Bill Junk
Bill Junk
‎Jul 19, 2022
10:11 AM
I recently received a generalized e-mail from the "Adobe Support Community" asking if any of the replies helpded me solve the problem I reported. The basic answer is NO, but I did get one suggestion to use Ccleaner to delete unnecessary files from my C drive. That did recover around 4 GB of space, but the Photoshop Elements Organizer continues to leave files in the AppData>Local>Temp directory. One response was essentially telling me that I shouldn't expect Adobe to do anything since there aren't a lot of people reporting the same issue. There was also another response that was a bit of an insult and chastised me fro even posting the issues since I had already found a workaround and no one else cares about the issue.
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‎Jul 10, 2022
11:47 AM
Glenn 8675309<>, I guess you're entitled to your personal opinion, but I can say that your comment was not friendly nor helpful so the fact that "you're done here" is good in my book. If you were in my position you probably wouldn't be thinking this is just a small molehill, but rather a continuing annoyance that makes one think seriously about finding another product that will work reliably and without undocumented side effects that one has to discover with extensive digging. Bill
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‎Jul 10, 2022
08:13 AM
Having over 40 years of experience in the hardware / software industry, I'd say this is a good example of what can happen when a developer just forgets to take care of removing files / data that's stored some place temporarily while the app is running. Usually files / data are temporarily stored in a safe "working" place while some operation is being performed. It could them be used for an "undo" operation or is there as a backup in case something failed. Files stored deep in the operating system's temporary storage space should not be left there indefinitely. Good programming practices whould ensure that when the application terminates, the program's design and implementation remove files / data that are stored for temporary purposes . If the files / data are needed for a subsequent exection of the app, then they should not be stored in a "temporary" file storage location. There's and "Adobe" folder in AppData>Local that could be used for such purposes. My C: drive is a 100 GB SSD supplemented by a 1 TB conventional data drive (D:). I also have a 4 TB conventional drive that is used for image storage and a 5 TB conventional drive for backup. Even if I did replace my computer with one that had a larger SSD, that wouldn't change the fact that Elements Organizer should not be leaving copies of my image files in places were I don't want them or I don't know they exist. No matter how large the drive, eventually it will get filled up with copies of files that I have stored elsewhere. As far as I know there is no way for a user of the Organizer to access the files stored in the Temp directory from a feature in the Organizer. You might be able to argue that what the Organizer is doing won't be an issue for most users of Photoshop Elements who might have a few hundered to a thousand small jpg files in their collection. I'm now approaching 100,000 images and a large percentage of them were made with Nikon digital cameras, the D700, D800, and D850. While I could switch over to using Lightroom I've never really liked it and prefer the approach used in Adobe Camera Raw and the layered features of the full version of Photoshop CC.
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‎Jul 09, 2022
03:59 PM
Glen, I've been deleting the unwanted jpg, tif, and nef files from that directory for years. I'm getting tired of doing that and I don't think that is something that a user should have to do - clean up after a program leaves stuff where it shouldn't. Most of my image files are in the range of about 40 to 50 MB each. I've had 10 to 20 GB of files accumulate there and one time it caused Windows to issue a serious warning that it was running out of space for the OS. That's when I spent a lot of time figuring out where all my C: drive space was going. Bill
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‎Jul 09, 2022
12:25 PM
When adding a tag to an image, Photoshop Elements Organizer 2022 makes a copy of the image file in C:>Users>[my user name]>AppData>Local>Temp and does not remove the file from this location when the Organizer is closed. This results in a large accumulation of files in this Temp directory that can significantly affect the amount of available storage on the C: drive. This problem requires the user to manually delete the file(s) from the directory. If deletion is not done Windows 10 will eventually display a critical warning about low available disk space .This has been a problem with the Elements Organizer for many years. I wish someone would fix it.
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‎Dec 14, 2021
06:37 PM
I just spent about 15-20 minutes removing dark spots using the Spot Healing Brush from a rephotographed (digitized) 35 mm slide. When I zoomed out with the mouse wheel, the system did a moderately hard crash. At the time, Outlook and Bridge plus Photoshop were running, plus what ever Window thinks needs to be running. Photoshop blanked out its entire window and nothing was left enabled. It also over wrote the outlook window. I was able to kill Outlook by clicking in the location where the "X" in the uppr right location was located, but it was not visible. The command line was not visible and would not allow me to bring up the Task Manager with a right click in the area where the command line is normally located. Ctrl-Alt-Del would not restart Windows. I finally had to shut off power and restart that way. All my work was lost. On start up Windows gave me a couple short messages about doing an update. I'm not sure about why that happened, since I had not been given any notice of pending updates. I had previously installed the only update available which was an optional one. The one thing that seems to be common about the occurrences of the problem I'm reporting is that the crash seems to happen on edits that involve a large number of Spot Healing Brush actions, likely more than the upper limit set for Undos. Maybe there's a memory management problem with Undo -- but it's just a guess.
