM
I've been able to do this for year, but within the last couple hours I am no longer able to add a Black & White adjustment layer to a psd file I'm building that has a jpg or tif file as Layer 0. I think there was an update to Camera Raw that was installed late this morning and the interface is now different so something there has changed but I don't know of a Photoshop update taking place in the last few hours. Nor do I know why that update might have changed the behaviour of Photoshop. Photoshop work perfectly yesterday and even early this morning when I was doing this same thing. Now several of the layers are greyed out in the menu. Anyone know what might be the cause or a way around it? Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.0.0 20230906.r.37 b14e317 x64 Operating System: Windows 11 Pro 64-bit Version 10.0.22621 Build 22621 Adobe Bridge Version
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‎Sep 22, 2023
05:28 PM
I appreciate your perspective. I'm currently using 5 TB external drives for my image file storage. They did take close to 24 hours to copy on the old computer. Hope it will be faster on the new computer. Bill
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‎Sep 22, 2023
03:05 PM
Just out of curiosity what are you using for your external disk storage so that you aren't particularly concerned about file size? Bill
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‎Sep 22, 2023
02:59 PM
The situation really came as a surprise and I was concerned that either something was going wrong or that I had a different set of options selected than I had for the previous version. I've gone through several iterations of buying larger disk drives so that is certainly an option that I can take at some point if I need to. Thanks for your input. It's nice to have resolution in under 10 hours.
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‎Sep 22, 2023
10:30 AM
Thank you very much for the explanation.
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‎Sep 22, 2023
08:44 AM
One thing I've discovered that it seems by default that Photoshop 25.0 defaults to 16 bit color. I'm suspecting that in Phoshop 24.X color depth might have been set to 8 bits. As a simple test to see the difference I opened a .NEF file that was 50.97 MB (shot with 14 bit depth) then without making any changes in Photoshop 25 I saved it with 16 bit color which produced a .psd file of 246.16 MB while saving it with 8 bit color produced a file of 123.03 MB or essentially half the size. Unfortunately I don't have easy access to my old computer and Photoshop v24.X to check out what the settings were on the older system. However, I might just have to go to the effort to prove or disprove this as an explanation. Just for my own edification, from a practical perspective is there a real advantage of 16 bit color over 8 bit color? Bill
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‎Sep 22, 2023
06:03 AM
I recently upgraded my computer and reinstalled my Photoshop subscription with version 25.0. I am now noticing that the .psd files this version stores are several times larger than I was getting with the prior version. For example, I just opened a .NEF file that was 46.31 MB in size, added a B&W conversion layer, then stored it as a .psd file. That ,psd file was 391.28 MB in size. In the past, the .psd file would have been well under 100 MB. Do I have some Preferences set incorrectly? For the most part I stick with what Adobe sets as the defaults. I have not seen any obvious preferences that I would sustpect as affecting the saved file size. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I had another case where the .psd file was almost 1 GB. I don't need to be using up my disk space that quickly.
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‎Sep 12, 2023
02:32 PM
I'm happy with my Creative Cloud subscription. Have not really had any issues with it until this last week when I brought it a new computer and had to transition to Windows 11 and reinstall all my applications. Finding the cause of the 176 error message in a situation where the installation is not being attempted on a network server seems like something that would be moderately easy to figure out with a code inspection. Determine all the places where the error message could be generated and work backwards until you find some faulty code. If it looks like the only way for this to happen is to get a "bogus" return code from some Windows routine that was called, then try to get Microsoft to look into it. That might take some luck, but would be worth a try -- in my opinion.
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‎Sep 10, 2023
10:44 AM
The uninstall of creative cloud and PSE, then reinstallion of CC, Photoshop, Bridge, and PSE did work, sort of. The first PSE installation wouldn't give me access to the organizer, but I might have screwed that up by trying to make a direct link to what I thought was the .exe for the Organizer. I uninstalled PSE again, this time was able to install it on my E: drive and it worked. Have been able to import of my catalogs from the other computer and can access my image files that are on an external disk drive. Have my fingers crossed that I'm actually about finished with transitioning to this new system.
