‎Dec 17, 2020
09:38 AM
I have a layer with a ball. I added a paint stroke. I want to clone that paint stroke to another layer. The clone does clone the ball in the second layer, but the paint stroke from the first layer does not clone onto the second layer. It is a blank stroke. Any idea what is wrong or how to implement the clone? Thanks.
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‎Sep 23, 2020
06:35 AM
If I want a 3 photo panorama ,the center shot being at a 45 degree angle up from the horizon, how do I adjust the left and right shots in order to maintain as much of each shot as possible? Do I rotate the right 1 clock-wise and the left counter clockwise? Do I alter the 45 degree tilt of the center shot to get the left and right shots? Seems I lose too much when I shoot them all the same, with only the pan able to move left to right. There's a geometry problem underlying this it seems. Thanks.
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‎Sep 16, 2020
08:09 AM
I'm trying to use the Clone operation, and when I do the clone works (the newly painted over area is indeed cloned) until I release the mouse button, then I get a flicker of some sort and the clone area is returned to its original state. The Erase and Paint brush operations work fine. How could the Clone operation be different than those and not work? And yes, I know how to use the Clone tool. [Solved it. Duration has to be set to Single Frame.] Thanks.
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‎Sep 15, 2020
06:18 AM
Yeah, that's what I do. Still doesn't work.
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‎Sep 14, 2020
05:13 PM
I'm trying to use the Clone operation, and when I do the clone works until I release the mouse button, then I get a flicker of some sort and the clone area is r4eturned to its original state. The Erase and Paint brush operations work fine. How could the Clone operation be different than those and not work? Thanks.
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‎Aug 31, 2020
10:01 AM
{Animation does work now. No idea why. ] I'm trying to export a video with alpha channel, but it can't be an AVI file (tho AVI does export the alpha channel properly). I can't seem to find a way to export anything else, including quicktime. I tried the Animation option, but the alpha is lost. I checked the RGB + alpha. No dice. Is there anyway to do a different format than AVI? Thanks.
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‎Aug 02, 2020
09:30 AM
The mov file only says trillions of colors, and unlike the green logo, it does not also say, (straight). So it's the video that has no alpha channel? It's odd that when I import the same video into Davinci Resolve, the alpha channel is there, and the mov file has the transparent sections. I just tried to import a video that I know worked previously to no avail. However, when I create a video in AE, export, then import, the transparency is in fact there. Can't figure out why the previously usable mov file is no longer working. Btw, I tried all Interpret Alpha options. Thanks.
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‎Aug 01, 2020
04:22 PM
For some reason I cannot import a video with a transparent background. The alpha channel is lost. It was working. No special setting is needed for such a video file, right? What could be happening? Thanks.
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‎Jul 29, 2020
01:03 PM
so there is no way to move a shape or mask as a whole, instead of point by point? I could track, but it's not an easy 1. I'd be happy moving a shape by hand as things don't move much.
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‎Jul 29, 2020
10:59 AM
I have an object in a layer that moves. I want to remove (cover up) the same section of that object. The object is always in the same orientation and size, it just moves up and down and left and right. I thought of using a mask, but I seem to have to move the individual nodes of the mask as the object moves in order to stay on the same section to be blockde. is there an easier way to do this? Thanks.
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‎Jun 27, 2020
12:16 PM
For unknown reason, now when I render my project 1 of the layers disappears (isn't seen in the after-rendering). I see it in the preview window. I don't know that I did anything. It's a layer with clone stampings and erasures. I emptied the cache and did a solo track rendering. Nothing. I see a hashtag in the layer name on only that layer. Not sure if related. Thanks. [it was indeed the hashtag]
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‎Jun 27, 2020
11:46 AM
I'm trying to use the clone stamp from 1 frame to another. It's onto a transparent area. When I do it in the layer's preview window, the clone result is seen. When I click back to the main project window, that result is not there. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
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‎Jun 11, 2020
07:35 AM
I have 2 projects. I auto-alligned all layers independently in both. Works fine. But when I duplicate the 1 set of layers to move them the other project and I try to auto-allign, it fails. I tried locking the layers but that didn't work. Why would allign fail when combinng 2 sets of layers that are alligned before-hand? Thanks.