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‎Dec 14, 2021
02:41 PM
I've installed it. I now just need to spend enough time editing digitized version of old slides to see if the problem has vanished or is still there.
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‎Dec 13, 2021
08:01 AM
1 Upvote
I haven't been doing as much editing this past week. I have not seen the problem for several days now. The problem could be due to a memory use conflict that is dependent on where various programs and / or dlls get loaded.
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‎Dec 06, 2021
06:15 AM
1 Upvote
All the recommended updates are installed. When I just checked there is an optional quality update available. When I get time I'll install it. As far as the problem I'm having is concerned it was not happening a week or two ago so it's appearance is quite recent. There have been a number of Photoshop updates released in the last couple of months.
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‎Dec 06, 2021
06:01 AM
It's a Logiteck M720. I have not found any technical details but reviews suggest it is a good choice for office uses. Appears to not be a good choice for gaming.
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‎Dec 06, 2021
05:15 AM
Options in the View menu work as expected. I'm not a keyboard shortcut user so I don't know about what might happen there, but my suspicions are that they would work just fine because they will generate a single resizing reqest. I really think the heart of the problem is related to the rapid sequence of view scaling requests that take place with the mouse wheel. One interesting aspect is that it does not happen when zooming in, only when zooming out. To fill in the picture a bit more, I start my editing session with Bridge, do some initial changes to the image in Adobe Camera Raw, then I tell ACR to open the image in Photoshop. I may just save the file to another format or may make minor to major edits in Photoshop before saving the file. I did find that the zooming problem happened much more frequently with images I had made significant changes to in ACR as well as significant changes to in Photoshop. After I made my initial bug report to the community page I moved on to images that were only minimally altered in ACR and Photoshop. On my last set of these images Photoshop zoomed out using the mouse wheel without a problem. Throughout my time editing yesterday, Windows was not restarted, nor was Bridge restarted. However, Photoshop was restarted several times, each after experiencing the problem and each time the problem was eventually observed again. I suppose it could be related to subsequent invocations of Photoshop, possibly a memory leak or some other obscure combination of events. The files that I begin my editing with are Nikon camera raw files -- .nef format from a D800.
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‎Dec 06, 2021
04:56 AM
If that's the case then the qualification team needs to be more thorough in testing the release before it's made available to the community.
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‎Dec 05, 2021
08:07 PM
1 Upvote
I'm using Photoshop Version 23.0.2 to edit some old digitized slides. I use the wheel on my Logitech mouse to zoom in. That works as expected. I then use the Spot Healing Brush to remove dust, scraches and other "junk". When I spin the mouse wheel in the other direction to zoom out, the screen freezes for a few seconds, then overlays the zoomed in view with a partial view of an intermediate size image. When I then place the mouse pointer over the application options listed at the top of window some of the item text will disappear, but the item function is still available. Most of the time I'm able to do a File>Save As after the problem occurs. My suspicions are that as I rapidly send signal from the mouse wheel to zoom out, Photoshop gets behind in responding and eventually has a problem with memory management or over wrights a section of data or code. I have had a couple instances that resulted in the application crashing and being terminated by Windows. If I spin the mouse wheel at about 1 click per second, Photoshop is able to keep up. I'm running Windows 10 with all updates installed. A screen shot is attached.
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‎Mar 25, 2021
08:59 AM
There were copies of .jpg files, .tif files, .nef and .xmp files. At times there were several hundred of them and it used up most of the remaining space on my SSD C-drive causing Windows to give me a critical storage warning. Once I figured out where all my free space had gone, I made it a routine step of my process to go check for these files and delete them.
