‎Apr 02, 2019
08:45 AM
1 Upvote
When I first open the Timeline window, the layers are already in it. As is, I can play it, and export as video and it seems to be working. The video is in fact 2 frames long. So am I set? Also, if I have 50 layers, do I have to manually click on each frame in the timeline and make sure only its corresponding layer is seen? So do it 50 times? [actually, I think I'm all set. I think I was missing the timeline panel holding the layers/frames]
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‎Apr 02, 2019
08:24 AM
pfaffenbichler my "didn't work" comment was not to you. Following your method, I have all the frame in the timeline window and when I play it plays as a video. But "make frames from layers" is greyed out. I also didn't see where Create Frame Animation is. Thanks.
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‎Apr 02, 2019
07:20 AM
Can this be done in Photoshop? I have tried to select all layers, then render, in progressive, upper first, and lower first orders, but it only renders the top layer. Thanks.
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‎Apr 01, 2019
05:06 PM
The adjustment layer applies to all images (layers of a face in motion), and I currently I have just 1 layer with the adjustments as the top layer. How do I merge the adjustment layer for each layer of the face?
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‎Apr 01, 2019
05:00 PM
Will try to be more explicit. In Photoshop, you can add adjustment layers to a base image to edit said image. I actually have a sequence of images of a face. I want to apply the same curve adjustment layer to the entire sequence of face images (layers). So they are all brightened by the same amount. In AE, I import this sequence of images via the Photoshop PSD file. So all the face images are in AE. However, the curve adjustment layer that brightens them is not applied. So my question is, how do I import those 10 face images with the curve adjustment layer applied to all? Hope that is clearer.
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‎Apr 01, 2019
02:36 PM
I have 10 layers in photoshop which all have the same curves and hue layers applied to all. So those curves/hue layers are at the top of the layers. But when I import them into AE, those curves/hue layers effects are not applied. How do I apply the curves/hues effects to those layers when imported into AE? Thanks.
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‎Mar 16, 2019
06:08 AM
I think I got it. So I do all the time warp work, then at the end use time re-map once to extend the entire layer? Seems cumbersome to have to use 2 features, but sounds like time re-map is a quick step. Thanks.
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‎Mar 15, 2019
07:08 PM
I have a video clip where the first part should be played at full speed, then the rest at half. When I do that, some of the end of the clip is not rendered. How do I make sure the full clip is rendered after using timewarp? Thanks.
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‎Mar 13, 2019
10:12 AM
A bit confused. The drip is 15 layers, each with a PNG, 1 frame in length. So it's not 1 layer, but 15. How do I speed those up? Would that be the same as just removing every other PNG and putting them closer together? If so, that's not smooth enough. As for slowing the other layers down instead, having trouble there too. I have a base layer, a cone PNG, and the matte layer which sits on top of the drip. So I can't combine them into 1 layer, right? I need to put the drip under the matte layer. Do I precomp each individually and copy the time remap key frames to each? I guess not as that didn't work out. Still confused.
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‎Mar 13, 2019
08:03 AM
Thanks. Down to 1 last issue: So I have a 4 layer composition in which I would like to slow down 3 layers: Layer 1 - the background Layer 2 - a PNG of an ice cream cone animated from tracking data Layer 3 - a sequence of 15 PNGs, showing melted ice cream dripping down Layer 4 - mattes to put hand back over the ice cream cone, tho the dripping ice cream is never covered. The drip is too slow compared to the rest of the layers even when I set them as single frame PNGs. How do I slow down parts of Layers 1, 2, and 4 (the area around the drip)? Having some trouble. Thanks.
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‎Mar 12, 2019
01:33 PM
Having a problem with lining up the drip with the cone in AE. I have a drip still as a layer. In Photoshop the still of the drip is the same image and canvas size as the cone. In AE, I associated the drip with the tracking data for the cone. I also copied position, rotation, and scale from the cone to the drip still. I checked and all values are the same between the cone and the drip. But the drip is put in the upper left corner for some reason. I did import as a Photoshop composition, and dragged a layer into my AE project. The layer is shown to be a PSD layer. Does that need to be a PNG? If so, how do I do that? Thanks.`
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‎Mar 12, 2019
11:52 AM
I have a video with an ice cream cone still on a layer above the video. The still is animated through Mocha tracking data from an object in the original video. I want to add a drip of ice cream to the ice cream cone that requires 12 stills to make it look continuous. These stills will need the tracking data applied to them. I create these stills in Photoshop, with the cone on the bottom layer, then each layer above the cone has a longer and longer drip of ice cream, from no drip to all the way down. What's the best way to get these stills from Photoshop into AE, and can they all appear in 1 layer, or 1 layer per still? I also want each still to last 2 frames (i.e. 2/24 second in time). Thanks.