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‎May 03, 2020
11:30 AM
Yes, I deselect all but 1. I locked the desired base layer, yet it still changed when I tried to auto-allign with a new layer.
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‎May 03, 2020
10:44 AM
I have some photos I want to auto-allign. 5 are done. When I add a few more photos and auto-allign, I lose some of the manual work I had to do in the first 5 to get them precisely alligned. Those original 5 are changed in the auto-allign process. I want them to be left unchanged. Is there a way to use 1 image as the basis for auto-allign? That the new images are alligned to it without changing the basis image? Thanks.
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‎Apr 23, 2020
10:48 AM
It is happening only in 1 project. I do have about 300 paint strokes and 400 clone painting strokes, but they are spread out over the 1 minute video. It seems just to take forever to display 1 frame to the next. The frames where it happens seem to only have 4-5 strokes per frame. Framew rate is 25/sec, size 444x250. Seems no crash logs.
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‎Apr 17, 2020
02:17 PM
I am trying to paint on a layer. Wehn i double click on it and get the window view where I paint, the blue bar under it (render) gets stuck. Then it goes berzerk and flashes Sometimes that blue busy circle stalls and I have to re-boot AE. I do have about 100 strokes on the layer. My Cache is clear, hard drive and memory and CPU and GPU are not taxed. Why would this happen? Thanks. System Specs: W10 Pro, 64 Intel i7 6700K; MSI Z170A Gaming M3; G.SKILL TridentZ Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAMl MSI GeForce GTX 1050
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‎Apr 15, 2020
12:56 PM
I want to speed up my clip 4-fold. I tried both re-mapping and strecth, and both give some weird artifacts (e.g. an object has a duplicate just off-center). I have pre-compiled everything. Any ideas? Thanks.
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‎Apr 13, 2020
10:50 AM
Ah, under Channel. Thanks.
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‎Apr 13, 2020
09:07 AM
How do I apply an Invert Effect on the pre-composed layer?
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‎Apr 13, 2020
08:40 AM
How do I reverse it so the transparent area within the keyed area is swapped with the area outside the key thus making the area inside visible and the outside area transparent? I see no inverse option. Thanks.
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‎Apr 01, 2020
07:04 AM
I have a mask, and its parameter values (path, feather, opacity) are in red and can't be changed. Any ideas why? Thanks.
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‎Mar 28, 2020
12:45 PM
I accidentally closed the main comp's timeline tab. How do I get it back? I have other comps' tabs, but not the main 1. Thanks.
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‎Mar 10, 2020
06:24 PM
i'm trying to crop a video where the area of interest changes in position and size. Everything I tried left some edges that should be cropped actually visible (the border of the cropping moves away from the edge as I move the mask). I tried vignetting but could move it. What's the best way to do this, me being a newbie with masks/mattes? thanks.
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‎Mar 09, 2020
09:41 AM
Any ideas?
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‎Mar 08, 2020
02:59 PM
What do you mean both the layers? I'm talking about 1 layer to speed up with its matte, so not sure what you mean.
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‎Mar 08, 2020
01:54 PM
Only after I used Mocha to create a matte on a layer did I realize I need the layer to be twice as fast. I tried pre-comping that layer, but I still get the same error - the matte does not track now in proper time with the sped up layer. Is there any solution to this? Thanks.
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‎Feb 29, 2020
07:20 AM
I have 40 layers with an object in the corner for all of them. It does not move. Nothing in the frames moves except a part of a different corner. Is there a way I can erase a non-moving object/area for all 40 frames without doing them 1 by 1 by hand? A mask? I created a mask, but have tried ALT and/or Ctrl and drag to copy it to the next layer but not working. Thanks.
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