‎May 26, 2019
12:26 PM
1 Upvote
actually looks like Lightroom does it in 1 click; I have 50 photos so it seems Photoshop would be time-consuming
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‎May 25, 2019
10:07 AM
I have a sequence of images where in some it is cloudy so the light is low, while some were in the sun. Is there a way to match the exposure in them? Thanks.
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‎May 08, 2019
12:46 PM
Sorry, but I can't see any choice for paint duration. I typed paint in the Effects panel in upper right, and looked in the Paint panel underneath it. Can you say why I am not seeing any such option? Thanks.
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‎May 08, 2019
11:13 AM
Yeah, pre-comp got me. Thanks! Btw, is there a way to paint just 1 frame at a time, instead of having each paint stroke extend to the end, by default? I have to keep pulling back the paint stroke from all the way to the end, to just 1 frame.
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‎May 08, 2019
10:34 AM
I'm having an issue. The top layer, which is a PNG that I animate through Transform key frames, seems locked in at 1 position and will not animate anymore. I can see both layers and paint, but the PNG isn't changing. Any idea why? Thanks.
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‎May 08, 2019
06:26 AM
once I am done with the pre-comp, can I get the top layer back to being a regular individual layer, not in some pre-comp status?
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‎May 08, 2019
06:12 AM
I'm not sure that's what I need. The bottom is a reference, but also the top layer I am painting on needs to be visible while painting on it. So I need to see both layers at the same time while painting only on the top. Is that different from what you said? Thanks.
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‎May 08, 2019
05:56 AM
I need to paint on 1 layer out of many. I need the layer below it in order to guide where to paint. It seems to paint you have to do it by double clicking it and it appears as a single layer. So how can I use the layer beneath it to paint on the 1 above it? Do I have to permanently combine the 2 layers in order to do this? Thanks.
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‎May 04, 2019
07:09 AM
When I copy a layer from another project into the current 1, edit, then merge down (the copied layer to the current 1), something odd happens. The image sequence seems to skip over a layer or 2 when scrolling through the layers, and even jump backwards. Often the layer that was combined stays visible (that eye icon is on) as i scroll down the layers. I've tried it multiple times. Any idea what is happening when merging a copied layer from another project into the current 1?
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‎May 03, 2019
06:29 AM
Is it possible to copy something in 1 layer to another, without the pasting creating a third layer all its own? Thanks
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‎May 02, 2019
09:49 AM
https://www.dropbox.com/s/v2e2vzuh9skor4c/time%20lapse.psd?dl=0 Hope this works. There is nothing special about this file. There is a solution to my problem. If I export the layers at 30fps, I get all the frames, even tho it's a 24fps file. Unless there is some default setting I am missing, it's hard to believe this could be a bug with Photoshop, but I see nothing to say otherwise. Thanks.
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‎May 02, 2019
08:28 AM
how do I provide the file on here?
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‎May 02, 2019
08:06 AM
Hopefully you can download it. It is at 24fps. When I render, 105 frames are changed to just 84 (80%). Seems something is making it 30fps. Not sure if when importing it to Photoshop a rate is set?
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‎May 01, 2019
04:09 PM
No solution?
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‎May 01, 2019
08:41 AM
I tried 15 and others. It always yields 80% of the frames.
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‎Apr 30, 2019
08:41 AM
Did that. Same 73 frames are output, not 93. Tried loading a video which was at 24fps. 105 frames. Rendered with proper duration. Result - 84 frames = 80% of original count.
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‎Apr 30, 2019
08:36 AM
I set the duration to 0.0417 second per frame in order to get 24fps. Again, I get only 73 frames. I'm using CS6 on Windows 10. Thanks.
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‎Apr 30, 2019
07:47 AM
[a re-post as I didn't get an answer and now can post more specifically] I have a series of 93 PNG files. I loaded them into Photoshop. Later I wanted to render them out. As shown, I chose the 24fps option, as that was the frame rate of the 93 files previously and what I need. However, only 73 PNGs are output, not 93. Interestingly 73 / 93=80%, which also equals 24fps/30fps. Seems more than a coincidence. I tried again with another series, and again, only 80% of the total number of PNGs were output. If I output using the Export Layers to Files (under Scripts) all PNGs are output. That process tho takes 45 minutes for 93 files. Any idea why PS is not rendering all my layer/PNGs? Thanks. {Thread renamed by moderator}
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‎Apr 29, 2019
02:22 PM
The frame rate everywhere is 24fps. Just did it again to test all settings. 93 PNGs imported, but then Render Video set to 24fps only produces 73 PNG images. By the way, that ratio matches the ratio of 24fps / 30fps. But 30 fps is never used. I set output to 24fps for the 93 layers I just tried using, under Scripts, Export Layer to Files, and all 93 are output. But that takes 45 minutes. Any ideas why Render does not work?
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‎Apr 27, 2019
04:20 PM
I imported 93 TIFF files (which were created elsewhere from a 24fps video). I edited the TIFFs, and now want to render them out as a sequence of PNGs using Photoshop Image Sequence. All 93 are each in a unique layer. I set the output render to use all frames and produce 93 PNGs. But only 74 are output, for no reason visible. Any idea what could cause this? Thanks. Message was edited by: Akash Sharma
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‎Apr 26, 2019
07:45 PM
Did the trick. Thanks!
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‎Apr 26, 2019
07:30 PM
Looks like Standard.
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‎Apr 26, 2019
07:10 PM
CS6 and Windows 10. No, no sequence option.
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‎Apr 26, 2019
04:48 PM
I'm trying to import a sequence of TIFF files (named sequentially) and I see no option for sequence. I also have my media in the form, MOV, with alpha channel, and tried the Video Frames to Layers option. But it is giving me an error too. Any ideas? I can't convert the MOV to MP4 as I lose the alpha channel. [found a way to convert the TIFs to PNGs. But I see no option to import a sequence] Thanks.
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‎Apr 15, 2019
11:16 AM
I have a 100-frame sequence in which I want to add bright reflections in the middle areas of a pair of lips. I am able to track the lips in After Effects and get tracking data fairly well, though the lips a few times change in perspective so it is not perfect. Given that, what is the best way to add the brightness to, say, frame 1? And then how do I apply that to all the other frames/video? Btw, dodging doesn't seem to work well. Thanks.
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‎Apr 11, 2019
06:29 AM
So I only have to do that from 1 side, and both sides will increase the same amount (same distance) from the same center?
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‎Apr 11, 2019
06:18 AM
I have a tracked object that moves around and rotates in various ways in a video clip. I need to make the object slightly wider. If I change the scale value under the transformation property, the object does get bigger but its center moves. I want it to be made wider without changing the center of the object. Do I have to carefully move the handles of that framing rectangle that surrounds the object (don't know the term) the same amount from the left and right? Seems there should be an easier and more precise way. Thanks.
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