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‎Nov 30, 2018
02:14 PM
yes, I covered it over for privacy concerns.
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‎Nov 30, 2018
01:56 PM
Not sure what you mean on the nested comp/ There is nothing more to show. Anyway, will just do copy and paste, which I figured out works. Would have been nice to understand what is happening, but I guess I will just go with what works. Thanks.
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‎Nov 30, 2018
10:53 AM
I imported a project called bbb copy. Within that folder is the Composition, Raw 2T Back. I then dragged the composition Raw 2T Back down into the track window and the results are shown. Track 2 is this composition, but as you see no files within it. If I double click on the composition, Raw 2T Back, I get the video file and photo within this composition in their own, separate tab, as shown. I need that video and photo in the main project tab.
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‎Nov 30, 2018
10:14 AM
When I import the second project, am I to open the .aep file? It shows up then as a folder. Inside the folder is the composition. When I drag the composition to the tracks window, it shows as the composition, but with no sub-files within it. No access to the Mocha data. When I double click it, a separate tab opens for this comp. That's not what I am looking for. Also, unlike your screen, my main composition is not organized as a composition listing in the tracks window. Only all the files within the composition are listed.
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‎Nov 30, 2018
09:45 AM
I'm not sure what you mean.
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‎Nov 30, 2018
09:28 AM
I have a composition (a video track with Mocha effect) I want to import from another project into my main project. After I collect files and then import, I do get the composition and can click on it to open in the main project. However, that results in another, separate composition tab. I want to incorporate the video clip with its Mocha effect into the main composition tab, not separately as the 2 tracks will need mutual changes. But when I drag the video clip into a new main project track there is no Mocha effect along with it. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
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‎Nov 22, 2018
04:40 PM
doesn't work for me. are you using a mac? Do you have Mocha stand-alone? so I open AE, click on Animation/Track in Mocha; Mocha window pops up. From then on, it keeps me from clicking back onto AE. Why doesn't Mocha pop up when you click on Track in AE? What are you doing in the bottom right corner when you click on the Mocha icon? Is that there because you clicked on Track in AE? Thanks.
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‎Nov 22, 2018
03:30 PM
I can't get that to work. When I have Mocha open, I get locked out of AE. I try to click on it and I get that sound that there is no access. Not sure how to get what u have.
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‎Nov 22, 2018
01:48 PM
I launch Mocha from AE. Seems the only way back to AE is to close Mocha. Is there a way to go between the 2 without closing Mocha? Thansk.
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‎Nov 21, 2018
06:14 PM
Having bizarre errors in tracking with Mocha in AE. I did most of the tracking spline of an object in Mocha. I had to go back at various spots and edit the spline points to track better. Once I did that, all hell broke loose. Suddenly at odd frames the spline points scattered all over the place. I did not touch them. I merely moved points of the spline many frames away from any edit. So I go fix them, but that then causes other frames to have scattered spline points… It was then I checked the matte in AE and it at times jumps around, even though when I go to Mocha there seemed to be no problem with the spline. It’s a fool’s game to continue as every fix yields new problems. And unfortunately this is a complicated rotoscope that I spent hours on and don’t want to lose. So, how can an edit in a spline affect the spline 100+ frames away? And back in AE it looked like maybe the matte did not match the spline point for point, accurately. That could just be those points in Mocha jumping around, tho at the time I went to AE those points were likely fine. Thanks.
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‎Nov 19, 2018
07:36 PM
Thanks. It was when I tried to play the quick time file I got the error. That's why I wasn't sure if those options given in AE gave all do-able formats. i tried to play the video with VLC and WMP.
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‎Nov 19, 2018
06:50 AM
how do I find what codecs I have? Tried what you said, but it says Animation failed. Says it was encoded in a format not supported
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‎Nov 19, 2018
06:44 AM
So which codec to use? Which support transparencyThere are DVs and Intel ones and a few others. is quick time the only other video format?.
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‎Nov 19, 2018
06:32 AM
I was using the AVI output format (the default). So I should use RGB + alpha channel? I think Codec is set to none. Btw, the file size is huge. About 11GB versus about 140MB for the original. Quality I set to best.
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‎Nov 19, 2018
06:29 AM
I was using the AVI output format (the default). So I should use RGB + alpha channel? I think Codec is set to none.
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‎Nov 19, 2018
05:14 AM
I used a matte to make a certain area transparent. However, when i render it and then open it in another project, the transparency is lost. It is a black area that is not transparent. Howe do I maintain that transparency after rendering? Thanks.
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‎Nov 17, 2018
06:09 PM
CPU - i7 6700K Board - Z170A M3 Gaming RAM - G.SKILL TridentZ Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM OS - Windows 10 Pro GPU - MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Only 1 monitor. I get the error sometimes, sometimes not, with no clear change that would explain it.
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