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‎Sep 10, 2023
10:37 AM
1 Upvote
To my surprise this actually worked. I didn't fin the YouTube video helpful - couldn't understand what he was saying nor what he was trying to do - maybe something about Windows drive volume set up. Thanks a ton for the delete and reinstall suggestion.
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‎Sep 10, 2023
07:42 AM
Thanks to those who made suggestions. I should have mentioned that I'm trying to (re)install Photoshop Elements 2022 which is the one installed on the computer I plan to replace. I have the product key for that product. I wish there was an explanation of why uninstalling Creative Cloud, deleting a few things, and then then reinstalling Creative Cloud would somehow make the installer think that my computer is no longer a network server (assuming that Error 176 is really about a network issue.). My new computer is a Dell Precision 3660. I have the Windows 11 network controls set so Network Discovery is 'OFF' and File and Printer sharing is 'OFF'. From the Creative Cloud suite so far I've only installed Bridge and Photoshop. I opted to put them on a second drive (E:) so as not to take up space on my Windows OS drive (C:). In the interim before I get any other suggestions I will likely try the one suggestion and remove Creative Cloud, delete some stuff and reinstall it. Solving this issues is the last thing I MUST do before I can cut the cord on the old machine. I use the Organizer in PSE as my photo library manager and that makes it critical to all the photo stuff I do. Bridge, Adobe Camera Raw, and Photoshop are the rest of my tool kit.
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‎Sep 09, 2023
02:49 PM
I have a new installation of Windows 11 Pro 64-bit with all updates installed. Windows version 22H2 (OS Build 22621.2134). I'm attempting to download Photoshop Elements from the Adobe site, so I presume it's up to date.
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‎Sep 09, 2023
10:02 AM
I am bringing up a Dell Precision 3660 and currently in the process of moving my software and data to it. I was able to install Photoshop and Bridge without issues. When I tried to install Photoshop elements the installation script runs for a few seconds and then aborts with an Installation Error 176. When I look up that code it says I'm tring to install on a network drive. I get the same result when trying to install to the default location on the system's C: drive and when I try to install on a disk I added as an E: drive. What gives?
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‎Jul 09, 2023
09:43 AM
1 Upvote
I frequently use Bridge to edit the meta data stored in an image file. Most of the time it seems to work as expected, but occassionally the text Copy operation fails to put the selected characters on the clipboard (or where ever Bridge stores copied text.) Then when I do a paste to a different field in the meta data I get text that is not what I had just copied. I'm using ctrl C and ctrl V to copy and paste. I'm generally editing the meta data on .jpg files I'm getting ready to send to someone when this happens. My Bridge version is and I'm running on Windows 10 with all updates installed. The only way to clear the "lock up" is to close then restart Bridge. This behavior has been observed for more than a year.
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‎Jan 18, 2023
05:03 PM
1 Upvote
Jane, Thank you so much for giving me a solution. I elected the second option to enable legacy Save As capabilities. What's still a mystery to me is why this one file could not be saved as a .jpg while other more recently created .psd files could be saved as .jpg files.
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‎Jan 18, 2023
02:36 PM
I need some help. I'm a long time Photoshop user with a focus on photo editing. For several months I've been doing a lot of work starting generally with .nef files, editing those files with adjustment layers and saving the files as a .psd. After that I "Flatten" the layers, reduce the image size and save it a second time, this time as a .jpg. All has gone without a hitch until now. For the last couple of days I've been working with an old psd file created on 12/18/2010. This file has 11 layers total with 7 image layers and 4 adjustment layers. The image is 5320 x 3540 pixels. For some reason that I can't figure out, when I flatten the layers, reduce the image size, and try to do a "Save As" I'm not getting the .jpg file format option. What I do get for options are the following: Photoshop, Large Document Format, Cineon, IFF Format, JPEG 2000, Photoshop PDF, Portable Bit Map, and TIFF. I tried saving the file as a TIFF then opening the TIFF and trying to do a Save As to a .jpg, but .jpg was not presented as an option. I'm using Photoshop 24.1 with the latest update (1/18/2023) installed. I can save other more recently created .psd files to the .jpg format so the problem isn't with today's update. I'm running on Windows 10 with all OS updates installed. All that I can figure is that there's something in the old .psd file that's no longer compatible with Photoshop 24.1, I just have no idea where to look. Help will be greatly appreciated.