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‎Mar 16, 2021
03:40 PM
When I do a "Save MetaData to File" operation, Photoshop Elements Organizer places a copy of the file in C://Users/[user]/AppData/Local/Temp/ and does not delete it. Over time this begins to consume a lot of disk space, expecially when I'm working with .tif and raw files. Fortunatele Windows does warn me when the C: drive is running low on space. This has been happening now for many months and the first time I ran low on C: drive space it took quite a bit of time to figure out where the free space had gone. Please fix this ASAP.
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‎Jan 10, 2021
09:59 AM
Recently I've been learning a little bit about editing videos in Photoshop, but my skills are very basic at this point. I have some old Hi8 video tapes that I've converted to MP4 files with the StarTech USB3HDCAP. These were camera tapes so a little bit of editing is called for to make them more presentable. For a couple of the files Photoshop only recognizes the first few seconds from the beginning of the video file, placing that timy segment in the time line. None of the remaining video is accessible. The MP4 files are quite large, the most recent one to give me trouble is over 17 GB. These files that are giving Photoshop trouble play fine in a couple of the video players on my Windows 10 system, so I know the files are complete. They will also load in a stripped down Movavi Video Editor that came with a different video digitization solution. I would edit with it, but it doesn't allow MP4 output. The other problem happens after I've done some cutting of dead sections of the recording, then stacked the good parts end-to-end on the timeline. Then I Render the edited file, saving it as an MP4. What I've seen a few times is that part way through playback of the edited file, the frames may start to "junp" or "jiggle" with a solid blue frame popping in and out. The blue frame is probably the first frame of the original video. Other times I've seen the ghost of what's probably the first frame of the recording blended somewhat transparently with the frames I'm viewing later in the recording, which of course makes the entire recoding useless. Any thoughts about either of these issues?
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‎Nov 20, 2020
12:36 PM
1 Upvote
I don't like the way the current version of ACR applies previous settings. As is it is essentially useless to me because it applies EVERYTHING that was altered during the prior ACR use. This includes obscure and image unique things like "Geometry" settings and not quite so obscure "Cropping" settings. I'm currently working my way through hundreds of files created during rephotographing of old 35 mm slides. If "Apply Previous Settings" only applied the things that were set in the "Basic" tab it would be useful and I could make needed adjustments quickly. But every image has a different cropping and I don't want the cropping from the previous image applied (nor any other settings that might have been altered in other tabs). What I'd really like ACR to do is allow the user to specify what controls are included when "Apply Previous Settings" is selected.
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‎Sep 29, 2020
02:54 PM
I was able to solve the problem by repairing the Creative Cloud app and then installing Photoshop 21.2.4. Things seem to work but I have not done an extensive test. FYI the Windows version is 1909 (OS Build 18363.693)
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‎Sep 29, 2020
06:57 AM
The Photoshop v 21.2.4 update failed. I retried and it failed again. No error code displayed. OS is Windows 10 Pro. The previous installation has been totally eliminated.
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‎Sep 16, 2020
12:24 PM
My reply to the message that preceeded yours basically applies here too. Thank you for taking the time to give me an idea.
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‎Sep 16, 2020
12:23 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you for your suggestion. I did try a variation of this that produced better results than simply using the Dust & Scratches filter on the entire image of the Background layer. I'm not very experienced with blend modes and often find them a bit mysterious. What I did do was make a copy of the background layer, then used the Dust & Scratches filter on it to remove the majority of the smaller dark spots. After that I used the Spot Healing Brush Tool on the duplicated layer to remove larger defects. When the duplicated layer was cleaned to my satisfaction I then set the blend mode to Lighten which brought back some of the finer details that were "fuzzed out" by the Dust & Scratches tool. The results were substantially better than what I had previously done with the Spot Healing Brush Tool because more of the small inperfections were removed while still keeping most of the detail. I'm not exactly sure why or how it worked but if I proceed with this method on other seriously degrades images it will save me a lot of time. As far as adding a layer mask goes, there are so many black spots randomly distributed, fairly densely, over the entire image that painting on the mask would seem to be just as much work as using the Spot Healing Brush (unless I don't fully understand your idea).
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‎Sep 16, 2020
12:10 PM
1 Upvote
This was an interesting and well done YouTube video, but a bit beyond my level of understand. So I haven't ventured in this direction to see if there's potential. Thank you for making the suggestion.