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‎Dec 18, 2022
01:42 PM
My C: drive has 33.6 Gb of 118 Gb remaining free. The D: drive has 556 Gb of 920 Gb remaining free. I have about 6 Gb tied up on my C: drive between Photoshop and Bridge. I do see that the Bridge Cache is currently located on the C: drive so I will change that. Photoshop's scrach disk is set to the D: drive. While I am not experiencing operational degredation with my current C: drive free space, I'm puzzled by why Photoshop 2023 did not install on my D: drive the way it was specified in the Creative Cloud Desktop Preferences. As I mentioned in a previous response, I use Photoshop Elements Organizer for cataloging my photo collection, around 90,000 images. There's a long story about why I do things this way, but it has worked well for me for over 2 decades . Then a year or two ago, PSE Organizer started leaving copies of files in the [user]>AppData>Local>Temp directory which eventually took free space down under 20 Gb and Windows had a fit. That's when I started investigating where my disk space had gone. So now I periodically have to go clean out the Temp directory of all the files that PSE and other apps leave behind. I've reported the PSE issue 2 or 3 times over several releases and finally someone told by in very unpolite terms to get lost -- because they couldn't reproduce the problem. It seems that with every update to Photoshop I lose a little more of the free space on my C: drive. And yes, I'm at the point where buying a new PC that can run Windows 11 might be a good thing to do, but my current system is still humming along. Replacing a system is a real pain. For some reason the Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz processor that's in my machine isn't supported by Windows 11. Thank you for the pointers. Bill
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‎Dec 18, 2022
10:17 AM
Thank you for responding. Actually I had some incorrect information in my initial post. The only thing left on my D: drive are some fragments of stuff, some dlls, from Photoshop 2020 and no exe files. I’ve run CCleaner Pro on the Registry and don’t see anything that jumps out as something related to my main issue with Photoshop 2023. There were a lot of things flagged for Photoshop Elements Editor, but I don’t use that. I do use the Photoshop Elements Organizer which has been doing just fine – the Organizer and Editor come as a package. For Photoshop 2023 I don’t have any custom things that I’d lose if I uninstalled it and thoroughly cleaned out left over files. That will be my backup plan unless someone comes up with a step-by-step procedure to more easily address my need. Bill.
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‎Dec 18, 2022
09:20 AM
I've been trying to get my copy of Photoshop 2023 (Creative Cloud Program) installed on my D: drive rather than on my C: drive because I'm running short of space on my C: drive. I was successful many months ago in getting Photoshop 2022 installed on my D: drive and it's still there today. Photoshop 2023 is taking up 3.54 Gb of my C: drive and Adobe Bridge is consuming 7.14 Gb of my C: drive, this latter space may be tied up in a whole lot of thumbnails. I need that space back. In the Creative Cloud Desktop I have the Installation location set to D:\Program Files. That's where PS 2022 went, but for some reason when PS 2023 was relased and I updated to it, it went to C:\Program Files. The Creative Cloud Desktop is still showing D:\Program Files as the instalation path. Is my best or only option to uninstall Photoshop and then reinstall it with the hope that the bulk of the exe, dll, and other files end up in D:\Program Files. Or is there something in the installation script for PS 2023 that forces installation to the C: drive? I'm also a bit concerned that there may be stuff left over in the Windows 10 Registry that could be potentially part of the problem. With the installation of PS 2023, PS 2022 was not completely removed, although it is not accessible from the program start menu. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
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