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‎Sep 13, 2020
11:22 AM
1 Upvote
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a "slick" (or comparatively easy) way to remove 100s of dust or damaged emultion spots from 35 mm Kodachrome slide scans. Actually they are not strictly scans but rather I'm working with RAW files produced by re-photographing the original slide with a slide copy attachment on my Nikon. The slides were cleaned with a soft brush before being re-photographed, so the spots are really in the emulsion layers and not on the surface. I can do the slides that aren't too badly degrades with the Spot Healing Brush tool. Ones where there are litterally 100s if not a thousands spots take way too long to do with this tool. Using the Dust & Scratches filter is a possible option but I find that most of the time getting rid of the dark spots causes a lot of collateral damage to the image. What I'd like to find is a way to isolate the dark spots maybe as a separate layer and then use them in some way to tell Photoshop to replace the dark spots with the surrounding color. Any ideas? Is it even possible? I can think of a relative straightforward way to design a filter algorithm to do this, but unfortunately Adobe has not done it (as far as I know).
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‎Aug 17, 2020
01:50 PM
I'm looking for some help in figuring out how to selectively copy files from a large structured archive (lots of file folders and about 80K photo) to a single destination folder. The number of files to be copied is probably around 200. I want to select the files to be copied based on a specific value that will apprear in some of the files' Keyword EXIF data. I have a copy of ExifTool but it's been a long time since I've used any Unix-like command line stuff. I think ExifTool can do this but am not sure. Any help would be appreciated.
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‎Dec 15, 2019
11:36 AM
At times when I'm using Adobe Camera Raw I will get a message indicating that my GPU has encountered an error and the Adobe app must disable it. There's no real identifiable pattern to the failure that I can see. ACR 12.1 is being initiated from Adobe Bridge. I'm running Windows 10 with all updates installed and the latest version of the Adobe CC programs. My graphics card is a NVDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB.
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‎Nov 05, 2019
02:40 PM
Yesterday (11/4/19) I installed the new releases of Photoshop, Bridge, and Camera Raw. All looked good at first. Today, during about a 2 hour period, I've experienced 3 "crashes" of my GPU. This happens rather unpredictably. When it does happen there a message box that appears saying that there's a problem with the GPU. When I click on the button another message box appears. When I click the button on that box, the box is removed and the same box displayed again. It's an endless loop which requires using the Task Manger to terminate Bridge. On the most recent crash I was cropping an image in Bridge when things went wrong. My OS is Windows 10 with all updates installed. My computer is an HP Envy 750-597c with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB gpu.
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‎Nov 04, 2019
05:41 PM
I resorted to that method to adjust the time. What bothers me is that PSE Organizer has changed the original time in my .NEF files. In my opinion, the Nikon raw files should never be altered in that way. The original shot time should only be changed if I tell some app to change it, not done spontaniously and unannounced. At a minimum it's bad behavior of the program and more likely a design oversight resulting in a defect.
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‎Nov 02, 2019
02:37 PM
I recently returned from a trip to Hawaii. On my way over to the islands I set the clock in my Nilon D850 to HST (Hawaiian Standard Time) which is UTC-10 hours and 4 hours earlier than in Boise, ID where I live. Boise is on MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). I imported my images from the trip using Elements Organizer 2019. From a visual check of the images the import looked successful. It was a few days later after I had imported some photos from my cell phone when I noticed the Nikon images had times that were 4 hours later than the times shown on a cell phone picture taken in the same location at roughly the same time. So for some reason the Nikon images have been modifed so that their time is MDT not HST. The modified time also appears in Adobe Bridge. To confirm there was an issue I took the SD card and looked at the meta data usin exiftool. Exiftool shown many different fields that had the correct HST time and no times that were MDT. My camera GPS unti also recorded the correct time in UTC. That makes me confident the original images and their meta data are correct. Something has spontaneously changed the IMPORTANT time fields to the time at my home location. That's definitely not desired. All the Nikon images are NEF files. I'm running on a Windows 10 system with all updates installed. There are a couple things that I remember: (1) I think this was an issue in a version of Organizer several years ago and to the best of my knowledge it was fixed or disappeared, and (2) I thought I had made this post a day or two ago, but I can't find it in the Community, nor do I see it associated with my account. I have had no responses so far.
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‎Aug 07, 2019
11:52 AM
For another strange reason the update worked today. Problem appears to be solved.
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‎Aug 06, 2019
08:36 PM
Sahil, Thank you for responding. I tried what you suggested and it installed another copy of Bridge (version Rather strange, I think. Neither version will update when I go to the Help dropdown and ask for updates. Bill
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